Disclaimer do not own Kim possible the oc characters are mine this is just for fun no money is made from this.
4The airport bus shuttle was not overly packed but it was busy enough that Hana and Rachel had to be quite close to gather. The trip from where that taxi doped them off to the airport was a short trip by the shuttle. They were both excited about this trip as it would be the first time that either of them had gone anywhere by themselves alone. The trip took about 10 minutes, Hana and Rachel got of the shuttle and headed into the airport they were both holding each other's hands. Making their way to the check in desk they were both great by a friendly young women in her late 20's with pink hair.
"Good morning where are you flying to" the airport check in girl asked with a warm smile.
"Good morning to you to, we're flying to metro city" it was Rachel that had replied to this but was very happy.
"That's nice, is it just the two of you that are flying out today" check in girl
"Yes it's just the two of us my brother is meeting us at the other end to pick us up" Hana replied
"Ok do you have your tricks and passport? The chick in girl asked falling into the routine of the job.
"Yes we do. Here you go" Rachel reached into her jacket pocket and took out the needed documents and hand them to the check in girl.
"Thank you, do you have any bags you want to check in" she asked
"Yes we both do" Hanna said
"Then Miss Wice have you packed this bag yourself, no one packed your bag for you, and it has not left your sight at any time" these are the usual security check in questions.
"Yes I packed the bag, no one else packed my bag, and it has been with me since we left the apartment this morning." Rachel replied to the check in girl.
Having do that she put her back on the conveyor belt watching as it was tagged and went off thought the airport back rooms to the plane. She was handed her boarding pass and pass port and wish a good trip. Next it was Hana's turn with the same questions and answers. Placing her bag and watching it get tagged and taken off to places unknown and getting her boarding pass and pass port back. Hana and Rachel next had to go through security
"Please have your passports and boarding pass ready for inspection" the officer at the first point of the security was asking. The crowed moved as one, as each person walked up and handed him their pass ports and boarding passes to be checked and verified. It was Hana and Rachel turn one by one they went the man very making more than a brief eye contact before looking back and the documents. Handing them back to them they then hand to but all there thing through the x ray machine, before going through the metal detector all the with all the security looking at every one suspiciously. Final they had made it through all the hurdles and where now in the main terminal waiting area.
"Would you like something to drink love" Hana asked Rachel as they were both rather thirsty.
"Yes please, Love would you get me a mountain dew please" Rachel ask taking one of the empty seats and waiting for the boarding call.
Hana went off and got them both a drink, opening her bottle to take a sip of her drink as she made her way back to her girlfriend and lover. Calling out to her Hana askes if it is ok to sit in her lap, taking a minute to decide Rachel can see that Hana is biting her lower lip in a nervous fashion. Smiling at Hana Rachel nods her head giving her permission for Hana to do so. Sitting down on Rachel lap Hana hands her the drink that she asked for.
Hana really tried to control herself and keep her PDA public displays of affection down as did Rachel, but she just could not help herself as Rachel loved really cute. Calling out softly and gently to Rachel to get her attention. "Rachel" as Rachel looked up at Hana and Hana gently cupped her face in her hands before leaning in to kiss her on the mouth. Rachel was a first surprised by this by then began to kiss back, they were both getting into the kiss. Rachel felt Hans's tongue gently pushing her lips asking for entrance into her mouth. Open her mouth Rachel felt Hana slip her tough into her mouth not wanting tease her lover Rachel start to use her tongue as well. The kiss get so good to the both of them that they could taste each other. Rachel wrapped her arms around Hana and they both began to wander their hands over each others bodies.
Will the two girls where making out an older women in her 50's was watching them dissected with what they were doing and made her way over to them. Clearing her throat to get their attention.
Hana and Rachel had their eyes closed as they were enjoying the kiss. Then they felt a presence and someone clearing their throat, reluctantly opening their eyes retracting their tongues and hands they brook apart.
" yes can we help you" Hana interrupted the women before see could say anything as she was feeling a little annoyed at being interrupted from the enjoyable kiss.
