Kyoya barely sat down before the door slammed open and almost hit the wall right next to where he was sitting. Luckily it was stopped a mere inches from the wall by a small wedge on the floor. Twenty maybe even thirty girls came bursting in, stopping momentarily to throw their money in the box that Kaoru and Hikaru had brought out, it was placed on the floor on the other side of the doors opposite of where Kyoya was sitting. It soon became over flowing due to the fact that it was a box with a lid, a lock, and a gaping abyss inside of it that the money soon got lost in. There wasn't even individual slots and or dividers to separate the different the sight of the finances being handled in such a careless manor almost made Kyoya wanna vomit, and he had to fight the urge to go over and fix the money.

The girls divided between themselves; some went with Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai some went with the twins, and the rest went in the direction of the blonde boy. Kyoya sat with an extreme look of confusion as he observed from his safe little spot.

(Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai in Kyoya's point of view)

There are two couches in the middle of the room both with candy apple red faux leather cushions and a beige frame, as a matter of fact most of the furniture had beige wood frames. I don't know to much about inner decor but by the looks of it seemed to be a good choice as far as couches go. One of the couches was for two people and that was the one Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai were seated on, the other had five cushion and was seating ten young women. By the looks of them they were seated hip to hip and were almost drooling like hungry dogs. In between the two couches was a large coffee, but unlike the other furniture it was a deep dark brown with a glass top covered in expensive and sugary looking sweets. Like a bakery display counter exploded onto it.

There were tea pots and cupcake stands filled with a soft pastel rainbows of frostings and paper, cookie plates stacked high with many confectionaries of all shapes colors and sizes, bowls of candy that ranged from hard to chew taffy to chocolate all of which glistened like crystal, and plate after plate of cake. There was whole cake, half cake, square cake, round cake, cake in stacks cake in rows and slices of cake all of different colors on their own individual plates, and piles of soft laced pink napkins at the corners and center of the table. Don't get me wrong on occasion I'll enjoy a desert from time to time after a properly made meal, but that table made his gag reflex almost kick in. It was like looking at a plate of child obesity and diabetes that no human should consume in high quantities. The girls that had charged to them had sat rubbing elbows all across the long sofa. They were cooing at Honey-senpai or swooning at Mori-senpai. Honey-senpai was smiling brightly at the girls while Mori-senpai slouched back eyes closed with sweat dripping from his temples breathing slightly shallow. Honey-senpai enthusiastically waved to the young women.

"Hallo ladies!"

All the ladies collectively awed at the senior's childish enthusiasm giggling to each other before they all responding together with the same excitement,

"Hi Honey-senpai!"

He hugged the rabbit in his arms tightly and flashed the girls his near perfect smile to which they responded with more awws and giggles. A part of me wishes no one had told me his real age because there is just something about a 18 year old legal adult acting like a six year old that puts me off just a bit.

"How are you today? I see you are all just as pretty and cute as can be!"

(Oh please) The girls in a chorus all thanked him and talked amongst themselves at how cute and sweet he was, complementing the bunny in his arms. Honey-senpai was practically bouncing in his seat from all the attention. When one of the meek girls asked him a question.

"Honey-senpai why does Mori-senpai look so exhausted was he at Kendo practice?"

All the girls that were putting their attention on Honey-senpai looked to the other tall and brooding one and immediately they had deep lustful eyes that were staring at the tall strong senior who's shirt clung to the contour of his muscles like it was painted on. I felt bad for the girls though because the taller senior was so obviously ignoring them. Honey-senpai looked at Mori-senpai and began to fuss at him tugging his shirt with his tiny tiny hands.

"Takashi you have to take off your shirt and clean off or else you'll get sick for the sweat!"

Mori rolled his eyes and swatted away at the smaller boys hands. Honey-senpai pouted and reached in front of him to grab some napkins.

"Takashi! You're all sweaty and wet you need to take off your shirt and I'll dry you off!"

I really don't understand why I'm still in this room to be perfectly honest with you. Mori-senpai stood up making all the girls gasp and blush as he took off his tie and peeled off his shirt. Holy shit..the boy was practically a freaking olympian with his defined and sculpted muscles, broad shoulders and long limbs...suddenly I feel like I need to go to the gym. Honey-senpai had a wad of pink frilly napkins in his small hand as he stood up on the couch. (Sweet lord his head barley reached Mori-senpai's shoulders does this boy not drink milk?) Honey-senpai placed the napkins on the taller boys chest and began to wipe his pectorals off.

