AN: Ah, hello my little birdies! It seems like it's been a long time since I last uploaded a story on Fanfiction! Well, I'm thinking of wiping my account clean and starting from scratch~ So, yeah, that's all I have to say! Enjoy!~

Natalya walked in through the door of her shared apartment, feeling a bit depressed. You see, she was just at the wedding of her older brother, Ivan and his partner, Yao. She attempted to talk to the couple, but they kept on ignoring her. She also tried talking to the other guest, but they did the same. Natalya kicked off her shoes and noticed that the lights were on in the living room. Music floated from the said room and she slowly made her way there. She saw none other than her best friend, Alfred. Natalya would never admit, but she had feeling for the American.

"What are you doing up, idiot." She asked him. Alfred had his head buried in his hands and shot up when he heard her voice.

"Where were you?!" He asked. His tone was worried as he hugged the Belarusian. She pushed him off and crossed her arms.

"I was at a wedding." Her voice was cold and curt as normal.

"You could have at least told me! I was worried sick! You've been gone all day, left your cell at home, and didn't even leave a note!" Alfred was going to go on when he saw that she was staring at the floor, not even saying anything in her defense. "Natalya what's wrong?" He asked, pushing some of her hair back. She pushed him away again and shook her head, knowing that her voice would betray her.

"Natalya?" He asked again, getting worried. She never acted like this, and it was scaring him. All of the sudden, she lunged forward and hugged him. Alfred was a bit alarmed, but never the less, he hugged her back. "What's wrong?!"

"They ignored me…" She whispered, tears threatening to spill. "I tried talking to them, but they acted like I wasn't there…"

Alfred sighed, rocking the two of them back and forth. Then, he got an idea. He let go of her and bowed a little, extending his hand. "May I have this dance?"

"Alfred…" Natalya started but he didn't take no for an answer. He swept her away as they danced around the coffee table. At first, Natalya didn't get into it, but eventually, she was gave in and was giving a hint of a smile. When the song ended, Alfred looked down at the girl and gave a warm smile. Slowly, he tilted her chin up so that she was looking at him. He closed his eyes and leaned in, kissing her. She turned a bright red and froze. Alfred broke the kiss, his face slightly red. Natalya pushed him away so hard that he fell on his bum and darted out of the room and into hers. Alfred blinked, getting up and sighing.

"I ju- mph!" Natalya darted back into the room to give Alfred a kiss before going back and slamming her door shut. It took a minute, but then he laughed, going to turn off the radio.

"I think I just cheered her up…"