Taken a little back for the look as well as being cut off she looked and the both of them and could not help but think that they were two young for that sort of thing.
"Why yes you can dear. Can you tell me your names how old you are and where your parents are" she asked them both of them.
"My Name is Hana and she is Rachel, we are not going to tell you are sir names or how old we are that is just creepy. I how would you feel if you where younger and some old lady come and askes you your name and how old you are. You don't know that person at all she could be a paedophile that wants to take advantage of you are is looking to kidnap you to replace a child that she lost or killed. So as you can see why we don't want to give out any personal detail. As for where are parents are, we don't have any,"
Taken aback by the attitude of the young girls she thought that they would bow to her instead of this attitude, but she had dealt with children like this before.
" my name is Ms Strauss I work for the children and solical services, so you see it is my business. It is highly inappropriate for girls of any age to be doing what the two of you were doing. It is up to the parents to keep an eye on their children and if they cannot be responsible parents that it falls into my department. Now I will ask again what are your names and how old are you and where you're are parents." She finished with a smirk thinks that she had them.
Rachel turned to Hana and whispered in her ear to let her handle this, get a soft smile and a nod for her for the go ahead Rachel spoke up for them both.
"Like my girlfriend has already told my name is Rachel and this lovely in my lap is Hana we do not use are last names. We are old enough to know what we are doing. Look Ms Strauss you may be in charge of looking after children and all but we are quite chaable of looking after are selves' thank you very much. We may be younger than some people but we have been doing just fine on our own. Are parents are a non-entity as the both disowned us and kicked us out of their houses. We have been emancipated by the government and living by ourselves since. We both are under a government agency higher up than your. No we will not say and we cannot say the name either but you are starting to cause a scene now so please leave us be.
Hana was smirking as she listened to what Rachel was saying and was impress. Ms Strauss was not looking please at all.
"Well I never in all my years." Taking a few deep breaths to keep for yell as people were already looking at them. "We'll just see about that young lady, the two of you will be seeing me again." With that she walked off leaving the two girls alone.
"You know that she is going to try and but in and interfere with our live now." Rachel was contemplating what the women was going to do next. Hana deciding to say something on the matter "you know what Rachel, she can try all she wants but she will get nowhere fast. If she tries to push and interfere with our lives she will find it a lot harder than she thinks. Now enough of this we have a long holiday ahead of us with my brother. Speaking of which I had better phone him to let him know that we are at the airport and own are way soon." Giving Rachel a quick peck on the lips to cheer the both of them up Hana reached into jacket pocket a pulled out her phone. She pulled up Ron's number and listened as it rang three time before Ron answered the phone.
"Hi squirt what's up. How are the two of you doing?" Ron was smiling as he was talking to his sister she was the one thing that could do so now.
Huffing at his usual greeting for her Hana was smiling none the less." Hi big bro. we are in departures now just waiting for our flight is should be there on time. Just letting you know is all. Rachel and me are fine. Looking forward to spending the hols with you."
"Thanks for letting me know Hana, I will be at the airport to pick the both of you up. Yea I looking forward to spending two weeks alone with my little baby sister and her girlfriend oh the joy of it." Hana knew that Ron was teasing her as well as being sarcastic and not to take any offence buy what he said.
"The 9:00 flight mc225 to metro city is now boarding at gate 5 could all passengers for this flight please make your way to gate 5." Came over the intercom
"Ron we have to go that is our flight we will see you soon, love you" Hana was getting up out of Rachel's lap while say this to make their way to the gate.
"Ok Hana I will see the both of you soon and I love you too." Ron said with love
Switching of her phone and closing it Hana but the phone back into her pocket.
Both Hana and Rachel were holding hands the whole was to the boarding where the flight attendant look and their tickets and told them where their seat was. Both sat down with Hana having a window seat and Rachel the middle. The person that took the last seat was unfortunately MS Strauss looking quite displeased with situation herself.
