Prologue : Dark Descendant
A young woman sat alone in the Headmaster's office her striking sapphire eyes darted around the room nervously waiting on the old schoolmaster.
The young woman visibly jumped when the Headmaster walked into his office. "Miss Malfoy what a pleasant surprise,what can I do for you on this fine day." Albus Dumbledore said sitting down at his cluttered desk.
Anna Malfoy sat in terrified silence and almost reconsidered asking for help, debating with herself Anna almost walked out forgetting the whole thing.
Gathering what little courage Anna had left she looked at the strongest wizard she knew. "Sir, I need your help my parents have arranged for me to marry the foulest man to ever grace the wizarding world." Anna said contempt laced in every word.
"Dear, I don't know how I could possibly help this is a family affair." Dumbledore said wishing to help his upset student but, arranged marriages were common practice in the wizarding world specially among pure blood families,there was no way he could interfere.
"But Sir, I'm not sure if you completely understand my plight, Tom Riddle is an evil toad of a man. I already told this man no, as did my parents so he bought me. Tom is corrupt and capable of unspeakable horrors to have me, I'm terrified." Anna Malfoy said terror etched in her words.
Albus Dumbledore carefully delved into the mind of Anna Malfoy one of the brightest and one of the most liked students in Hogwarts history. The visions he saw were sickening at best, Tom had already violated Anna in the most despicable way.
"I will do anything within my power to help you." Dumbledore said with new conviction looking at the strong young woman sitting before him.
"I was hoping I could count on you sir, you are the only one that could help me at this point." The clever Slytherin said smiling weakly.
"The only way I could ever hope to hide myself from Tom is to bind my magic and fake my death." Anna said handing a tattered well-worn book to her headmaster.
"Sir, I have found an old bit of magic, it's very obscure it hasn't been used in over a millenium,only a wizard as powerful as yourself could do the spell and the change will be permanent only because I wish it so. Originally the spell is designed to steal magic from unfortunate victims, but the spell was forgotten when its evil intentions did not work, the victim has to want their magic gone." Anna said watching Dumbledore thumb through the tome.
"I trust,you have a plan?" Dumbledore asks the young woman setting down the book.
"Yes sir, I have planned out every detail my death shall be very convincing. I will move to the State's where I have met a nice muggle man who I love. Tom will not ever find me I will blend in with all the other muggles." Anna said sounding weary and hopeful.
"And what about the baby?" Dumbledore asked Anna her shock clearly displayed on her face.
"Of course Dumbledore knew,bloody old man knows everything." Anna thought bitterly.
"Under no circumstances should Tom or anyone else ever know about this baby I fear for its safety." Anna said putting on a brave face. "Your secret is safe with me,when shall we start?" Dumbledore said smiling at the young woman.
9 months later October 31 3:33 am
Dumbledore walks towards the maternity wing of a muggle hospital his steps were rushed but sure-footed.
Muggles were running in and out of Anna's room, their machines were whirling and beeping and their voices hushed and worried. Dumbledore spots the rather large American Indian named Charlie he was the muggle Anna spoke so highly of. Dumbledore liked Charlie he was a good man.
Dumbledore didn't need Legilimency to know that something unimaginable happened the look on Charlie's face spoke volumes.
"Sh...She didn't make it th..the doctors said something about the placenta and blood loss." Charlie choked out between heart-broken sobs of despair.
"I'm so sorry, the world is worse off with out Anna in it she was a treasure but remember my son the universe wastes nothing everything is recycled and reused. Anna is still with she lives through her child." Dumbledore spoke his voice solemn his heart was broken.
Charlie brightened slightly his eye still reflected his grief but Dumbledore had no doubts that this man loved the child unconditionally. "Albus she is beautiful An...Anna named her Lyla it means dark-haired beauty and Albus, An...Anna wanted you to be Lyla's Godfather." Charlie said trying to put on a brave face.
They both stood in silence looking through a window that looked into a room filled with newborn children Lyla stood out like a beacon of light with her dark chestnut-brown lock's so unlike Anna's honey blond hair and her bright blue eyes an unmistakable Malfoy trait.
"It would be a great honor to be Lyla's Godfather, but Charlie could I trouble you for a moment alone with Lyla." Dumbledore asked hoping Charlie would not ask to many questions.
"Yes sir, Anna mentioned something about you needing a private moment alone with baby to bless the child that it was a old family tradition. Sir I understand traditions I'm a Amercan Indian traditions are all my people have left." Charlie said waving down a nurse to retrieve his daughter.
Dumbledore couldn't remember the last time he held a newborn he marveled at the child's delicate beauty. "You did good Anna." Dumbledore thought mumbling the words to the bindind spell. Dumbledore knew that this wouldn't last he would have redo it sometime in the future.
"Untill we meet again little one." Dumbledore said to the sleeping baby.
Charlie wasn't a stupid man he figured out Anna was hiding some things from him,he knew Lyla wasn't his child but he would love child regardless.