The girls in front of the boys were sitting at the edge of their seats for some reason watching the movement like a cat with a laser. The little napkins did next to nothing as they soon became completely soaked in the disgusting bodily liquid. Mori-senpai didn't seem to mind that all the girls were basically leering at his body, he seemed disinterested as he looked the other way bored. Honey-senpai placed a hand on Mori-senpai's chest bracing himself as he reached down to grab more napkins. As he was reaching his hand slipped off the slick stone like body of Mori-senpai and he fell towards the table filled with metal cake trays and hot tea pots, I was literally about to get up when the tall guy grabs the little senior gently on the wrist and holds him to his now semi damp chest. I would of slapped the crap out of anyone holding me to their sweaty ass chest, but the blonde senior seemed fine. Honey-senpai glances up his eyes sparkling as he dramatically clings to the boy sniffling. Mori-senpai wrapped arms around him and rocks him side to side gently,

"Awww how cuuuute!"

"What a hero"

"Poor Honey!"

All the girls cheer at the two in their touching moment all with tears in their eyes as they picked up different cakes and cookies to give to the small boy to make him feel better. What the actual hell.

(Kaoru and Hikaru in Kyoya's point of view)

The twins were sitting at a table with two chairs that had the same frame as all the others furniture no surprise there, but the cushions were an soft Easter egg pink faux leather as was the couch the girls were sitting on which had four seats, I guess they were telling the girls really bad jokes.

"Alright Kaoru your turn."

The one I guess is Kaoru smiled and looked to the anxious girls,

"Alright ladies, Knock Knock?"

The girls shyly whispered to themselves before one in the middle responded meekly,

"Who's there?"


Oh good lord what the hell..the girls giggled to themselves at how animated Kaoru was waving his arms around.

"Cow who?"

Kaoru paused for a bit dramatically (because lord knows we are on the edge of our seats) before blurting out,

"Cow's it going?"

(Ugh. Vomit.) Kaoru burst into a fit of chuckles which in my opinion he had no right to even have, as the girls giggled at his silliness (and that's all.) whispering amongst themselves, Hikaru however rolled his eyes he must be the smarter brother.

"Kaoru that wasn't even a good one."

(Well said) Kaoru stopped laughing and pouted at Hikaru.

"Hey it was too funny Hikaru you're so mean."

(He may be mean but he's truthful maybe you're to sensitive...I'm kind of a dick) Kaoru crossed his arms and turned away from his brother in a childish huff.

"What can I say Kaoru you were always the more immature and sensitive never took much to make you cry."

(Ouch) Hikaru looked to the girls,

"I remember one time he got a fright from a shoe in the middle on the night on the way to get some water and he came running to find me tears in his little eyes. He was convinced it was the droppings of a monster ghost cat."

(Pfft..) Kaoru twitched at his words and sniffed a little bit as the girls awed and giggled at the story. While Hikaru was laughing he looked at his brother and must have noticed his ears were getting pinker,

"Kaoru? You ok?"

Hikaru reached across the table and touched his brothers shoulder, but he got shrugged away.

"You're always so mean to me Hikaru, you didn't have to tell them that story. You always tease me and I was just trying to be funny and witty. I was just trying to be more like you, but it's not that easy."

Hikaru got up from his chair and went to his knee in front of his brother. Reaching up he catch Kaoru's chin in his hand and brought his brothers face closer. (A bit too close for my comfort) The girls began shifting in their seats anxiously watching the two brothers.

"Kaoru, you wanted to be more like your big brother?"

He softly said to his brother. Kaoru's cheeks began to get pink as he looked away from his brother face, shaking his head no. Hikaru smirked and pushed some hair behind his brothers ear. The girls all blushed deeply as they watched the boys and I fought the bile climbing up my throat.

"Come on baby brother, speak up for me?"

Kaoru snapped around and faced his brother with his face pink and his mouth open his breath a little heavier.

"Hikaru you know I hate when you call me that!"

Hikaru smiled at him,

"But I got you to face me."

Before Kaoru could turn his face away Hikaru tightened the grip of his chin in his hand.

"Kaoru please you know I love to tease you. Do you forgive your brother?"

Kaoru looked up at Hikaru's face and nodded smiling slightly,

"Yes I could never stay mad at you."

Kaoru turned fully and they slowly and intimately embraced making all the girls clap and swoon.