After the taxi way and take off as well as the safety procedure Rachel was ready to take a little nap. Resting her head on Hana's shoulder and Hana running her finger gently though Rachel's hair as she slept.
It was and our and a half later that the plane touched down in metro city. Hana gently woke Rachel up and give her a kiss when she did. Unfasten their seat belts they headed towards the baggage clime and got the bags. Once outside they both saw Ron was waiting for them with a smile. Ms Strauss made her way over to them as well
"Hi guys glade that you made it all in one piece. Do you what a good flight." Ron was happy to see the both of them and was not surprised when the both pushing the cart hugged him in greeting,
"Hi Ron, the flight was ok not a lot to do you now, it good to be here" they both said as they give him a big hug.
"Excuse me but who are you three and what is your purpose for visiting metro city". A security personal asked look grumpy and mean.
"My name is Hana stoppable this, is Rachel Wice and that is my big brother Ron Stoppable. We are visiting my brother for the Easter vacation and are staying with him in metro city." Hanna just want to get out of the airport and starting spend the Easter vacation with Ron and Rachel.
"Very well then" came the gruff replied by the security personal made his way off to interrogate someone else.
See that Hana and Rachel were with someone older Ms Strauss made her way over to them.
"Excuse me sir but are you related to either of these girls" Ms Strauss was going to get answers and made them pay.
Hana was annoyed by this women and whispered in his ear just what had happed at the airport back in Middleton. Looking annoyed at what he was told Ron decided that the best thing was to just get rid of her.
"Ms Strauss is it. Well my name is Ron and this is my little sister Hana that you tried to interrogate at the airport of kiss her girlfriend. You may be able to bully other people but you will not be able to bully me. If you try to talk to or follow us then I will have you thrown in jail for stalking and harassment." With that she Ron turned away and was followed by Hana and Rachel out to the car.
Ms Strauss was fuming how dare they did they have no respect. She decided that when she got home that she was going to find out just who these people where and make them happy … suffer.
The ride to Ron's apartment was only about 45 minutes that they all enjoyed listing to the radio. At the apartment Hana and Rachel set their things in the second bedroom that Ron had. They all went out for lunch to see the sight and get a little tour round the city. Lunch was good them all have something light to eat. After dinner that night they settled down to watch a movie on the TV, Hana chose the movie that night. She chose to watch blue streak a comedy that she thought would give them all a good laugh. After the movie Hana and Rachel made their way to the bed both stripping off and falling asleep naked next to each other. They did not make love as they were both too tired from the events of the day.
The next morning Hana was the first to wake looking at Rachel she decided to give her something special to wake her up. Moving careful so as not to wake her she crept slowly down the bed till she was between Rachel's legs. Looking up she could she Rachel's clean shaven puss lips that were pink and wet. Smirking Hana made her way up till her face and lip were inches away from their target. Hana give Rachel's pussy lips a light kiss tasting her lover Hana dove right in and start to eat her out. Rachel was starting to moan out her orgasm was fast approaching has Hana worked her magical tongue in and out. Moving up a bit Hana brought her toung across Rachel's clit earn a gasp and a loud moan. Rachel's puss was now really wet and Hana was loving every minute of it. Lifting Rachel's legs up over her shoulders give Hana better access to Rachel's pussy. Hana smiled as she saw and heard Rachel's breathing and moaning increase that singled that she was getting close. Using her fingers Hana spread Rachel's pussy lips wider and delved her tongue in deeper. With the add stimulation Rachel's eyes shot open when she reached her climax and have her orgasm. Hana mouth and face was flooded by Rachel's cum. Pulling back and looking up at her lover Hana smiled and swallowed the liquid treat.
" that was great Hana love, and what a way to wake up" Rachel was smiling at the great wake up for her lover.
"No problem love. I love doing that for you. We should head to the shower and get ready for the day." Hana was already getting out of the bed and making her way to the shower completely naked and swaying her hip to entice Rachel.
