Kyoya walked around the fair with his head hung down. The sounds of the people around him mixed with the loud music from the rides were giving him a head ache. He sighs and stuffs his hands into his pockets, and begins to think this wasn't the best of ideas to come. Carnivals tend to not be as much fun if you dont have someone with you to share the memories with. Kyoya didn't have anyone like that anymore, his only friend was his studies as sad as that seemed. He felt no need for anyone else in his life. He didn't even know why he came to the carnival in the first place, he saw it as a gathering of common folk and he had other things to do then spend his time walking around aimlessly.

He continues his march, head low and interest dwindling. He passes countless stands and finally he decides to leave, nothing really catching his eye anyways. He turns to leave, but as he does his ears are filled with the sounds of laughter. No, it wasn't laughter it was a laugh a single laugh from a single person. He turns his head and sees a boy being entertained by a circus performer. The boys eyes were glistening as he laughed at the foolish antics of the clown. His hair was short and had waves of perfect blonde that was practicully salon quality. Kyoya stopped and watched the blond boy laugh, his tall slender shape hunching forward in delight. The boy was so animated in his movements very much like a child that watches a little to many cartoons fot his own good. Kyoya continued to stare only two stands away from him, he couldn't help but feel envious of the boys overflowing confidence. The way he so shamelessy let everyone see him laugh. The clown handed the blonde boy a ballon and made his exit as the boy walked away still smiling happily. Kyoya stood there for a few seconds before pushing his glasses back in place regaining his composure. There was something about that boy that caught his interst so he starts walking in that direction hoping to run into him.

The carnival was packed and he soon decided that the chances of seeing him again would be very unlikely so he resumed his march of depressed gloomy boredom. He had bought tickets to go on the rides when he first entered the carnival, he had spent good money on it so he decided to use them. It wasn't as if he didnt have money to spend he had plenty of that to spair, but it just wasn't ethical to spend money and not use what he had paid for. Ironically he was a rich boy penny pincher, and he was some what proud of it. He walked around until he came to a roller coaster and thinking why not, he got on. There was an empty car in the back so he headed there. He sat down with a sigh and was about to pull the saftey bar down, questioning the sketchy mechanism of the whole thing, when he heard someone ask,

"Um is it ok if I ride with you?"

He looked up and his eyes widened when he saw who it was. Standing there with a smile on his face was the boy with the childish laugh. He then noticed the boys eyes were of a pretty soft violet and wondered greatly if they were contacts or his natural color. It took him a few seconds to realise he had asked him a question. He didnt say anything just moved to the other side of the car to make more room for him. The boy smiled and got in pulling the saftey bar down as he sat. The engineer at the head began to drone on about saftey regulations and the two kept silent sitting side by side. Kyoya glanced at the boy and his thoughts began to wander.

"I wonder who this boy is? Well judging by his clothes and impecible grooming he may be of a higher statis or he may be very self aware and enjoys getting allot of attention. So he's either an attention whore or he is very proud of his looks. Speaking of his looks his eyes are violet they are probably contacts, or at least I hope they are contacts because if not he probably has some strange birth defect which is fine but pretty unfortunate"

The boy interupted his train of thoughts by putting his hand out.


Kyoya zoned back into reality and looked at the hand of the blonde stranger then back at the still overly smiling face of the boy. He looked at the hand once again almost like a forien object not knowing what he ment or wanted, Kyoya raised a questioning eyebrow and the boy smiled and said,

"My name silly, it's Tamaki, Tamaki Suoh."

Finally it clicked in Kyoya's head and he took the boy called Tamaki's hand and gave it a firm business like hand shake,

"Kyoya, my name's Kyoya Ohtori it's a pleasure to meet you."

It did not escape his mind the softness of his hands which added to his suspicions that he was an obsessive over groomed narcisist. He laughed at his own thoughts softly to himself.

"Sorry I was just lost in my thoughts I tend to do that."

Tamaki waved his hand in front on his face dismissively.

"So are you here alone Kyoya?"

Tamaki asked sweetly. Kyoya couldn't help but notice how his eyebrow twitched when he spoke his name so familialy even though the other boys voice was very nice and friendly it still annoyed him. Kyoya was raised to never speak a persons first name one first meeting unless the person gave prior permission.

"As a matter of fact yes, usually I'm home studying but toady I wanted to try a normal commoners festival."

He finished with a shrug. The boy gave him a funny look, Kyoya began to fear that he may have in some way offended the other boy. Perhaps the boy was a commoner himself, that would explain his lack of manners. He was about to apologize when suddenly Tamaki broke out in a fit of laughter. Kyoya looked at him in confusion.

"What's so funny?"

"Your answer, it was just funny."

