Hello everybody! This is my first Star Trek story and I have been writing this for almost a year and that includes the sequel to this story.
A/N: I don't own Star Trek, the plot to the movie or the characters. All I own is Jim's twin sister, Hannah Kirk and the idea of Hannah and Spock being cousins. Feel free to give me constructive criticisms and I will try to fix this story as I post along (which I probably will). I hope you enjoy reading.
Chapter One
Hannah Kirk sat at the bar in her home town as she observed the new Starfleet recruits. She rolled her eyes, why her twin brother Jim, God rest his should, wanted to join Starfleet was beyond her. She knew that she should honor her brother's dying wish and join Starfleet like she promised, but the Starfleet cadets all look like clones. What if she lost sight of who she was? But then again, she doesn't know who she was herself. All she's done with her life is getting arrested repeatedly for fighting and speeding down the highway. Hannah sighed and looked to her right when she heard someone sit next to her. She observed the attractive gentleman silently, he was a depressed angry man drinking whiskey. "Rough life?" Hannah asked as she sipped her beer.
"Yeah, damn wife took the whole planet in the divorce. All I got left is my bones." The guy said angrily, he looked over at Hannah and took note that she was attractive, her light brown hair tied in a ponytail with side bangs. She was wearing faded dark blue skinny jeans, mid-calf combat boots with a dark blue tank top and a black leather jacket.
"I can relate with having nothing left, whole family is dead. Well, thats a lie, I do have two blood related family but I haven't seen them in years." Hannah said softly before standing up, "Well, I'll see you around, Bones."
"Thats not my name girl." Bones said angrily, but secretly enjoyed the nickname for some unknown reason.
"Well, you can tell me your name the next time we meet." Hannah said smirking as she walked away even thought she knew that there was a very slim chance that they would meet again. After a distance away she saw two male cadets harassing a skinny female cadet. "Is this ape of a cadet bothering you, miss?"
"Beyond belief, but I can handle it." The women said smirking.
"So you can handle me right Uhura?" The male cadet said moving towards Uhura getting ready to grab her arm, but Hannah quickly reached out and stopped the man from grabbing Uhura. The next thing Hannah Kirk knew was that she was on the floor coughing with blood running down her nose. Hannah winced as a high pitch whistle blew. Cadets and regular citizens quickly left the bar in haste. Hannah looked up to see Bones kneeling beside her grabbing a hand and putting a piece of cloth in her palm and holding it up to her bleeding nose. Bones quickly left when Christopher Pike stared down at her.
"You can whistle pretty loud, you know that?" Hannah said weakly. "Did they train you do that at the academy?"
A few minutes later Hannah was sitting across from Pike drinking a glass of scotch. Christopher Pike smiled at Hannah, "I couldn't believe it when the bar tender told me who you were. I'm sorry for your multiple losses."
"And what's that Captain Pike?" Hannah said coldly, ignoring the sorry.
"Your father's daughter. I admired your dad, he didn't believe in no-win scenarios."
"Sure learned his fricken lesson. He died because of that belief." Hannah said twirling the cloth Bones had given her.
"You're like your father, to leap without looking. Some Starfleet officers lost that trait."
"Why are you even talking to me? I'm nobody."
"I looked up your file when you were bleeding on the floor. Your aptitude scores are off the charts. So what is it? You like being a genius who gets into fights and getting arrested repeatedly? I heard from the bar tender that you promised your brother Jim you would enlist in Starfleet."
"Maybe I love it Pike and my brother will never know. He's dead." Hannah said bitterly.
"So your dad dies, then your mother and brother a couple of years ago. You can settle for a less ordinary life and being in jail. When deep down you know you were meant for something better. Your bother, Jim, must have saw that in you, and thats probably why he made you promise to enlist. So live up to your promise and do something useful with your life and join Starfleet." Pike said seriously.
"Enlist? Man you must be way down in the recruiting quota for the month. I don't want to be a Starfleet clone. I would like to keep my identity." Hannah said chuckling.
"No one is telling you to loose your identity. If you're half the person your father was, then Starfleet can use you. You can be an officer in four years and you can have your own ship in eight. You understand what the federation is don't you? Its important-"
"You done?" Hannah said cutting off Pike in mid sentence. Pike nodded as he stood up. "Great…" Hannah mumbled taking a sip of her drink.
