I don't own Harry Potter I only own Lyla ... looking for a beta anyone interested

21 years later the summer before Harry Potter first attended Hogwarts.

Chapter 1 choices

Lyla Locklear sat alone in her family home it felt so empty now that Charlie had passed away. It was shocking to find out that he had no life insurance and there was almost nothing in savings after the funeral Lyla was unable to pay the mortgage on the ranch style home forcing her to move out it was unreal how her life had changed in the last eight months everything seemed to fall apart without Charlie.

Lyla was lost in her thoughts sitting among packed up boxes that had been her life for the last twenty-one years, snapping back to reality Lyla tapped up the last box filled with photos and mentos of past vacations Lyla took a moment to relax running her hand through her dark locks getting out the tangles with her fingers.

A storm raged outside normal summer weather for south-east Texas. The wind was blowing the rain against the window panes whistling eerily through the windows. Lightening flashed outside the brilliance lightened up the night sky and rattling the windows.

The only room left to pack up was Lyla's, Charlie's whole life was reduced to several dozen cardboard boxes sitting in the living looked up the stairs to her room with dread packing up her bedroom was like admitting defeat but it needed to get done. If the weather cooperated everything will be out packed and out of the house including her bedroom to her very small apartment the only thing she could afford on her salary which wasn't much everything else needs to be sold. Moving out made Lyla sad but she had little choices at this point next week she would lose the only place that ever felt like home.

Thunder rolled outside making Lyla jump she hated thunder storms. Charlie used to calm her down by counting down the seconds between the flash of lightning and the roll of thunder.

Lyla, snapped back to reality when someone knocked on the front door making her trip on the steps."Who would be knocking in this weather at this time of night." Lyla thought to herself walking to the front door.

Lyla opened her front door not knowing what to expect but, not the old man standing on her front porch. The man looked odd and very out-of-place. He was wearing what only could be described as a floor length robe made of a heavy material maybe wool way to heavy for the humid Texas weather. Lyla tilted her head trying her best to figure out if this man was a complete nut job or something else altogether.

"What can I do you for?" Lyla asked in her sweetest voice not wanting to upset the man just in case, making her southern accent a touch thicker.

"Hello, my dear girl my name is Albus Dumbledore I was an old friend of your mother's may I please come inside the weather outside is dreadful?" Dumbledore asks with a twinkle in his eyes that Lyla failed to notice. "You knew my mother?" Lyla blurted out in shock. Lyla's mother was a mystery, Charlie didn't talk about her mother ever. The only things Lyla knew about her mother was that Lyla looked like her mother the only difference being was that Lyla had dark burnet hair and her mother was honey colored and Lyla was smart like her mother.

"I'm so sorry, please come inside let me see if I can dig you up a chair. Sorry about the mess I'm in the middle of moving." Lyla said ducking behind a stack of boxes to retrieve the only seat not setting in storage.

"So, how did you my mother?" Lyla asked dragging a wooden chair out for Dumbledore. "I'm the headmaster of a school your mother use to attend and I considered her a friend also I'm your Godfather." Dumbledore said sitting slowly in the offered chair smiling softly at the young woman before him.

"I was really saddened to hear about Charlie he was a good man." Dumbledore said gravely looking at beautiful young woman standing before him."So where is this school?" Lyla asked Dumbledore leaning against a stack of boxes a nervous smile fixed on her face.

"Ah, yes Hogwarts is in Scotland." Dumbledore said smiling at Lyla like she was a loved family member. Dumbledore sat in the offered chair graciously while Lyla looked at him with curiosity.

"Scotland?" Lyla asked unsure if she heard him right. It was yet another thing Lyla learned about her mother.

"Lyla I know you have many questions about your mother and I'm willing to answering all your questions but first you have some choices to make." Dumbledore said templing his fingers in front of his face deep in thought.

"You have some choices to make you can either stay here and forget we ever met or you can come with me now and I will answer all your questions." Dumbledore said waiting for Lyla to decide.

Lyla wasn't sure if she trusted the old man but she wanted to trust him despite the fact she thought he was out of his mind.

"I just can't leave I have responsibilities." Lyla said looking at Dumbledore in disbelief. "Everything is already taken care of I paid off the mortgage to your home and I can make arrangements for the rent to pay the rent on your apartment if you wish it." Dumbledore said to a very shocked Lyla.

"You did what? Why would you do that?" Lyla asked unable to hide her confusion any longer.

"Lyla my dear, I made a vow to your mother that I would look out for your well-being and I can not break this vow." Dumbledore said looking very grandfatherly to Lyla in that moment.

Lyla was cautious by nature and never gave her trust to just anyone and she had a feeling that this Dumbledore guy was holding something really big from her but curiosity got the better of her Lyla wanted to know more about the mother she never knew. Lyla just hoped that the old saying wasn't true .. That it was curiosity that killed the cat.

"I guess I'm going with you then." Lyla said reluctantly not having anything left to lose she just hoped that she wasn't making a huge mistake and put her trust in the wrong person.

"Very well my dear if that is your choice." Dumbledore said pulling out a long slender stick from his sleeve he mummbled a few words under his breath.

Lyla looked up at him in confusion right before she was bombarded with several memories all of Dumbledore visiting her several times through out her life.

"I know you? You've been her before? How did you do that?"Lyla said suddenly feeling very light-headed. "All in due time my dear child but first please follow me." Dumbledore said walking outside Lyla following close behind. "Grab my arm and hold on tight what ever you do not let go." Dumbledore said wrapping his arms firmly around Lyla.

"What an odd man." Lyla thought but did exactly what he asked thinking that she must be losing her mind.

Lyla felt a strange sensation it felt like she was being pulled inside-out through her belly button and a buzzing noise in her head that ended in A loud pop just as sudden as the strange feelings and noises started they ended but, Lyla's stomach didn't get the memo.

Lyla insides did a flip-flop and she ralphed all over her shoes and grass Lyla's vision blurred with unshed tears as she tried to keep her composure.

Lyla was dizzy and disoriented taking in the strange surroundings. Lyla's confusion soon turned into anger,giving Dumbledore her best stink-eye. "What did you do old man? What kind of game are you playing?" Lyla yelled at Dumbledore thinking that he must have slipped her a hallucinogen.

"Lyla, welcome to Howarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Dumbledore said in A very dramatic voice and mischievous smile.

"You've got be shitting me!" Lyla said in shock her mouth gaping open her first thought was he was crazy and she was losing her mind.

"I assure you my dear girl, I'm not shitting you." Dumbledore said his blue eyes twinkling.

"But, magic isn't real!" Lyla said softly doubting herself when she noticed a castle behind Dumbledore.

"Ah, but magic is very much real and you my dear are a witch just like you mother." Dumbledore said smiling warmly at Lyla.

"Now if would please come with me I will explain the reason you are here and answer any questions you have about your mother." Dumbledore said as he guided Lyla toward the castle in the distance.