A- Abby

B- Boxing

C- Caring

D- Don't cross Gibbs

E- Expect the unexpected

F- Fun is allowed once you finnish working

G- Gibbs- a former marine who is fiercely loyal to his team, and not afraid to break rules to find the truth

H- Happy when they're all there... when one is missing, watch out!

I- intuitive Most of the time they are better and quicker than the CIA and FBI!

J- Jenny, a Director who never really left the field and fought to the end.

K- Kelly

L-Love each other like family

M- MTAC- Gibbs uses it to tell people off when available

N- Naughty when not supervised (everyone except for Gibbs, Ziva is a little naughty sometimes.)

O- onboard focused on the cases





T- Tony DiNozzo, a charmy playboy with true feelings for only one woman(aka ziva)- Athenalarissa






Z- Ziva- Tony's only true love and irreplaceable Tony's heart but also to all true NCIS fans!- Athenalarissa

P-Z Will be reader decided... Review!

Patti Lipscomb-

P-Probie Q-Quick to move, when grab your gear is said

R- Remembers the ones we've lost always

S- Sees someone lying to them

T- Trust each other to have each other's six

U- Uses hands to talk, at least Gibbs and Abby do

V- Views team as family

W-Watches the watchers, Gibbs' rules

X- Xray vision not used like Superman, Gibbs uses his GUT

Y- Yes, Boss, not Sir

Z- Ziva may come back one day, but may be too late. Tony's heart has to heal.