"Riverside ship yard. Shuttle for new recruits leaves tomorrow 0800," Pike said as Hannah nodded. "Your father was captain for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother, brother and yours. I dare you to do better."
Hannah stared into her drink picturing herself as captain of a Starfleet ship, she smiled when she envisioned her twin brother Jim walking towards her proudly. Hannah opened her eyes and sighed. In an hour she stood in front of her brother's grave. "I'm going to do it Jim. I'm going to join Starfleet. I'm just sorry that it taken me this long to fulfill my promise." Hannah said smiling before walking to her bike and rode it towards the Riverside shuttle area. After tossing the keys to the bike towards one of the workers who was admiring the bike, she walked up to Pike and said, "Four years? I'll do it in three."
Pike smiled and nodded as Hannah walked in the shuttle. Hannah spotted Uhura and smiled towards her before mock saluting the two men who beat her up at the bar. She finally found an empty seat and buckled in and waited, after a few moments she turned her head towards the rise of yelling. Hannah recognized Bones who grudgingly sat down beside her. "Afraid of flying, Bones?" Hannah said half sympathetically and half teasingly.
"I may throw up on you." Bones said turning towards Hannah looking a little pale.
"Listen, Bones, these things are pretty safe. The chances of an accident is very slim to none."
"Don't pander to me girl, one crack and our blood boils, a solar flare might pop up and cook us in our seats. Space is diseased and dangerous wrapped up in darkness and silence." Bones said pulling out a flask of whiskey,
Hannah nodded as she patted Bones' shoulder and introduced herself, "Hannah Kirk."
Bones turned towards her and held out the flask of whiskey, "McCoy, Leonard McCoy."
"You do know that I'm still going to call you Bones." Hannah said smiling as she took the flask and took a swig of the alcohol before handing it back towards Bones.
"Had a feeling you would, Anne." McCoy said smirking when he saw Hannah frown.
"Anne? I never been called that before." Hannah said as her frown turned into a light smile.
"I've never been called 'Bones' before. Now we're even." McCoy said smiling for what felt like the first time in a long time.
Over the course of the three years, McCoy and Hannah's friendship grew strong but their feelings slowly changed. They were no longer feeling just friendship, it turned into something more. Hannah sat beside McCoy on his bed writing her final paper as McCoy studied for his final medical exam. After Hannah finished her paper, she picked up a medical book that wasn't being used and began to flip through it. McCoy looked over and smiled at Hannah's confused expression as she tried to understand the medical lingo before looking back at his own book. Over the hour, Hannah found herself slowly laying down on her back with the book propped up on her chest so that she could continue to try to understand what she was reading. Hannah closed her eyes tiredly after she saw what time it was, she knew she should go back to her dorm, but she was just too comfortable being next to McCoy. With her eyes still closed she grunted when the thick textbook fell on her face having lost grip of it. McCoy looked over when he heard Hannah grunt in pain, he saw the book on her face and he laughed lightly. He reached over and took the book off her face, after setting the book aside he reached over again and pulled the blankets over her and moved part of her hair away from her pale face. He could see tiny scars on her face that she received from years of fighting; he had the urge to kiss her but quickly pushed the urge away. The next morning McCoy woke up to his arms wrapped around Hannah's slender waist and Hannah's head buried in his chest.
"Anne, time to wake up. We have to get to class soon." McCoy said nudging Hannah's shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah." Hannah mumbled into McCoy's chest. It was lear that neither wanted to get up. "Before I forget, I'm taking the test again, and I want you there."
"Damn it Anne, this is your third time, you're out of your mind. And you seem to forget, I'm a doctor. I'm busy." McCoy said looking down at Hannah, who's face was still buried in his chest.
"Please, I'm going to pass this time and it would mean a lot to me if you were there this time." Hannah said sitting up in the bed but quickly missing the warmth of being in McCoy's arms.
"Anne, what are you planning?" McCoy said sitting up as well, and getting a feeling that his best friend was planning something.
"Now Bones, what makes you think I'm planning something?" Hannah asked smiling as she gathered her stuff together.
"You're Hannah Kirk, you're always planning something. Just like last year when you weren't 'planning' anything for your finals." McCoy said standing up and stood in front of Hannah.