"Minx" Rachel yelled after Hana, getting out of bed she too made her way to the shower deciding to pay back Hana for the great wake up.
Hana was already in the shower and hand it warmed up when Rachel joined her. Pressing her breast into Hana's back Rachel give Hana a kiss on her neck.
Reaching her hands round Hana, Rachel started to run her hands over Hana body. She cupped and groped Hans's c cup breasts and felt the nipples harden at her touched. Hana was loving what was happening to her and was moaning out in pleasure at what Rachel was doing to her, her breath was getting fast to.
Leaning in breath in Hana's ear Rachel whispered "you love this don't you Hana love. You love having my hands all over you sexy body. You love me fucking your brains out. You love what I do to you don't you. You want me to make you feel even better that this?" giving Hana a little nipple on her ear lope.
"Yes Rachel I love your hands all over my body they make me feel so good. God yes I love you fucking me and I love fucking you to. Yes I love what you do to me as much as I love what I do to you. Please don't stop I want you to make me feel so good that I can't think straight. I want my big brother to know just what you are doing to me right now, I love you so much Rachel." Hana was moaning and panting as she said this but she meant every word and that showed in how much she was devoted to Rachel.
Rachel smiled as she heard Hana's confession and the devotion to her. "As you wish my love, I love you to Hana" with that hand trailed her hands down Hana's body till she hand her fingers between Hana's legs. Hana breath hitched as she felt Rachel's hands there and let out a loud moan when Rachel slipped her fingers inside Hana's out lips and stared to finder her slowly at first then getting faster. She would occasionally run or pinch Hana's clit while her other hand was needing Hana's breasts and nipple repeating the same acting. It was not long before Hana become undone and yell out that she was Cumming. Rachel knew that Hana was getting close when her breathing and moaning increased and well as her getting hotter, wetter and Hana's inner walls tightening around Rachel's fingers. Rachel was rewarded when Hana climaxed on her hand. Giving her a minute Rachel brought her hand to her mouth to taste Hana. That hand not been the only thing Rachel hand been grinding her pussy into Hana's back the whole time and came was well. Both of them took a few minutes to catch their breath. Hans spun around and kissed Rachel firmly on the mouth slipping her tongue into her mouth. Rachel returned the kiss with as much passion and love that they both held for each other, before breaking the kiss and leaning into Hana and sighing softly.
They both finished their shower and a short time later and were both fully dressed both chose to ware spaghetti strap tops with skirts and trainers.
"Hey girls you up yet, breakfast is ready" Ron yelled from the kitchen.
"Yes Ron were up, we'll be there in a minute." It was Rachel that answered for them both of them, doing a final check they made their way to the kitchen to see Ron standing there smiling at the both of them with his arms open for a hugh and a smile on his face.
Both Hana and Rachel smiled at Ron and walked into the hug that they both returned. Sitting down they all began to eat their breakfast it was Ron that broke the silence first.
"So girls did you enjoy yesterday, and did you get a good night's sleep?"
"It was very enjoyable as we have never been out of Middleton before, so it was nice to see what was different here. We had a very good night's sleep thank you, the bed is really comfy." Rachel was happy that they were so open and able to talk to each other.
"Say big bro do you still have room of the dojo that you mentioned. If so I would like to have a spar with you before lunch if that is ok. I need to make sure that you are not slipping you know." Hana really want to test not only herself but Ron as well to see how good they were.
"Yes the mats are set up just don't have room for a full dojo you know. If that is what you want to do then I have no problem with that." Ron was also looking forward to a bit of training with his baby sister as it had been a while since he used his skills.
"Hey big bro, where is Rufus I have not seen him around?" Hana was curious about the naked mole rat that used to be every were with Ron.
