A/N: We have (finally) reached the end of the journey, or at least the main part of it. There will be "numbered" chapters after this one, but this is officially the last chapter of LNWU. And it's probably the best end point, especially if there were things in LNWU that you had issue with. Thank you to everyone who read, reviewed, followed, etc.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything apart from my OCs. Anything that belongs to a third party is a property of that third party. Also, any OC created by another author that I'm using in LNWU (with the aforesaid author's/authors' expressed permission) is the property of that author. Obviously.

Chapter 202

March 20, 2012

Yasoinaba Train Station

Yu wasn't the only member of the Seekers of Truth who was leaving Inaba. Travis, Eddie and Zach were going back to New York while Roz and Teddie were going to be staying in Tokyo for about a week or two before going to New York themselves. Marie was also accompanying Yu to Tokyo.

There was a crowd of people who had gathered to wish Yu well on his journey.

"I'm sure they're out there somewhere. My real parents, I mean. So, I hope I'll find them someday." Kou said.

Yu looked over at Kou. "Does that mean you're going to try and find your biological family?"

Kou had opened the letter he received from the orphanage he had been adapted from after he had visited it along with Yu and Dylan.

When he read the letter, he noticed that the ink was fresher than a decade old and that there were smudges on the paper.

"Did the Administrator leave any clues?" Dylan wondered.

Kou shook his head. "Not directly. But that doesn't mean I'll give up looking."

"Exactly." Ai interjected.

Yu smiled. "Take care of the sports teams."

"You're going to be tough to replace." Daisuke said.

"Thank you for everything. Really." Ai added.

Yu nodded. "You're welcome. I'm glad that everything worked out well. For both of you."

Kou and Daisuke thanked Yu for his help.

Yu spoke to Yumi and Ayane, who thanked him for helping them with their respective issues. More or less.

He then spoke to Minami Eri, whose relationship with her husband and stepson had massively improved. She thanked Yu for his help.

Yuuta said that he was getting along with other kids and thanked Yu as well before giving him a hug.

Yu returned the hug and said goodbye to both of them.

"Thank you for coming to our restaurant. And for being such a good friend." Aika appeared from out of nowhere.

She was probably saying goodbye to Eddie.

Yu noticed Hisako. "I'm sorry that I'm only saying goodbye now."

"You don't need to apologise for that. After all, you helped me to realise that life was worth living. So, I'll keep on living until I re-join my husband. Because that's what he would have wanted…" Hisako began.

Yu shook her hand. "Thank you."

"Thanks for what you taught me." That must be Shu.

Yu nodded. "Don't worry about it."

"Thanks for catching the person who killed my sister." Naoki said.

Yu smiled slightly. "You're welcome. Your family are finally at peace, right?"

"Yeah." Naoki replied.

Yu patted Naoki on the back before walking to the platform where Dojima, Nanako and his friends were waiting for him.

"I guess this is it." Yosuke looked over at Yu.

Chie frowned slightly. "I don't think you leaving has sunk in yet. It's almost like you've always been here."

"Not having you around is going to take some getting used to." Rise added.

Stephen scratched. "Yeah. But it's not like he can't come back."

"Promise you'll come back, Big Bro!" Nanako went to give Yu a hug.

Yu returned the hug. "I'll come back. Don't worry."

"Thank you for everything." Dojima interrupted the moment.

Yu nodded. "You're welcome."

"You'll always be family to me. I'm happy that you came to stay with us. And I do mean that." Dojima gave him a pat on the back.

Yu watched as Travis, Eddie and Zach were saying their goodbyes along with Teddie and Roz.

There was still a little bit of time before the train left.

Yu walked over to where Dylan was standing. "Sorry, but could I borrow you for a minute?"

Everybody was understanding about it.

"So, what's up? You're not missing us already, are you?" Dylan asked.

Yu shook his head. "I think I can trust you to look after everybody when I'm not here."

"Well, yeah. They're my family just as much as they're your family." Dylan replied.

Yu nodded. "Speaking of family, you're dropping the "Blake" from your surname, aren't you?"

"I think it's about time I really stand on my own two feet. Well… More than I have done, anyway." Dylan replied.

Yu understood. "That makes sense. You have grown a lot, though."

"I have. Which is why I'm not going to let you down." Dylan replied.

Yu smiled. "I know you won't. Your counterpart from the original timeline was more than a little abrasive at times, but I could depend on him when it mattered. Especially now that I'm going to be able to go home."

"Yeah. I'm not sure if they'd mentioned it, but the Moirae did say that this was just one of many possible timelines. So, I'm sure "You" were able to go home in those ones." Dylan said.

Yu raised an eyebrow at that comment. "I think you're right. But there's not really any way of knowing that for sure unless there was some major catastrophe where every timeline just started bleeding into each other."

"That's probably not going to happen. But if it does, I'll be the first to let you know." Dylan answered.

Yu and Dylan went to re-join the others shortly after that.

Stephen walked up to Yu. "I'd just like to say thank you. For everything. But I'm sure you've heard that enough times by now."

"I probably have. But it's nice to hear it again." Yu replied.

Takeru looked over at Yu. "You've been a good leader, and someone I'd consider as a friend."

"It's been an honour working with you." Naoto spoke up.

Yu smiled. "Thank you. It's been an honour working with you as well."

"If you've got no plans for Golden Week, then maybe you could come over to Inaba just to visit? There's no mysteries to solve anymore, so…" Yosuke offered.

Yu nodded. "We'll see."

"Last call for Boarding Route 9 to Tokyo… Repeat: Last Call for Boarding Route 9 to Tokyo…." They could hear the announcement over the loudspeaker.

Yu looked at the various members of the group who were staying in Inaba. "Well, I'd better get going."

He boarded the train and closed the door behind him.

Marie had saved him a seat. Roz and Teddie were sitting in a different part of the train while Travis, Eddie and Zach were all spread out in different seats.

The train started to move.

It started to move faster until it cleared the platform.

Yu put his luggage up above his seat and sat down next to Marie.

"I think that went well. But I am sad to say goodbye to them." Marie said.

Yu nodded. "But I'll still be able to see them again. So, it's not like I've left. If that makes sense."

"You're probably right. And, I'm glad that your parents are letting me stay with you." Marie leaned back in her seat.

Yu put an arm around her. "They're probably going to be peppering you with questions. But they're not going to throw anything impossible at you."

"Good." Marie gave Yu a kiss.

The members of the Seekers of Truth who didn't get on the train were still standing on the platform.

"It's going to be different without him here. But we're going to be fine, right?" Yukiko asked.

Dylan nodded. "We're going to be fine."

While this conversation was happening, Yu was looking at a copy of the picture of him and his friends with a smile on his face.

He might have left Inaba, but he carried everything that he'd experience there with him.

And that was all that mattered.