A/N: Thanks so much for your support :) I haven't decided how many chapters this fic will include, but it'll definitely be more than three.
Key: Thoughts...
Disclaimer: I don't own Gravitation
Chap 2: "Candy won't fix this"
Nervously the singer pushed some fuchsia hair behind his ear. He made the decision to go ahead with this, and wouldn't let himself back out.
Locking lilac eyes with sorrel orbs "I love you... You can use Yuki as your pen-name- not that you need my permission, but... I just won't call you that anymore, I can't!" Although vision was now blurred Shuichi saw his boyfriend's unease.
Glancing in another direction the blonde re-grasped his stoicism"I should have never-"
Interrupting, Shuichi claimed "Yes you should have, please don't say that. It's important you told me something like that".
"That some asshole tricked me as a boy, that I adopted his name?" Eiri queried darkly.
"That's what I don't understand! I wanna know everything about you, I want to understand everything about you, but I just don't get it... Why would you use the name of that that beast for the rest of your life?" he asked choking out a sob.
His hand smashing the coffee table caused Eiri to look back. A clenched fist rested on the thick glass surface, fingers of the opposite hand entangled in maroon hair, pulling.
"I can't answer that question"; it was the truth, at least so Eiri thought.
Lips pressed tightly together as tears rolled slowly over the pop star's face. Wordlessly he made his way to the couch, and laid down facing the wall.
"What are you doing?" he turned to his lover.
"Goodnight Yu...ki"
Rising from restless sleep Shuichi blinked open blood-shot eyes. He didn't know long he cried, but remembered seeing the sun rising before finally being overtaken by sleep.
Still sweating from the thoughts that plagued his mind for hours, he rolled over too quickly and banged his head on the coffee table. Lifting a hand to cradle his pounding cranium he saw a brown bruise.
Eiri's words echoed more loudly through his mind than the ringing in his ears- I can't answer that question...
A tear from the new bruise rolled down his moist face.
Why? I thought we were closer. He still doesn't trust me?...
Replacing the oncoming sob with a cough, he grabbed onto the couch to stand.
The author had obviously left early, to go who-knows-where. As usual he didn't leave a note, and Shuichi knew not to check his phone for a text message either.
Any day, if Eiri really wanted to, he could disappear...
His novels had earned him enough money to travel the world, and stay in a high-end hotel in each country he landed in. The singer hoped he wouldn't go so far.
Mustering up his dear friend Optimism, "I know I'll see him tonight" he concluded. Glancing at the clock he set to make a quick breakfast and shower before Bad Luck's meeting with Tohma.
Hiro immediately noticed the fake smile his best friend wore; his presence emitted little joy.
Slapping Shuichi on the back he shouted "Come on, cheer up lil bro!".
Wiping his keyboard Suguru stated "He's nearly five months older than you". Glancing at their band-mate Hiroshi scoffed, "Don't you have schoolwork to do?". Annoyed, the youngest teen present informed the two "If you aren't going to practice, I have no reason to be here".
Speaking up, "Hey hey I'm fine, maybe my blood sugar's low". Hiro peered at his friend "Where did you- ah, Yuki must've told you that, well lucky for you..." he fished in his backpack and took out a red lollipop.
Doing his best to hide the pain of hearing his boyfriend referred to by the accursed title, he accepted the candy. Practice went as usual, all but for the fact that Shuichi's heart wasn't in it.
That evening the singer returned the apartment with liquor in his stomach for company. When he saw that Eiri wasn't home, he didn't wait for his beloved blonde before laying down to sleep.
End of chap 2
Hope you liked it, please review.