"Test is tomorrow morning. I'll see you later." Hannah said placing a kiss on McCoy's cheek not denying his accusation. McCoy closed his eyes at the contact of Hannah's lips on his cheek.
"Fine…I'll be there." McCoy said sighting as he opened his eyes to glare at his friend.
Hannah smiled brightly before leaving the room to go to her dorm to get ready for the day. McCoy shook his head at how easily he caved to Hannah's wishes, he would do anything for her and that frightened him to no end. He thought back to when Hannah took the Kobayashi Maru the first two times. Each time he saw that she would get frustrated and would lock herself up in her room, he fears what this third time would do to her.
Near the end of the day Hannah sat on a ledge looking out at the waters, she looked down at the pieces of paper on her lap. Hannah smirked as she continued to write as she lost track of time. From the distance McCoy saw Hannah lost in thought as she was writing, he quickly walked towards her and sat down beside her. "What are you doing?" McCoy asked as he looked out towards the water.
"Huh? Oh, I'm studying." Hannah said quickly folding the papers and placing it in her bag.
"Uh-huh, sure. Anyways, I won't be able to hang out with you tonight. I picked up an extra shift so that I can make it to your test. You're welcome by the way." McCoy said smirking as he looked towards Hannah.
"Thanks. It really does mean a lot to me that you're going to be there tomorrow." Hannah said smiling.
"I just hope with whatever you're planning, its worth it." McCoy said standing up, "See you tomorrow, Anne."
Hannah nodded and once McCoy was out of earshot, she whispered, "I hope so too."
The next morning, Hannah sat in the Captain's chair looking towards Uhura as she started to talk to her, "We are receiving a distress signal from the U.S.S. Kobayashi Maru. The ship has lost power and is stranded. Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them."
"'Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them, Captain.' You should also sound at least a little concerned for U.S.S. Kobayashi Maru, Lieutenant." Hannah said swirling the chair back towards the front.
McCoy rolled his eyes at Hannah before speaking up looking at the monitors, "Two Klingon vessels have entered the Neutral Zone and are locking weapons on us."
"Alright." Hannah said as she observed the scene that was projecting on the monitors.
"Alright? Don't you want to, oh I don't know, fire back at them?" McCoy said annoyed as he looked towards his friend. "Three more Klingon warbirds decloaking and targeting our ship."
"Fire towards the Klingons. Lt. Uhura, Alert Medical Bay to prepare to receive all crew members from the damage ship." Hannah said secretly hoping that what she planned will follow through and work.
"How do you expect that to happen when we are surrounded by Klingons, Captain?" Uhura said glaring slightly at Hannah.
"Just alert Medical, Lt." Hannah said as McCoy stated that the ship's shilled was at 60%. "Keep firing back at them."
"Thats all?" McCoy asked and before he could sarcastically say something, all the monitors glitches and shuts down momentarily. Hannah smirked softly before pretending to act confused. McCoy eyed Hannah suspiciously knowing that she had something to do with this.
Once the light went back on and the monitors came back up and running Hannah spoke up, "What is the status of the Klingon ships?"
"The shields are still up." McCoy said before checking his monitors again. "Wait, they're not."
"Fire on all enemy ships. One photon each should about do it. We wouldn't want to waste too much ammunition, there could be more Klingon ships when we make our way back to Earth."
"Target locked and acquired on all warbirds. Firing." A crew member said. "All ships destroyed, Captain."
"Begin rescue of the stranded crew." Hannah said standing up proud of herself a she looked towards the observation deck smiling.
Hannah leaned against the wall outside the building waiting for McCoy to come out, "How did you do it Anne?" McCoy asked walking out of the building spotting Hannah waiting for him.
"Do what?" Hannah said as they began to walk to the cafeteria to grab something to eat.
"You know what." McCoy said seriously pulling Hannah to make her stop walking.
"I think its better if you don't know, Bones." Hannah said walking again.
"Stubborn girl." McCoy mumbled as they entered the cafeteria and grabbed some food. As they began to eat, one of the cadets walked up to Hannah.
"Kirk, McCoy, there is a mandatory meeting for all cadets." The cadet said before walking away.
"Shit…" Hannah mumbled before standing up. McCoy sighed knowing that something bad was going to happen.