"Oh he's in the bed room sleeping that is all he seems to do now, you know since then. He does what to see the both of you though, he'll be up about lunch time for a bit." Ron knew that Rufus was depressed over what happen and since they did not do anything like they used to do it was boring for him,
Breakfast finished Ron took the girls out for a bit of shopping, it was not as bad as it used to be with Kim he mused. The girl's would go to a few of the shops but did not rush in and out they were calmer and more relaxed about the whole thing to. Spending most of the early morning doing this they head back shortly before 10.30 am. The few thing that the girls did by were left in their room before going to the dojo. Rachel wanted to see Hana and Ron's little spar.
Both Hana and Ron were on the Matts ready. Ron was wearing sweat pants trainers and a loss fitting t-shirt, Hana was wearing the same thing that she had on this morning.
They both bowed to each other then Ron moving first through a jab that Hana ducked under grapping the arm she then twisted her body to throw Ron on his back. Ron flipped up and smiled at Hana they were both beginning to have fun with the spar, Hana went for a triple kick that Ron used his leg to block the first on to the knee, the second he used his arm to block to the waist and the third one to the head he gapped and using his right foot kick the other leg from under her. The spar continued for a while longer, both were working up a light sweat. Dodging a kick to the chest Hana pulled a cartwheel to dodge when coming up to stand the all heard a ripping sound and Hana top tip and fell of leaving her there topless with no bar on. Ron stared for a moment and her c cups bouncing before turning to hide his embarrassment and the erection that he got for see them. Hana and Rachel where both socked at what had happened but Hana was enjoying to spar too much to stop now. Taking advantage of Ron's back turned she used a hand stand to wrap her legs around his neck and through him down fallowing through she rolled till he was straddling him and had him pinned. Smiling down at him "the spar was not over Ron, it is all over when one of us is pinned or knocked out. I do appreciate the jester big bro but that was a mistake you have been slipping but we will fix that. Know I'm going to go and take a shower." Leaning down she give him a little kiss on the cheek also pressing her breasts into Ron's chest.
Leaving the dojo was a very satisfied Hana and two confused people, Ron decided to but the incident out of his mind as he knew that she was right about what she said to him. Rachel was just smiling as she knew that Hana was enjoying herself and that the top ripping was a total accident. Hana was in the shower enjoying it after a very lovely workout with Ron. Hana knew that Ron had not had a girl friend or a lover since Kim, hand that Ron still loved her but she was going to help him whether he or Rachel knew it or not. Finished her shower she dried off but left the shower and bedroom without putting anything on she was completely naked for all the world to see.
Going into the kitchen she can see that Ron has his back to her but Rachel can see her, before Rachel can say anything to alert Ron she leans in a gives her a quick kiss whispering "follow my lead out". Getting an "ok" in return with a confused look Hana sat down and waited for Ron to see her.
When Ron turned round he was shocked to see that Hana was still top less he thought that she might have but a new top on to cover herself up
"Mmm… Hana but why have you not but a top on?" Ron was too sure he want the answer to that question.
"Well Ron for starters I'm completely naked now not just topless. As for why I feel more comfortable was when we are in the apartment back at Middleton Rachel and me usually never where anything at all. I don't mind if you look Ron after all you got to see me naked when I was a baby." Hana was smirking as she said this, she could tell that Ron found her very attractive.
Ron was blushing as he heard Hana and groaned as he knew that she was going to spend all the time now in the apartment naked.
Deciding to just get on with it and hide his reaction as best as he could he make them lunch. Lunch for his was stiff as he was trying not to look too much at Hana as this was his sister that he was trying to tell himself. However the other part of his mind the treacherous part was reminding him that she was his adopted sister not blood and that she was a find looing young woman.
Hana give Rachel a look across the table the said just go with it and do as I do. Rachel was drooling at the site of her lover naked as the day as she was born and not worried about it. Getting the look that Hana was giving her she was curious about what Hana was up to but decided to just go with and see where it took her.
Lunch was fun for both Hana and Rachel as they were both teasing Ron and flirting with him. Meanwhile Ron was busy trying not to look at Hana other than her face, which she made hard for him as she would lean over the table to get thing that she did not even want or need just to tease him with her breasts and body. Both Hana and Rachel enjoyed the flirting and the teasing of Ron.