Kyoya furrowed his forehead in deep confusion at the blonde young man. Tamaki just smiled,

"I don't know you just say things funny."

Before Kyoya could respond to what he said the ride started to move forward. Tamaki jumped from the sudden movement and began gripping the saftey bar tightly squeezing his eyes shut. Kyoya looked at him in concern.

"Hey are you alright you're death gripping the saftey bar?"

Slowly Tamaki opened his eyes and looked at him letting out a embaressed laugh.

"Well it's just...this is my first time on a roller coaster I'm a little nervous. I'm sorry just ignore me I'll loosen up when the ride starts."

Kyoya nodded his head in understanding as the ride began it's long climb to the top. He looked at the boy contemplating on what he could do. The other boys cheeks were slightly pink, and his bottom lip was trembling, he was terrified, he looked like a child next to him. Kyoya closed his eyes and sighed to himself wondering what he had got himself into. As his eyes were closed he felt something tugging onto his shirt sleeve, and when he opened his eyes he saw that it was Tamaki.


Tamaki blushed and looked into his lap sniffing.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to hold hands..."

Kyoya gave him a shocked look.

"Absolutly not! What the hell? Why would I do that?"

Tamaki looked down saddly and sniffed and pouted and squirmed in his seat.

"You don't have to be so mean Kyoya it's just a hand, sense the dawn of time humans have done it as a sign of comfort! From one man to another there is nothing wrong in wanting to make someone feel comforted! It's natural and a nice thing to do for someone!"

Kyoya crossed his arms and looked away from the boy. Tamaki frowned and started to whine loudly and poke the other boy on the cheek. Kyoya could feel a blood vessel in his neck throb in pure fury as he tried to ignore him he lasted a few seconds until finally Kyoya letting out an exsaperated groan yelled out.

"I swear to the lord I will strangle you if you don't stop pesterinng me! You're not a child just suck it up and deal with it."

"I don't want to deal with it! Hold my hand!"

Tamaki yelled.

"No you needy turnip!"

"I'm not needy I have needs now take my hand if you dont you're homophobic!"

"Excuse me that makes no sense what so ever!"

"Hmph I never thought I would be sharing this ride with a homophob."

"Fine! I'll hold your stupid hand!"

Kyoya had figured if he just gave in the boy would leave him alone. He took the boys hand and looked away from him once again. Tamaki smiled and laughed and started humming to himself pleasently. Kyoya rolled his eyes as the ride reached the top. The drop from the top of the ride was steep and stomach turning. Kyoya felt the hand he was forced to hold get uncomfortably tight.

"You know blood circulation is good for the whole body, hands included."

"I'm scared Kyoya."

Kyoya sighed and nudgded the boy next to him.

"Trust me its gonna be fine."

The blonde looks at him and relaxs as the ride drops. Through the entire ride their hands never separated Tamaki made sure of that as they were thrown all around the car. At one moment during the ride they had made eye contact for a few seconds and Kyoya couldn't help but smile at the over joyed face of the boy next to him. He finally relaxed and decided to have some fun. When the ride finally came to a stop Kyoya and Tamaki both had messed up hair and smiles plastered onto thier laughing faces.

"That was so much fun Kyoya, I don't even know why I was scared in the first place."

Tamaki said making Kyoya give him a polite smile.

"Well I'm really glad you aren't scared anymore."

He said and Tamaki smiled,

"Well I was never scared in the first place I just wanted to see if you would hold my hand."

Kyoya looked at Tamaki with outrage and shock.

"You tricked me? Are you crazy? That's sexual harrassment!"

Tamaki smiled as the safety bar rose and stood up.

"Oh pish posh Kyoya there is nothing sexual about it."

As Tamaki turned to walk out of the car he was met by a shoe to the tush sending him to his knees. Tamaki catches himself and looks behind him whilest rubbing his butt. He was gonna complain when he was met with the furious face of Kyoya.

"Stay where you are and die."

He steps over Tamaki and stomps away, with the blonde quickly gathering hiself up. He runs after Kyoya,

"Leave me alone you perverted pest."

"Hey I'm not a pest I was just messing with you Kyoya it was a joke."

Kyoya gives him a dirty glance and continues to walk.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that it was wrong and childish it won't happen again."

Kyoya stopped walking and took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose,

"Fine, thank you for the apology I accept it now if you will excuse me."

He made to walk away when tamaki caught his arm,

"Hey, you said you were here alone right? Well I'm here alone too and feel free to decline but I was wondering if you would want to be my fair buddy?"

He says with a sweet smile. Kyoya says nothing and he continues,

"After all the carnival is much more fun when you have people to share the memories with you know?"