In the assembly room, Hannah sat next to McCoy as one of the Admirals started to speak, "This session has been called to resolve a troubling matter. Hannah Kirk, step forward." Hannah kept a straight face as McCoy glanced worriedly at her. McCoy grasped her left hand and squeezed it gently to reassure her before she stood up and made her way down to the right podium. "Cadet Kirk, evidence has been submitted to this council suggesting that you violated the ethical code of conduct pursuant to Regulation 17.43 of the Starfleet code. Is there anything you care to say before we begin, miss?"
Hannah sighed softly already knowing who accused her, knowing her luck it was her cousin Spock, she glanced quickly towards the commanding officers before looking back to the front, "Yes actually, I believe I have the right to face my accuser directly."
"This is Commander Spock. He's programmed the Kobayashi Maru exam for the last four years. Commander?" The admiral said looking towards Spock who now stood before the other podium.
Hannah looked over at Spock waiting for him to speak. Spock spoke up emotionlessly, "Cadet Kirk, you somehow managed to install and activate a subroutine in the programming code, thereby changing the conditions of the test."
Hannah placed her hand behind her back, "Your point being?"
"In academic vernacular, you cheated." The admiral in the front of the room stated. The crowd started to murmur, McCoy ran his hands over his face knowing that whatever Hannah had planned would land her in trouble.
"Let me ask you something, I'm sure we all know the answer to. The test itself is a cheat, isn't it? I mean, you programmed it to be unwinnable." Hannah said looking over at Spock.
"Your argument precludes the possibility of a no-win scenario."
"I don't believe in no-win scenarios."
"Then not only did you violate the rules, you also failed to understand the principle lesson."
"Please, enlighten me." Hannah said placing her hands on the podium looking towards Spock with a slight glare. Even now as adults they don't get along, the only thing that keeps them civil towards each other was his mother Amanda, who happens to be Winona Kirk's sister. Hardly anyone knows about Hannah and Spock's relation, not even Leonard McCoy, Hannah's best friend, knows. Even though she hadn't seen her aunt in years, she still settled the tension between the two cousins.
"You of all people should know, Cadet Kirk, a captain cannot cheat death." Spock said towards his cousin. McCoy looked towards Hannah worriedly once more knowing that the topic of her father was a touchy one.
Hannah scoffs lightly as she felt anger at the fact that her cousin Spock was going to bring up her father. She looked down moving her bangs away from her face scoffing, "I of all people?"
"Your father, Lieutenant George Kirk, assumed command of his vessel before being killed in action, did he not?" Spock said, though he would never admit it, he felt slight guilt at bringing up his cousin's deceased father.
Instead of touching the subject of her father she looked up and glared at Spock, "You know Commander Spock, if I didn't know any better I would say that you didn't liked the fact that I beat your test."
"Furthermore, you have failed to divine the purpose of the test." Spock said getting slightly frustrated, as much as a half-Vulcan gets.
"Please, enlighten me again."
"The purpose is to experience fear, fear in the face of certain death. To accept that fear, and maintain control of oneself and one's crew." Spock said wanting Hannah to understand, "This is a quality expected in every Starfleet captain."
Hannah looked down but before she could muster up a response a commander walked towers the front and handed the head admiral something. Hannah looked towards McCoy before looking back at the Admiral who stood up and spoke, "We've received a distress call from Vulcan," Hannah and looked towards Spock worriedly who looked back towards her, both feeling concern for the planet. The admiral continued, "With our primary fleet engaged in the Laurentian system, I hereby order all cadets to report to Hangar One immediately. Dismissed."
All the cadets stood and started to head out of the assembly room. Hannah nodded towards Spock who subtly nodded back before rushing out of the room. Hannah stayed standing staring after her cousin as McCoy walked up behind her. "Who was that pointy-eared bastard? I like him." McCoy said sarcastically.
"My cousin…" Hannah said seriously before making her way out of the assembly room. McCoy stared after Hannah in shock.
"Your cousin? Wha-how?" McCoy said following after Hannah.
"His mom and my mom were sisters. Spock and I never got along, even as children. Hardly anyone know about our relation, the only thing we both care about is his mother." Hannah said as they neared the hangar. "Bones…I'm sorry."
"Sorry about what?" McCoy asked when they stopped walking.
"Sorry about not telling you about Spock and just for what happened with the test." Hannah said reaching out to hold McCoy's hand.
"Its okay…" McCoy said squeezing her hand softly as he kissed her forehead before heading into the hangar.