Red Looks Good on Orange

"Open up for me Mikey."

"Like... Like this?"

The elder turtle's breath caught as his baby brother slowly, hesitantly, parted his plush thighs.

"Yeah, Mikey, just like that." Amber eyes devoured the sun depraved skin so innocently splayed apart, leaving bare nether flesh to quiver, unaccustomed to the cool draft that blew in close to raise goosebumps then ghost past almost undetected.

The molten gaze drifted up to study the wide crystal blue orbs that stared back, openly reflecting a hoard of emotions: confusion, embarrassment, bashfulness, caution, and a bright bit of curiosity. A trickle of fear intermixed with the smaller ninja's many feelings as a raging flame roared to life, morphing the elder brother's golden flecked glare into an undressing inferno.

Mikey's lower lip trembled, his voice fragile as he asked, "R-Raph.. did I do something wrong?"

As quickly as it had been lit the fire was swiftly put out, returning Raphael's intense eyes to a lesser degree of their usual crassness, "Nah, stupid, ya fine. Just hold still."


"Now where'd that foot ninja touch ya?"

"Umm- here- somewhere.." the orange banded turtle gestured vaguely between his spread legs.

Raph huffed, "The sooner ya can be more specific the sooner I can letchya go goof around and do all that sissy shit ya like ta pull."

The impatient tone earned him a plump lipped pout, "I'm not trying to be difficult! I don't remember where exactly... Why- why the shell are we doing this!? I didn't let him near my tail and its not like he hurt me. It just felt weird and it only lasted a few seconds. Leo knocked the dude's lights out and threw him far from me."

The bulky turtle sighed- ever the reliable, Fearless -and an unknown tension left his broad shoulders. So, Mike, was still... Well, Raph decided to double check just in case. Better safe than sorry, or whatever master Splinter says.

Forgetting to warn Michelangelo beforehand Raph brought one arm to rest on a soft thigh to support himself and leaned in closer for a better look.

Mikey barely suppressed his unmanly squeak of surprise and inwardly beamed that he was able to. (Raph hated his kidish noises) Raphael squinted in the poor lighting and moved in unwisely closer, for his breath tickled the sensitive section of lower plastron and Mikey unintentionally jerked his hips up.

Have you ever been slapped by turtle slit? No? As of now Raphael has and while it didn't necessarily hurt it was definitely too much for the big guy. He had been successful in masking how his brother's position was affecting his 'always ready' body up until this point. He couldn't help but groan as his little bro's sweet untouched sex smell invaded his olfactory sense. So enticing and refreshingly unlike his own heavy musk. Raph's mouth watered and his dark lips parted.

What would Michelangelo Hamatto taste like?

Interpreting Raph's groan as one of agitation an embarrassed Mikey tried to scuttle backwards. The red banded turtle growled, a deep rumbling sound like the shifting of earth plates from underneath the world above, and grabbed hold of Mikey's hips, pulling the startled teen back so that Raph was once more kneeling between his legs. The smaller gasped at the sensation of his big brother's knees brushing up against him and stared at Raph questioningly.

The sai wielding ninja was breathing shallower and more heavily, his jaw clenched, and his brows nit together giving him a searching, dazed look. A strange sound came from the biggest of the turtles and Raphael's head snapped down to acusse his plastron covered chest. Was he making that funny noise?

Raph heard Mikey whimper and noticed that the more spry and springy of his brothers had his eyes shut tight, his shoulders shaking lightly.

Mikey was scared?... Of Raph? No, no that can't be.

Sure Raph was an intimidating guy, but his baby bro should never need fear him. To sooth the misplaced fear he'd caused, Raphael released the, now that he was really looking at them, shapely hips he'd stolen and leaned back on his calves, drawing a little ways away from Mikey.

Raph sighed, "Sorry, Mikey, I just need ta confirm that ya are 100% alright before ya can hop off on me."

"Raph," something about the always happy turtle's voice was off, "I feel funky... down there."


Carefully Mikey poked himself, tentative fingers prodding at his tender slit. Pretty human eyes shot wide in realization and met the equally dilated, honey tinted ones of his big brother. Shame leaked down full cheeks and the offending hand was snatched away quickly.

"Raphie I- I didn't mean to- I m-mean I know what I-it is, b-but I've never- I wasn't trying to!" Mikey made pitiful sounds of distress, his throat overworking itself, making him choke a little on his apology.

Geez, you'd think Mikey'd commited first rate murder.

Raph opened his arms wide invitingly and beckoned the distraught turtle to find comfort with him, "Aw, knucklehead, c'mere."

Set at minor ease by Raph's understanding smile Mikey scooched forward and shivered a little when hard knees met his inner thighs and capable arms pulled him in. It was simple, reassuring contact and it was wonderful. And that rumbling chur his brother was emitting was very soothing.

Raph hugged Mikey closer to him, rubbing soft circles across his shell. Instinctively, Raphael let the odd purring continue to get louder and let out a pleased hum when Mikey cautiously churred back.

There was that damned delicious smell again, only at this proximity it was stronger. Raph took in a big breath and his eyes rolled upwards in delight at the intoxicating scent the smaller mutant's suddenly swollen lower plastron was giving off.