Kyoya thinks for a bit and remembers how depressing it was when he was alone, and even if it was with an annoying human gnat like this blonde was proving to be it was probably more practicul for him to be with someone else,

"You're completly right Mr. Suoh it would be more fun with friends. I would love to be your fair buddy."

He says with a charming smile, and Tamaki's face lights up as he hops up and down with excitment.

"Fantastic! Alright what should we do first fair buddy?"

Kyoya thinks,

'What would be a good ride to take him on?'

He looks around and see's the various different rides and tries to find one for them. He looks past the numerous kiddy rides although something told him Tamaki would like those more then his age would tell. He looks until he sees the zipper. It was a tall ride where they put you in this cage and you flip over and over until your head spins and your terrified.

"How about the zipper?"

He asks pointing at it so Tamaki would know which one he was talking about. Tamaki turns and looks and sees the various cars turning over and over. He turns back with a big grin on his face.

"Lets do it!"

He takes Kyoya's hand again and drags him towards the ride, much to the dark haired boys displeasure. The line was moving extra fast so they almost immediately got on, and after giving the carnival worker the appropriate ammount of tickets the two of them were straped into the cage tightly beginning their decent upwards. The ride started and they were flipped over and over forwards and backwards repeatedly. Their car was filled with their mutual screams of laughter until the ride came to an end. The rest of the night was filled with even more laughter and happiness each of them going to diffeent and various rides. At one point they went to a carnival stand and Tamaki stopped infront of one. It was the kind you throw base balls in order to knock over bottles.

"I bet you I could win that big teddy bear."

He pointed to it and Kyoya smiled.

"Well Tamaki the chances of beating these arbitary carnival games are one to nothing with out having prior skill and talent."

He said ajusting his glasses. Tamaki rolled his eyes playfully,

"Whatever I'm still gonna try."

He pays and gets his three base balls.

"Just watch me Kyoya I'm gonna win."

He takes a deep breath, and slowly letting it out he throws the first ball, which horribly misses. He blushes greatly and tries the second and third all completly missing the target. Kyoya puts his hand over his mouth to hide his smirk as Tamaki falls to his knees in defeat.

"I...I'm a failure.."

Tamaki gets up and goes to one of the benches and sits there with his feet on the seat, knees to his chest a gloom cloud hovering over his pouting figure. Kyoya looks at the boy in a mixture of amusement and pity, never in his life has he seen someone his age act so childish and dramatic. He turns to the carnival worker.

"Excuse me sir I would like to try."

After paying his fee he gets three balls.

"You might want to step back."

Kyoya says to the carnival worker who shrugs indifferently. Kyoya steps back and taking a deep breath he throws the first ball. It hits and knocks down his stack of bottles and with the two other balls he has he tosses and knocks down the other two stacks in the tent. Kyoya pushes his glasses back into place and brushes the dust off his hands. The carni looks at him in shock,

"Now then, I would like that over stuffed teddy bear please."...

Tamaki sits there in a depressed state when he feels a hand on his shoulder. Looking up he sees a giant teddy bear smiling at him with Kyoya behind it.

"Now now Mr. Suoh you shouldn't look like that, festivals are no place for tears"

He says as he hands Tamaki the bear. Tamaki looks at Kyoya with surprise,

"I thought you said those games were arbitary and the chances of winning them are one to nothing."

Kyoya pushes his glasses back in place looking away as he says

"I did say something like that didn't I."

He gently hands the bear to Tamaki and starts walking away. Tamaki hugs the bear smiling and gets up and following Kyoya close behind. They finally came to the the final ride, the ferris wheel. The got in line paid the tickets and got into a car. The ride rose and rose and they were stopped at the top. The full moon was out and the stars were shining. The carnival lights created a beautiful scene before them. They sat side by side the teddy bear on the other side of Tamaki causing them to sit slightly more snug then what would normally would have been required. Kyoya looked down at Tamaki the wind was blowing his blonde hair around and his eyes sparkling as he watched the stars. Tamaki looks at Kyoya and smiles,

"So, whats your story Kyoya?"

Kyoya looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

Tamaki shrugs,

"I mean what school do you go to and why are you here by yourself?"

Kyoya thinks for a minute,

"Well I go to the Saint Bridge private school but I'll be transferring to the Ouran private institute this month."

Tamaki's face lit up,

"No way that's the school that I go to. It's a really good school allot of big wigs send their children there to give them an early taste of high society."

Kyoya nodded,

"Which is the reason my father is requesting an imediate transfer to Ouran being his third son I have allot of slack to pick up."

Kyoya looked at Tamaki and he saw that Tamaki had a troubled look on his face but before he could ask about it Tamaki changed expression and gave a soft smile.

