Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, or any of the characters in Harry Potter. Shame. :-(
Hey guys! Chapter Two! Thanks so much for the reviews I got on the last chapter from: princesssanastasiaromanov464, Susan sebest, FireFox vixen, stardust of Orion, gylden rev and YepaYepa.
Means a lot! Anyway, enjoy!
"Wha- Potter?" Draco stood in the door way in disbelief as the raven haired boy before him slowly changed back into a human. "You were the cat?" Draco asked, spotting the terrified look in his still cat like eyes along with the ears, tail and whiskers that were that same pitch black as the hair on his head. Draco felt something go off inside him as he stared at the Gryffindor he'd been crushing in for the last ... Merlin knows how long, with a long tail swishing behind him, and those small adorable ears on his shaggy hair, the view was undeniably held the door closed after he'd changed back. His wand was back in his rooms, he couldn't fight Malfoy even if he'd try. His ribs were still broken, keeping the door closed even more difficult. He cursed as the door opened, watching him warily, not even noticing that, because he'd been fighting the change, he still had a tail... and ears... and whiskers. His eyes were slitted like a cat's as he watched Malfoy.
He watched him anxiously, backing off into the cabinet, pressing himself against the back. ''I was,'' he muttered softly, looking down. When he did that, he froze. There was a tail wrapped around his leg. Then, crossing his eyes, he spotted the whiskers. ''What the- why the hell do I have a tail? And whiskers? Malfoy, what the heck was that potion?'' he demanded, suddenly not at all concerned about his ribs or Malfoy attacking him.
"I dunno! All I was thinking about was helping the cat- no, helping you, wait what?" Draco caught himself on the last remark. He was trying to help Potter? "Anyway, the tail kinda suits you, and the ears" Draco smirked as the boy suddenly bringing his hand up and discovering the small ears. "Are you animagus or something?"
Harry cursed softly as he felt the ears, sighing and leaning back against the cupboard. He winced at the pain in his ribs, one arm automatically wrapping around his waist, trying to stifle the pain. ''Changed for the first time tonight,'' he answered softly, clenching his teeth together. ''Of course, with my luck, the damn book fell in the fire and I couldn't read how to change back.''
"Right, um, we need to find something to heal you ribs, your only gonna make them worse, and then we'll worry about how to change you completely back." He had no idea why he was willing to help Potter, and judging by the baffled look on the other boys face, he was too. Draco slowly approached the figure in the back of the cupboard, as if he was still a frightened kitten, and placed his arm around his torso, supporting him as he painfully walked towards the table.
"Why are you -ouch! - helping me?" Harry stuttered, reaching the table and leaning on it for support, wondering why the Slytherin hadn't jinxed him and left by now.
"Why shouldn't I?" Replied Malfoy simply, squinting at the tiny writing on one of the small bottles, this one containing a beautiful blue liquid in it. "Try this one" He placed the bottle in Harry's waiting palm.
"How did you crack your ribs this badly anyway?" Draco questioned Harry as he downed the potion in one gulp.
"Well, let's just say that Collin Creevey does not like cats." He murmured, flinching at the memory of being kicked across the corridor and into to the granite wall.
"About that, why a kitten?" Sniggered Draco, leaning with his back against the table. "I mean, a kitten." He raised an eyebrow at the Gryffindor.
"I didn't choose to be a kitten!" Harry insisted, outraged. "You can't choose, you just turn into whatever you turn into I suppose. Most wizards take the same form as there patronous, - "wait, are you telling my your patronous is a kitten?" Draco butted in, doubling up laughing, leaning against the table for support. "No! My patronous is a Stag! Not a - shutup! Harry whined at the sniggering Stytherin.
"Sorry! Sorry! Okay, your patronous isn't a kitten!" Draco giggled, putting up his hands in mock surrender. "Anyway, you reckon that did the trick? For you ribs, I mean." He glanced down at the now empty bottle in Harry's hands.
"Yeah, they feel fine, it's just the whiskers and tail we gotta deal with now." Harry said grimly looking down at the long, think black tail.
"And the ears" Draco sniggered in an under tone, but Harry still herd him. "Shutup!" He glared at the blonde boy, but as he caught sight of himself I'd a mirror on the opposite wall, he started to laugh too. "See! You look like some sort of pantomime character!" Draco laughed even harder.
The two teens soon regained control and started wondering what to do about the cat like features that still remained on Harry's body. "I think you should keep the ears, they look adorable on you." Draco grinned at the glowering teenager, who didn't look pleased.
"Right, I say we sneak up to the library, under my invisibility cloak, find another copy of the book I was reading, and find out how to completely change back." Harry explained, glancing at the door.
"Yeah, okay, one slight problem, you done have your invisibility clock with you, git." Draco pointed out, tilting his head in a mock stare.
"Um... Can I borrow your wand?" Harry asked, an idea springing into his head as he moved towards the door.
"Er ... Yeah, but ... Why?" Draco asked, following him towards the door and entering the corridor, both Of them looking around nervously for teachers. It was hours after curfew when Harry first transformed, he dread to think what time it was now.
"This May not work, but I'm hoping it does. It did for me in forth year, but this isn't my wand so ..." Harry trailed off, thinking out loud.
"What are you talking about?" Draco asked in a low whisper, staring at the now raised wand, as if Harry was going to cast a spell.
"Accio invisibly cloak!" Muttered Harry, thinking hard about the clock, folded up under his pillow. With a sigh of relief, a faint whooshing sound reached the pairs ears as a silvery material zoomed towards the squinting duo. Grabbing the silvery vapour, Harry flung it over the two of them, handed he wand back to Draco, and off they went.
"Lumos!" Draco muttered, shuffling along, his wand tip starting to glow. "Do you think they'll be anyone in the library?" Draco wondered, turning to Harry with a worried look on his face.
"Calm down, there's hardly anyone in the library in the day time anyway, apart from Hermione, if any student was studying In the library, they'll probably give them 10 house points and leave them be anyway." Harry muttered as Draco started sniggering loudly. "Sh! We can't giggle, we'll get caught!" Harry hissed in the boys ear. "Okay, it'll be in the restricted zone, that's where I got my copy" The two boys entered the library and headed straight towards the back.
Suddenly, they froze. Hearing a sharp, clear voice shatter the silence like a gun shot. "You don't want me as your enemy, do you, Zabini?" They heard a distant squeak of a frightened voice. "Good, now, are we clear on your little job?" The cold voice spoke again, another squeak of a reply and a cloaked figure rushed past the invisible pair, and out of the exit; shortly followed by a pale looking Blaise Zabini. The two boys looked at each other after Zabini had left, not daring to breathe.
Soo ... What did you lovely's think?
If you spot any grammar/spelling mistakes, do tell!
Reviews make me smile!
Hope you enjoyed! Next chapter should be up tomorrow, Saturday at the latest!
-Mischief Managed. :-)