Hana had come up with a very devious plan in her mind that she was going to make sure happened, no one other than her knew this plan at the moment and that was the way that she wanted it to be.
"BIG bro, do you think that we could order in pizza for dinner tonight we really do not want to go out would that be ok with you." Hana had made sure to put extra emphasis on the word big to tease him a bit but said in with and cute smile on her face that he was unable to ever refuse.
"Sure, but what do Rachel and you want to do instead" Ron was unable to resist her when she smiled like that it was almost worse than the dreaded puppy dog pout. He was curious about what they wanted to do since they did not want to go out.
"Yip ire that's great. As for what we can do instead is watch some movies together just like we used to do before." Hana smirked as this was part one of her plane
Getting up and washing the dished after the meal was over, both Rachel and Hana stayed to help with drying the dishes and Ron. After all the dishes and cutlery were left away they made their way into the sitting room where the TV was.
"So what movie do you guys want to watch?" he asks the both of them
"Ron do you have love films or a live stream site for movies and television show" Hana hoped that he did as she was going give them all something to watch later.
"Yes Hana the TV is hooked up to the internet and has love films of it as well it's up to you." Ron was very proud of this as it allowed him to watch both live TV and get movies as well.
"that's great lets watch grown-ups it will have something for all of us to watch and laugh at," Hana had chosen to start off with this for the simple reason that it was too early for what she had planned, and she and Rachel loved this film.
Hearing what they had chosen Ron made his way over to the TV and stared to load the film. It only took a minute to get it ready to go, making his way over he had to sit in the middle of the Satie as Rachel and Hana and only left room for him there.
Ron leaned back and enjoyed the movie both Hana a Rachel snuggled into him as well. The move was nearly over when Ron go up as he remembered that he had to order the pizza. He asked both the girls what they wanted on their pizza, he already knew what Hana wanted it was the same as his a Hawaiian with ham and pineapple, Rachel said that it would be fine for her as well.
Ron left to order the pizzas, while he was gone Rachel give Hana and look as she leaned in "what are you doing" she asked her. "Listen I will explain things when Ron is gone for the a little bit loner ok." That was all Hana could whisper to Rachel so as not to be over herd. Ron came back a few seconds later and the three of the finished the movie.
The move was good and they all enjoyed it, about three minutes later the doorbell rang and it was their pizza. Ron got up and answered the door, while Ron was away Hana leaned over to tell Rachel part of the plan. " ok Rachel please listen I'm planning on seducing Ron into sleeping with the both of us, I'll explain more later ok but I need you to get naked after dinner when we start to watch the next thing and make sure to snuggle in tight to Ron and follow my lead we will both be having a lot of fun." As the saying going Hana sealed the deal with a quick kiss of Rachel's mouth. Rachel thought about what Hana and said and was surprised but would do it anyways.
Ron came back into the room with the pizza and drinks for them all, they enjoyed it. It was a very satisfying meal for the three of them and there was no plates to wash either. Put the reminisce in the bin it was time for the next movie for them
"So what's the next thing that you want to watch" Ron was happy to be spending time like this with his sister and her girlfriend.
"would you mind if you give he the controller Ron as I would like to do that" Hana did not want to tell Ron what she wanted to watch as that might rune things a bit.
"Ok Hana" Ron shrugged his shoulders not sure why she would just not tell him but handed the remote over to her and taking the same place on the settee as before. Hana getting the remote smiled and turned to Ron.
