Summary: Hayate is a photographer looking for inspiration for an upcoming exhibit. He finds it in his best friend's fiancée, Himeno. Too bad she and Sasame are already madly in love.

HayateHimeno/ HimenoSasame

I don't own Shin Shirayukihime Densetsu Pretear.

Picture Perfect

Chapter 1: Beauty Is In the Eye of the Beholder

Beer is definitely not for me. It was just three months before the upcoming exhibit and Ito Hayate was still at square one, trying to figure out what his subject was. He had already used nature in the past years, and he wanted to produce something different this year.


Hayate had turned to drinking in the hopes of inducing some burst of inspiration caused by the hyped alcohol levels in his blood. Unfortunately, the beverage didn't agree with him, and he ended up throwing up whatever had entered his mouth.


Remembering that it was already past office hours, he stumbled out of the room and waved goodbye to his colleague, Miboshi Goh, who was doing overtime that night.




"O saka ni shitsurei shimasu."


"Ki o tsukete!"

"Hai, hai, chotto matte, where are my house keys? My car keys are here but…"

Hayate felt in his pockets for the lost pieces of metal. His eyes widened in surprise as they eluded him. Banging the door in frustration, he stomped back towards his office when he heard the familiar jingle of his keys. They were in Goh's possession, who was by the way grinning from ear to ear. "Looking for these?" He grunted in reply and swiped them from Goh's hands. "Grumpy as usual, aren't we?" Goh gave a quick salute and said, "Mata ashita!" Hayate smirked and said, "Lucky or you I'm seeing double right now, or else your face would have had contact with my fist already. Ja!"

Knowing he was in no condition to drive, Hayate decided to walk to his house. "It's just a few blocks away," he muttered with a shrug. He plodded onto the crowded streets, making his way through the horde. Too many teenage girls sidled up to him in the hopes of snagging a rich boyfriend. Old, staggering geezers decided to take the opportunity to have some youthful company. Hayate politely refused, saying that his wife was already waiting for him.

Suckers… Hayate was known for being a lady-killer, not in the sense that he toyed with them, but he left them heartbroken with his unattainable good looks. You'd have to be either a blind person or a super straight guy to avoid getting whiplash from the sought-after bachelor.

The cool wind did wonders for him, clearing his vision and refreshing him. How he loved taking night strolls round the city, inhaling the different scents and absorbing the various sights and sounds. There were so many beautiful lights that flashed heartily for him, making him drink in the whole urban experience. He had this amazing fetish for light, to the point that he had a lamp post installed in his bedroom. He chuckled lightly as he remembered the surprised faces of the visitors who saw the tall metal post with a lamp on top right beside his futon. Eccentricity does have its fringe benefits.

Speaking of eccentricity, he shared this with his best friend, Yoshida Sasame who was flying in the country to let Hayate meet his bride to be. They were friends since birth, sharing the same crib, clothes, whatnots…

Sasame had always talked of having his own family. It was one of the many dreams he pursued, including the internationally acclaimed singer bit. He met her while on a concert in Hong Kong, and he has never let go of her since.


Hayate hadn't the slightest idea who she was, what she looked like, or what her name was for that matter. He just hoped she would be the right one for his best bud. We'll see

Finally he stepped up to his front door and leaned against it, but to his surprise it swung open, flinging him on top of a small woman, probably a year or two younger than him. She had short pink hair which was fluffed up at the ends, giving her the appearance of an upside-down tulip. She smells nice… Wait, this isn't the time for that Hayate...

Her eyes were screwed shut, but they flew open when he asked, "What are you doing in my house?" She gave no reply but colored prettily which Hayate noticed. It was then that he realized that he was still on top of her, sprawled onto the floor. He quickly got up and offered his hand to hoist her up. She straightened her clothes, arranged her tousled hair, and then extended her hand to Hayate.

"Konbanwa Ito-san. I'm Awayuki Himeno. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu."

To be continued…


I'm back! Sorry for the weird surnames, I can't find my good list. It is fan fiction after all… Sorry for the shortness of the chapter; next one will be coming soon. Please give me feedback! Arigato gozaimashita!

Hey, do you guys remember Feel My Love? The one I erased? Hope you review this one! Thanks!