Over in Tamaki's corner there were two couches both of equal size, both had five cushions that were two feet across and both we a deep sensual purple. That boy did enjoy his purples. A coffee table in between with a shining silver coffee set. Tamaki was set in the middle of one couch and what he was doing could only be called shameless flirting, and that was it. He went from female to female lavishing them in compliments and cheeky come ons that would ruffle a nuns feathers. He would never stay seated for to long before he got up and went to the next eager girl so his thighs must be on fire. Tamaki rose with grace and walked in front of a girl with golden hair, he gets on his knee and takes the bottom of her long thin silk like hair in his hand and brings it to his lips.

"My lady, I being one who also has fair hair can show the finest of appreciations."

He talks a slow inhale and smiles at the girl who is stone still.

"Bless the gods, for the aroma of your golden beauty strands that frame your portrait of beauty is more sweet then the taste of the honey made by a bee who was madly in love."

Tamaki gently pulled the girl closer and with a glint in his eye,

"I might be returning the feelings for this flower."

The girl covers her face with both hands as Tamaki gets up to walk to another girl, all the girls surrounding the blonde girl immediately start fanning her and giggling with her. Tamaki stops in front of a chubby girl with thick dark brown hair pulled up way to tight in a high bun. She was sitting with her arms crossed over her stomach, obviously trying to hide the muffin top that showed in her dress. Tamaki looked at her and reached forward and took her hand and pulled her up so that she was standing on her feet. The girl was shocked and because she wasn't expecting to be suddenly standing she fell into Tamaki. I braced for disaster, there was no way Tamaki was going to be able to catch the girl with her size and the momentum. Tamaki with a relaxed smile caught the girl around the waist and dipped her while pulling the band from her hair letting her dark thick fall like a curtain of chocolate that dangled and swayed just above the ground. The girl was stunned and staid there as Tamaki effortlessly held her.

"You my little sweet are like a feather never be shy about your body."

The girl with the dark hair's eyes tear up as Tamaki pulls her up so that she was standing. That was cliche, but i guess kind of nice. The other girls clap and aww at the girl as she wipes her eyes smiling shyly. Tamaki goes behind the girl and takes her hair and drapes it over her shoulders letting the waves frame her pronounced bosom which made her waist look more kept.

"There, I think you should have your hair down and not up so tightly. This shows the volume, the length, and it catches the light with such grace you could be a diamond in disguise."

Kyoya looked at the girl and he saw that Tamaki was right; the way the girls hair was before was far to tight and it pulled on the skin to harshly giving her a tight persimmon expression. Now that he looked at her he saw the girls skin was soft and he cheeks were full as were her lips. She was a very pretty girl with a nice body. Tamaki went on with this and Kyoya watched intrigued. What seemed like mindless flirting at first turned out to be a form of confidence boost. Any insecurities the girls obviously had Tamaki targeted it and choose to celebrate it. It was no wonder that he was so popular with the female student body not only was he esthetically pleasing to the eyes he was also pleasant to the soul.

(Third POV)

After all the girls had gone and it was just the boys Kyoya rose. Everyone was putting tea and half eaten sweets in the garbage. Tamaki walked over too Kyoya and leaned on the wall next to him.

"So what do you think about the host club so far?"

Kyoya pushed his glasses up the the bridge of his nose keeping his eyes focused on the other boys.

"Well at first I was very uncomfortable with how much PDA was going on, but now I think I understand what this club is about."

"Oh? and what do you think a host club is?"

Kyoya brought his hand down and shrugged,

"Well I'm pretty sure it's a form of prostitution without the sex...unless that's only on certain days.."

He side glanced at Tamaki who chuckled,

"Just on Saturdays as an after school curricular activity."

Kyoya gives him a horrified look as Tamaki starts laughing,

"I'm just joking Kyoya it is without a doubt without the sex trust me. Do you really think the school would allow us to have a brothel here?"

"Well I don't know Tamaki something tells me that you have the abilities to talk people into anything."

There was a silence between the two before Kyoya continued,

"This club is like a prized art gallery or a well known famous garden, they come from afar to gawk and glare and fantasize. All of you put on a show to feed the young woman's inner desire for beauty and romance. Whether the girl wants to be apart of it or they want to control who they are watching or like a play they find a raw entertainment that you can't get with a romance behind a TV screen."