"Mikey." Raph murmured.

"Hmm?" Mikey answered questioningly.

"Not gonna lie, Mikey, I wanna touch ya." Raph lifted his brother's round face so he had little choice but to face his sincere countenance.

Mikey blinked rapidly, "Me? Wha-"

"Ssssshh," Raph moved a thick index finger along Mikey's curved jaw to trail lightly down smooth plaston and rub gently at tender slit. Mikey whimpered and pressed into the teasing touch. Raph's aroused mind understood. The darker ninja leaned down till he was practically kissing Michelangelo's slit and then he did just that.

Mikey surprised himself with a needy moan. How could something so light and little feel so good? The strange churring grew louder, thrumming from Raph's chest, and Mikey mewed at the vibrating sound. The orange banded turtle clutched Raph's shoulders as the uncharacteristically gentle ninja brushed his lips back and forth against Mikey's now slightly sticky opening. Mikey was at a loss for logical thought. He only knew that Raph could kiss him there as many times as he wanted and Mikey would do anything to make Raph keep up that beautiful noise.

Raph's desire for his cheerful sibling was growing quite much to handle. He did have knowledge that Mikey had never done anything of these likes before and he would never push him into anything without his consent. Mikey cooed cutely when Raph dared to slip in some minor tongue, parting the slit fractionally open. The outer plastron tasted faintly sweet and it had a pleasant lingering aftertaste, while the soft inside was a burst of yummy tang that more than helped Raph make up his mind.

"Mikey?" He asked, licking his wet lips.

"Hmm?" Mikey looked adorably puzzled. Why'd Raph stop?

"I wanna make ya feel good, Mikey, and all I need is for ya permission."

Mikey nodded his silly noggin so fast Raph had to laugh lowly.

There were so many scrumptious things he could do to his baby brother. So many different ways to make him come undone, and Raph was having a mind whirling time deciding which to do first. Mikey bit his bottom lip in anticipation and unknowingly influenced Raph's choice.

Raph slowly pushed Mikey back onto his shell, big hands traveled down Mikey's trembling thighs to settle on either side on the floor so he could support his upper bulk. He lowered his head until it hovered just above Mikeys quivering slit and looked up at Mikey, who was straining his neck to watch everything Raph was doing. Raph gave him a wicked grin before diving down and thrusting his thick tougue past the firm plastron lips hiding Mikey. The younger turtle gasped and his hips bucked forward automatically.

"Hm hm mm!" Raph hummed chidingly and swirled his slick appendage around the peeking head of Mikey's manhood, coaxing it to swell and grow. With a few more well placed licks he had the member up and out. Raph dragged his toungue up the impressive length and made sure Mikey was looking into his eyes as he took him into his hot mouth.

Mikey's lips parted in a soundless scream, his toes curling and his gut flipping. Raphie was... He was inside... Oh, shell. An exquisite sensation coarsed through every vein of his dick as the suction of Raph's mouth pulled him in to then slide him out, teeth lightly grazing his tip every other stroke. Raph hummed and churred, pacing slowly and swallowing his brother deeply as he suckled Mikey for the first time. And oh, yes, Mikey tasted so deliciously perfect.

Poor overwhelmed Mikey wouldn't last very long, his uncontrolled bucking and desperate pleas he cried for Raph testament to that. Going down all the way to Mikey's base Raph abruptly switched pace and rammed Mikey down his throat fast and hard.

Mikey's hands scrapped uselessly at the big turtles shell and he whimpered out a reverent, "R-Raphie." as he came, his body seizing up in intense pleasure before slumping slackly back to the floor.

Raph cleaned his lips, licking the corners to make sure not one drop was missed and skillfully tucked Mikey away, "Hmmm, ya tasty Mikey."

Said turtle's face flushed a darker shade of green and he covered himself, suddenly conscious.

Raphael's rich laughter made Mikey smile shyly, his chest filling with an endearing warmth.

"It's a little late for that Mikey," Raph was looking at his brother in such a way it made Mikey wary, "Turn around."


"Turn around and get on ya hands and knees Mikey," Raph pured, "Don't make me help ya."

Mikey scrambled to do as Raph ordered. He felt a warm body come up behind him and press up closely to the back of his shell. He wanted to see Raph! This position made Mikey feel vulnerable and his arms began to shake. Then there were hands all over his ass and he squeeked in surprise, subconsciously tucking his tail tightly against the lower plastron between his legs. The shaking got worse.

"None a' that now." The much larger ninja whispered, stroking Mikey's tail softly. An acute zing of nerve singing pleasure shot through the small appendage and went straight to Mikey's crotch and he cried out needily.

Oh, my...

"That's not even the half of it Mikey," Raph chuckled, enjoying the little moans he milked from his younger brother.

Mikey's arms gave out before the end.

Two figures watched silently as Raph hefted a limp turtle, lax in his sated sleep, into his thick arms bridal style and carriy him to bed. Mikey nuzzled Raph's chest and churred unconsciously to his big lover.

When Mikey's bedroom door shut and Raph never emerged one of them growled in jealousy, while the other should his head and smiled to himself, his premonition had come true.

A third stayed even farther to the shadows, utterly disappointed.

The End... (unless people convince me otherwise)