Once school let out, I had decided I would walk with Yoshi. Exiting the classroom, I took the short walk to Yoshi's class only to nearly get run over by said raven haired fourteen year old. "Good God, Yoshi!" I cried after him. "He's running as fast as a freakin' freight train..."
Turning, I looked to Hiromu and Tomonori who walked up behind me, "Hey, Tokie," the brunette males greeted.
"Hey," I looked back towards where Yoshi ran off, "any idea why he was running at break neck speed?"
"I don't know," Hiromu replied with a shrug.
Tomonori explained, "He said something about a plan."
"Oh, now I get why," I said as I crossed my arms.
"Wha?" the two students voiced.
"I'll be going now," I turned with a wave over my shoulder. "See you guys tomorrow."
Looking at the Sumimura gates, I grinned mischievously. Backing up a feet or two, I took a running start and jumped over the gate doors (what with my abnormally long legs), landing victoriously on the other side. I already know that just knocking wouldn't work. If Gramps were to open those doors, I'd be metsu'd in no time! I walked up to the estate's door and knocked. Sadly, there's no way to get in the home other than knocking, unless I want to go to jail for breaking and entering. At least at the door if Gramps tried to attack me, Mr. Sumimura would save me (AKA sweet talking Gramps into not chopping me). When the door opened, Toshimori was the one to greet me, "Hey, Tokie." He's a cute kid. The only one I actually like really; the rest are demons.
I released a huge sigh of relief, "Hey there, Toshimori," I greeted as the younger boy allowed me in.
"You thought Grandpa was gonna answer the door, didn't you?" What can I say? The kid knows me well.
With a laugh, I nodded, "I really didn't feel like getting trapped in a kekkai by the old geezer." Looking around their humble abode, I asked, "So, is Yoshi working on a new cake or what?"
Toshimori nodded, "He was really excited about it when he got home," he commented as he led me to their kitchen.
"I noticed." I glared off to the side, "Doofus nearly bowled me over while running here!" I sniffed the air and could already smell the sweets he was using, "I can already smell the diabetes." That gained a laugh from the nine year old. As we rounded the corner, almost to the kitchen, we saw the old geezer stampeding to the kitchen, "Crap!" I whispered in panic.
Toshi looked at me calmly, "You can go hide out back. Grandpa doesn't normally go there."
Grinning, I ruffled Toshimori's hair, "Thanks, little buddy! I owe you one!" With that, I bolted for the back of the Sumimura home. Once I was outside, I sat on the bench against the wall. I'm just waiting for Yoshi really. After squabling with Gramps he normally comes out here for quiet time (what I affectionately call it). I didn't have to wait long for my schoolmate. Yoshi walked over to sit next to me, removing his bandana from his hair. "So, how's the new plan coming?"
"ACK!" the raven haired teen cried in surprise. He snapped his head to me, "Tokie! What the Hell are you doing here?!"
"Hold that thought," I said, holding up a hand. He stared at me, not seeing the fist coming down upon his head. With a cry of pain, the fourteen year old fell to the ground. "That's for nearly running me over."
Yoshi looked like he wanted to say something but thought better of it. We sat in silence for awhile before Yoshimori spoke, "Remember that time I gave you that chocolate castle?"
I looked to my childhood friend, "You mean the one that was like Tokine's bean paste castle?"
He gave a nod, "What did you think of it? Honestly?"
I laid my elbow on my knee and sat with my head resting in the palm of my hand, "Honestly? It was pretty good. Thank God, you didn't give me bean paste like you did Tokine."
"Of course I wouldn't!" Yoshi exclaimed. "The last time I gave you something with even the smallest amount of bean paste, you threw one of Tokine's sandals at my face!"
"Hey, all I was trying to do was build your pain resistance."
"Pain resistance my ass!"
"Tokie," my mother called as she attempted to wake me for our night duties. "Tokine said it was time for you to get dressed."
But Maaaaa~" I whined as Mom shook my shoulders.
"No buts, darling, it's time to get up."
"Mmf, fine..." I threw my blanket off and got up from my futon. I opened my closet and pulled out my typical outfit for the night. I slipped on my tight black long sleeve, pulling on the green sleeveless sweater*. I put my black skinny jeans on, followed by my knee high boots and fingerless gloves. Looking around, I found my specially made pistol and daggers, all in their correct belts. I put the belts on and walked out to wake Hakubi, since I could hear Tokine still getting ready. I can get ready pretty quickly, considering my outfit's more up to date than my kekkaishi companions'. "Hakubi~" I called sweetly. Out of character for me, but that's really the only way he wakes up for me. Little shit...
"Oh, sweetie," Hakubi called sleepily, "can this please wait 'til later?"
"No way, ghost dog," I replied. "If I can't sleep more, you can't sleep more."
"Hakubi, get outta the box!" I cried while shaking his doghouse.
"Oh, why must you be so forceful?!" Nevertheless, the canine spirit relented and appeared beside me.
"Thank you very much."
"Oh, hush."
"Tokie, you need to take this more seriously," Tokine said while we waited for Yoshi. My sister and Hakubi were standing on the ground while I proceeded to walk back and forth on the wall surrounding the campus.
"What? I can't help that I'm bored while we wait for Yoshi," I defended, walking like a tightrope walker.
