AN: Hello my birdies! I bring you a Frozen Fanfic! So! I don't have much to say other than this was written for my 2nd grade buddy! Enjoy~

Our Winter Wonderland

"Elsa… Elllssaaa!" Anna whispered, shaking her older sister. She couldn't sleep again, so she bugged her older sister.

"What is it, Anna?" Elsa asked, opening one eye.

"I can't sleep!~" Anna said, lying beside her sister. The eight-year-old giggled, opening both of her eyes and tapping the younger's nose.

"Alright, you got my attention. What do you wanna do?" Elsa asked Anna.

"Let's go play!" Anna said, getting up. She pulled on her sister's hand. They both went into the ballroom and Anna waited for Elsa. Elsa cast a sideways glance before stomping on the ground with one foot. An icy snowflake started to appear on the floor. It covered every inch on the ballroom floor. Anna's face lit up in excitement as she started skating around the room.

"Wait for me!" Elsa yelled, going after her sister. She made a snowball out of thin air and threw it at Anna.

"Hey! No fair!" Anna cried out. She went to the edge of the rink and grabbed some snow, throwing it back at Elsa. Soon enough, it had become a snowball war. Snowballs whizzed left and right. When the war was over, both Anna and Elsa were covered from head to toe! They shook themselves off and thought of what to do next. "Let's build a snowman!" Anna said. Every time that Elsa and her would play, they would build a snowman! Anna had given the silly snowman the name Olaf!

After an hour or so, the little ones were tired. "Anna, I think it's time we go to bed…" Elsa said, yawning. Anna just nodded, almost falling over! Elsa snapped her fingers and in an instant, the snow and ice disappeared in a glittery mist. The two of them returned to their room and flopped onto the beds.

"Goodnight Elsa." Called out Anna.

"Goodnight Anna." Elsa responded, falling asleep.