"Thanks Ron but first Rachel love would you please" she made a vague jester with her hands indicating what she wanted. Rachel understood what she meant as she wanted her to strip and get naked as well. Standing up she moved to a spot the both of them could see what she was doing, Ron looked up at her as she got up. Taking a breath and smiling at the both of the she began to strip out of her cloths. Ron was shocked at what he was seeing but could not look away or form any words at the moment. Hana smile as she watched her lover strip in front of both Ron and her and that Ron was frozen. Rachel paused a bit as all she had left on was her panties but it was not long before they were removed. She hooked her thumbs on the panties and slowly pulled the down her long legs before stepping out of them now completely naked she smiled at the looks she was getting from the both of them, it filled with prided at the looks as well as love and lust. Moving she sat next to a very red Ron who was now really uncomfortable have two very naked and attractive laddies seating next to him he knew that it was wrong but he was unable to help it. Hana was smile from ear to ear she turned to the remote and smiled at what she was about to do. Ron did not notice that Hana had stared to select the movie but it was not a movie that she chose but a TV series. The series that she had selected was game of thrones as this would set the mood nicely.
As they all watched Ron as getting uncomfortable as he had two young hot naked bodies beside him that had no problem with being nude and the material of the plot especially the incest. Hana smile as she and Rachel both leaned more into Ron. She eventually managed to get his shirt of so all the he had on was below the waist. Looking at Rachel she moved in time with her so that both of them were straddling his legs and had his hands wrapped around then with his hands on their butts. When Ron tried to movie his hands to some were more safe they both let their displeasure be known and moved his hands back, as well as start to grind themselves on him making the both of them moan in pleasure.
"Hana, Rachel what are the two of you doing. This is wrong you are both younger and Hana your my sister." Ron was trying to make them both stop as he had an erection from what they were doing and the programme. He was a male and it was taking everything he had not to act.
"Ron, what Rachel and I are doing is seducing you and it appears to be working." She said as she ground herself more on him and reached down and ran her hand over his erection. It made Ron breath jump and tried to move but was unable to or unwilling to he did not know." Listen Ron I love Rachel and she loves me we both love you Ron not as a sister or a crush but true love. We do not care about the age thing or if I'm your sister, because it should not matter. The taboo about incest does not apply to use as I am not your biological sister. You have not had a single date or girlfriend or boyfriend since Kim. I know that you still love her and always will but you deserve to be happy to so we both are going to be your girlfriends and we want you to make love to the both of us right Rachel love." Hana was looking into Ron's eyes to let him see the truth of what she was saying but also to let him know that she really loved him, she also through a looking to Rachel to see if she was ok with this which she was. "Ron Hana's is right and I do love the both of you and want to see where this will take us." Rachel was smile and even leaned into Ron and kiss him and Hana to let them know that she was ok with it.
Ron here this for them both of them was shocked that they both loved him and wanted to be in a relationship with him. It was true what Hana had said that he still loved Kim even though she had married Shego and had two kids with her due to an accident that allowed that to happen. He was not sure what to do but his bode did as the tree of them made their way to the bed room.
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Inside the bed room Hana and Rachel both started to remove Ron cloths from his body till he was naked as they were then gently pushed him onto the bed. Both of them were nervous as this would be their first time sure they had sex with each other but the never used a dildo or a strap on they both preferred to do thing naturally. " Ron please be gentle with the both of us as this will be the first time that we have done it this way, we know that it is going to hurt when we loss are virginities' but don't worry about that as we both know that needs to happen to make love to you.
Hana looked a Ron's erect penis and licked her lips as he leaned down and kiss the purple tip which had some or his pre cum on it. Hana was surprised at how good it tasted and started to engulf more of it into her more while running her tongue around the length of it bobbing her head up and down moaning while doing so. Rachel looked at what Hana was doing and decided to join in on the action and started to kiss and suck on his balls. Ron was in pleaser and grasped her head to pull her face more into his groin. "Hana I'm going to cum soon" Ron's breath had increased and his dick was throbbing in Hana moth.
Hana did not stop but pulled back till the tip was all that was in her mouth, but she increased the suction as did Rachel on his balls. The smell was intoxicating and the throbbing they were both addicted to it.