"Whatever," Tokine sighed and jumped to one of the roofs, leaving me and Hakubi.
"Someone's grumpy," I muttered watching her jump away.
Hakubi flew up towards me and circled himself around my shoulders, "There, there, sweetie. Honey's just a little annoyed at Yoshi, that's all."
"HAKUBI." my sister yelled impatiently, scaring me and the ghost dog.
"Coming, honey!" Hakubi called, laughing nervously as he flew to her.
I sighed and began running along the wall, searching blindly for any ayakashi. I really need some kind of sense for ayakashi. Searching blindly'll get me killed one day. I heard sounds of crashing from my right, so I took off into the trees to where it came from. Looking up, I saw a frog-like ayakashi using the building of the school for its own weapon. Running from tree to tree, I began shooting it at with my pistol. The ayakashi stopped momentarily to look where my shots were coming from. The ayakashi dislodged itself from the school to go to a different part of the building. "Oh no, ya don't!" I yelled while giving chase.
"Tokie!" I heard Yoshi and my sister cry from behind me.
"I got this!" I called back to them. I started gaining on the ayakashi when it turned momentarily to shoot projectiles at me. I dodged and ran to the wall, running along it until I was up in the air, in line with the ayakashi, "Got'cha." I said, shooting at it. There was a glow from my own projectile, lighting up the area me and the ayakashi were in. Fortunately, I was able to take out some of the ayakshi's left side. Unfortunately, since I was still in the air, I wasn't able to dodge it's own attack. I was hit with a slab of concrete, knocking me down to the ground as my sister met up with me.
"Idiot, you shouldn't have gone off on your own!" Tokine reprimanded when they saw that I was sitting on the ground, scuffed and scratched from acquainting myself with the earthy floor. During our moment of attention away from the ayakashi, it reattached itself to the Karasumori building.
"There's no time for that now!" I yelled, already starting to feel the bruising. "Just be happy I was able to take a chunk out of it!"
The sixteen year old huffed as she placed a kekkai around us when the frog creature started shooting at us. "Honey, I think it's best we retreat for now."
"I can barely hold it off," Tokine added as she struggled with her kekkai.
"This one's a bit of a doozy..." I rubbed my aching shoulder from where the rubble smash into me.
"Yeah, even after you shot a hole in it," Hakubi agreed. The ayakashi shot even more projectiles as it was getting stronger, "Honey! You can do it!" Hakubi encouraged. It then shot a huge projectile at us. The little kekkai we were in wouldn't have made it if it weren't for Yoshi coming in and blocking it with his staff, breaking it in half in the process.
Hakubi and I sweatdropped at the action, "He's... Not supposed to use it like that... Is he?" I asked with an eyebrow twitching.
"Definitely not," my ghostly companion replied, the corner of his mouth twitching.
"What are you doing?!" Tokine demanded. "Why aren't you putting up a kekkai?!"
"Oh yeah, you're right," Yoshi replied with a grin. "I forgot I could do that!"
Hakubi and I continued to twitch, "Idiot..."
Yoshi had to quickly dodge out of the way from an incoming projectile, "That frog's not a good match for you," Yoshi told Tokine with a smirk on his face. "This one's mine."
"Yoshimori, wait," my older sibling ordered, only to be ignored. "Don't do it!"
I looked closer to me neighbor's feet and sweatdropped again, "Uh..."
"Hm? What is it, sweetie?" Hakubi asked.
"His movements..." Tokine trailed off. "They're different..."
"Um, is it normal to wear sneakers with the uniform...?" Hakubi sweatdropped as he shook his head.
We watched as Yoshi dodged each shot and made a kekkai around the ayakashi, but was defenseless against the last projectile from the frog. "Ketsu!" Tokine commanded and surrounded Yoshi with a kekkai. "Kai," she said, releasing the kekkai. "You idiot, just what were you thinking?!" Tokine placed a hand to her temple, "For Heaven sake, you're gonna need extra lives if you continue to fight like that."
"Hey, Tokine," Yoshi called turning to her, "are you all right?"
I felt a vein pop in my forehead as my sister walked forward, "I-I'm fine, and you?"
"I'm fine, too," Yoshi said as he dusted himself off.
"Oh yeah, you guys, I'm totally fine, too," I called over to the two ahead of me. "Dumb married couple..." I silently fumed while the kekkaishi pair dealt with the ayakashi.
"It's okay, dear," Madarao comforted as he and Hakubi coiled around me.
"We're glad you're okay," Hakubi added, laying his head on my shoulder.
"Oi, puppy! Go back to your master! I can handle Tokie on my own!"
"But sweetie is one of my masters. So you can just go back to Yoshi, okay, geezer?"
"I'm sick and tired of your stupidity," Tokine told Yoshimori. "I really am." With a sigh of frustration, she began walking away, "Never mind, take the credit for this and clean up the mess." The two ghost dogs uncoiled from around me as we watched the annoyed teenage girl walk away. "Let's go, Hakubi, Tokie."
"All right, honey."
"Yeah, yeah." With that, me and the canine spirit walked away from the remains of the fight.
* I literally didn't know the name of what the shirt I drew was actually called... It'll be a lot less grief if you either look at the pic in my profile or just imagine what it looks like XDDD