"You know Kyoya it's not always about hard work and cramming. I actually have this club at the school, it's a host club, and me and some other guys I know made it and it's a good way to make money and have fun. All the guys are awesome with the stragest personalities you will ever see, but I personally think that's what makes them all so incredible."

Tamaki suddenly turned to him.

"Kyoya! You should join."

Kyoya looks at Tamaki at first with surprise then with parental scolding,

"Tamaki you shouldn't make such rash decisions like this you have to think things through more."

He pushed his glasses back as Tamaki laughs at him softly,

"Just think about it and when you get to the school you can observe and see if you want to join or not."

Kyoya paused shortly to think about the option Tamaki had given him,

"Alright I don't see any harm in that."

Tamaki had a big smile on his face,

"Hooray! I hope you decide to join Kyoya I would love to spend more time with you."

Kyoya smiled,

"Hey could I be honest with you for a second?"

"Of course!"

Kyoya nods and continues,

"I snuck out."

Tamaki looked down as if in shame.

"I shouldn't even be here to be honest I mean I'm glad I came because i met you and all the fun we are having and i always loved the lesser peoples lives, but my father wants me to seriously settle down and study all the time now that school is going to start soon. I like studying don't get me wrong but it gets to be too much after a while you know? Man if my father finds out he will blow his top."

There was a comfortable silence that fell between the two of them, Tamaki looking down at the people as Kyoya looks up at the sky. Kyoya thinks about the week he has had and everything that has happened, he is sarted to think that just maybe he and Tamaki has a lot more in common then he thought.

"Me too."

Tamaki looked at Kyoya with surprise, Kyoya just shrugged.

"Yeah I am not usually a big fan of crowds, but my father wants me to study more and more everyday so I guess this is my little act of rebeliousness. I love watching these people, and getting to be apart of their world. A world without butlers and maids just simple every day life."

Kyoya looked around and felt envy for the people below. They all had there own lives but none of them would ever have to face the stuggles that he would have to in his life. They would all go to their normal schools and get normal jobs and have normal lives. Maybe one of them will get lucky and get rich or famous but the chance was really unlikely. Him and Tamaki would be the future millionaires, they say his generation will one day rule the world but he and Tamaki will be the big dogs running it. He looked at Tamaki, he had never met someone like him. Tamaki knew what it was like to crave this life and to want to get away, he knew what it was like to have people constantly at his neck all day about his decsions. Kyoya never got a chance to make many friends at his old school and he despretly wanted it to be different at this new one.

"I think I will take up your offer Suoh I'll check out your club."

Tamaki looks at him with an excited look on his face.

"That's awesome Kyoya! I'm completly positive you will love it and the guys in it will love you I'm sure of it. Although they are some very interesting individuals you may want to kill them some days, but you will learn to love them I think."

Kyoya laughed at how excited Tamaki got. When the ride was finally over they got off and walked to the entrance not talking much. They exchanging numbers and went their separate ways.

When Kyoya got home he snuck back into his room. He got undressed and flopped on his bed completly exhausted from the journey home. He had to wait in the cold night air for a taxi to take him home that didn't look like it would rob him or fall apart the second they started to drive, or both. When he had finally found one he had to explain to the man who spoke very broken english where to go and whe they finally did start driving the driver was so safe and slow it took two hours to get home. Then he had to walk half a mile to his house climb the side of his mansion and sneak into his window all without the securty cameras seeing him. He let his eye close for some much needed rest, when he heard his phone vibrate on his night stand. He sat up and rubbed the little bit of sleep he had gotten out of them and reached over and checked it and saw it was a call from Tamaki, he answered it.

"Hello hello Kyoya how are you?"

Kyoya moved the phone from his ear and looked at the time on the screen which read 1:25 AM,

"Suoh what on Earth are you doing up this early?"

"It's never to early to talk to a friends my dear boy, now I called you to ask you a very important question and when you answer it i shall leave you to your beauty sleep although i my opinion you dont need all that much."

The way Tamaki was talk reminded Kyoya of an adult trying to get a kid to do something by making the thing sound way better then it actually turned out to be.

"What is your question then?"

There was a slight pause and a change in the tone of Tamaki's voice,

"How good are you at keeping secrets Kyoya?"

Kyoya's eyebrows furrowed at the question and he thought of all the secrets he has had to keep,

"I guess you could say im the best at keeping secrets, why do you ask?"

"Well that is very good indeed Kyoya it will be a talent that will come in handy with this club. I assure you."

"Wait, what does that mean?"

"Hmm? Oh nothing, well I'm gonna get some sleep. Good night Kyoya talk soon."

Tamaki hung up before Kyoya could stop him leaving Kyoya confused and with allot of questions left in his head.

"Just what have I gotten myself into"...