With a grunt from Ron he erupted into Hana's mouth flooding her mouth with is cum. Hana was surprised as the first shot went straight down her throat but it tasted good. Hana held the rest of the cum in her mouth as she did not want to swallow it just yet. Once Ron and stop Cumming Hana give an extra suck to make sure that she got the all of it be for pulling back with a pop. Opening her mouth she showed Ron his think white spunk in her mouth before closing it and turning round and leaning doing to Rachel kissed her sharing their treat. Rachel was surprised when Hana kissed her and at the taste of the cum flooding her mouth. Their tongues wrestled with each other and they swallowed his tasty cum.
Braking the kiss and a small moan of disappointment they detached themselves from each other smile at Ron. Ron could not help but moan looking at the two of the making out in front of him completely nude and sharing his cum.
"Ron I must say that was delicious. I love the taste of you cum but I want you to taste me next then Rachel. I love you Ron" Hana was very happy at the moment she had no idea that Ron's cum was so good and her plans where now going to go forward. Hana lay back on the bed and spared her legs so that Ron could see her dripping pussy.
Ron slowly crawled his way up to her not taking his eyes off her the love, desire and lust where their just like they were there in his own and Rachel's. It was not long before Ron's face was in-between her legs he could smell her musk and was loving her smell. He reached up and gently kiss in nether lips earning a moan from Hana and a hitch in her breath. Hana watched Ron crawl his way to her and then she smile at him to keep going. Ron started to lick and suck and her puss while his hands made their way to her breasts that where heaving and started to massage them. Hana was in heave at what Ron was doing to her, she looking over to Rachel and lean in to kiss her.
"Oh Ron that is fucking fantastic keeping lick me them, my pussy is so hot and wet right now. I going to cum soon. Don't stop, please don't stop licking me Ron love." Hana was really painting and screaming she knew that she was close to Cumming and wanted Ron to drink her.
It was not long before Hana came in Ron's mouth, flooding it with her essence which he love and swallowed in all. Hana was panting was that was the most intense orgasm that she had had. Moaning in disappointment when Ron moved his face a way for her put that did not last long as a smiling Ron leaned up as kiss Hana on the mouth. Hana did not mind the kiss or the fact that they both could taste each other essence it did no matter to them. Rachel was next to get the same treatment and was yelling out her orgasm.
Now it was time for the main event getting Ron to lie on his back Hana straddled him, grapping his erection and positioning herself she impaled herself on him. Ron had tried to object to stop going this far or if must use a condom, but Hana and Rachel had both shot him down on either idea neither on want to use protection. Hana was surprised when she impaled herself on him she was not sure what to expect but it felt good to be filled with him inside her.
"Oh fuck Ron your cock feels so good inside me Ron. I want you to keep fucking me and to cum inside me fill me up with your lovely thing cum and impregnate me. Go fast pound my pussy with that love muscle." Hana was in a state of ecstasy that she was sure was going to last.
Ron himself was trying to hold back but could no longer and started to pump his swelling cock into her pussy. "You like this don't you, you like the way my cock fills you up. I love the way your virgin pussy is griping my cock, it is so warm wet and tight just for me. I will fuck you and the dump my load of cum so deep inside you that you will be pregnant by my Hana."
The speed of their thrust increase until Ron felt his cock hitting a block that soon give way. Hana felt Ron cock hitting her cervix and then him pushing into her womb she yell out when he did. "Oh god Ron her inside my womb. You're fucking me inside my womb when you cum you will be coating my side eggs white with all your love cum. I fucking Cumming Ron"
"I coming to Hana, I can't pull out. I going to coming inside you and make you pregnant with my child. I love you" Ron yell out as he erupted inside her with Hana following close behind. They were both breathing hard a sweat up both where very content with each other. "Love you Hana" Ron said with Hana smiling and saying "I love you to Ron."
It was a few minute later that Ron was unsheathed and re mounted by a very excited and frustrated Rachel who did not give Ron any time before sheathing him and riding him hard and fast to make him cum insider her to and she was on a hair trigger. It was not long until both of the came and Rachel felt something warm flood her inside telling her that she was being filled with his cum and loving it.
Lemon end
The three of them made love three more time before snuggling and falling asleep in each other's arms.