Kyoya gestured to each of the members as he addressed them,

"The twins give the girls a taboo forbidden fruit which is the caring and adoration of two siblings, they are twins whom know more of the other then anyone will ever be able to understand. I don't think the girls themselves necessarily want anything too sexual from the two it's more that even if the brothers were to have sex no matter what they did it would be filled to the brim with the strong love of family that no matter how much you love your boyfriend or girlfriend it will never subcom blood."

Mori picks up honey and places him on his shoulder so he doesn't get trampled by the twins who are running around.

"Those too place a wall between themselves then they break it right in front of the girls, it's always wrong to show such affections to someone so young but they do and they also keep it to a protector and a rose. Honey is the delicate angel and Mori is the knight that must keep that light bright and clean, and I think the girls would love that because they themselves want someone to protect them with such devotion and caring. To have someone so big and strong to hold you is a thing many men and women crave."

"Well now, those glasses aren't just for show are they Mr. Ohtari?"

"Of course."

Kyoya looks to the blonde and smugly pushes them up. Tamaki smirks and waves a hand and gestures to his area of the room.

"Let's sit."

Tamaki walks to the couch with Kyoya watching him closely, there was something with this boy that Kyoya didn't know if he disliked yet, they sat across from each other.

"Now what did you think of the service I provided for the women?"

Kyoya looks at him hard then closes his eyes for a moment before responding.

"I think you put on the biggest show of all. You can't handle sadness which is very common in the average person, but yours is different it's more desperate."

Tamaki doesn't say anything with no change his expression save a slight furrow of the brows.

"You need every one to be happy and accepted and you crave the happiness of others, because it's easier to be carefree in a happy environment. You're a swimmer and your happiness is the speed of which you swim, and the water is your environment and people and emotions. When the water is happy, the current good the waves subtle and clear as a mirror you are able to swim as fast as you want. You can go as deep as you want and still have breath to keep diving care free, but when the water is sad or mad or uncomfortable. The water turns into a black thick tar that you can't swim, it's foul smelling and you gag if it touches your lips and god forbid you go under because it won't matter how much air you have in your lungs that black abyss will suck the oxygen right out of your body and you're stuck unmoving in a fate worse than death."

Kyoya pushes his glasses back to finish.

"You do your service for the women as much as for yourself. I can't tell if you are the most caring person or the most selfish."

He gets up and walks to the door leaving Tamaki there on the couch his head hung forward hair in his eyes unmoving. Everyone in the room stops what they are doing to watch him leave unsure of what to do.


Tamaki calls as the glasses wearing male opens the door, he stops and waits.

"It's a shame you won't stay to find out which one I am Kyoya."

Kyoya raises a brow slightly,

"What are you talking about Mr Suoh I'll be around long enough to find out all the secrets weaved in this host club, after all I am joining right?"

You hear Honey and the twins cheer at the news while Kyoya leaves the room,

"See you tomorrow Mr Suoh."

Tamaki stays with his head down as a smirk slowly stretches on his face. He straightens his back and runs his hand through his hair biting his lip.

"Hikaru is the king laughing?"

Kaoru asks,

"Well Kao-chan why wouldn't he be he's happy, he's made a friend."

They look at the small blonde as he keeps his eyes on Tamaki with a knowing look on his small features that give a slight reveal to his actual age.

"Lets go Takashi."

The broad senior says nothing but walks out the door with Honey on his shoulders the twins following in toe.

Kyoya gets home and he acknowledges all the staff that greets him politely as he goes up the many stairs to his room. Throwing the book bag onto his bed he goes into the bathroom to take a quick shower before he does the homework assignments. He decided the choice to join the club wasn't a bad choice half way through the shower, all the while smiling besides himself.

He gets out in a robe and sees his phone vibrating on the bed with a text message. It was a group message with four other numbers.

"Welcome to the host club Kyo-chan! Honey!"

"I look forward to working with you. Mori."

"I think I'm gonna like you being around or what ever. You don't seem lame. Hikaru."

"Cant wait for tomorrow! Kaoru."

"Let the games begin. Tamaki."

Kyoya added the other four numbers into his contacts and turned his phone off after texting back a thank you. He went to work on his school work every once in a while thinking of the day to come.

okies this is the end of chapter 3 yayyyy ummm reviews are welcome and if you see any mistakes they are more then welcome and yah i hope you like it i aim to please :3 any suggestions are very helpful! thank you for reading and have a wonderful day

[*.*]~ Mr. robot says thanks!