While The Boy Who Lived was trying to handle his life with the Dursleys, Draco and Ashley Malfoy were currently playing hide and go seek with Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson. Ashley was it and had already found Pansy, she was easy to find because she was to busy trying to find Draco.
Even though Blaise, Draco, and Pansy were three years older than Ashley; you could almost always find all of them together. Ashley was currently giggling because her brother had been caught off guard when a certain black haired girl snuck up behind him. Shaking her head she decided to leave her brother in the hands of Pansy, and try to find a certain dark skinned boy. Blaise was always the hardest to find mainly because the boy didn't have Pansy trying to find him to get a kiss. Giggling some more she decided to go down by the family pond, it was the only place she had not searched for him yet.
Blaise was hiding behind a wooden boat the family had, it had been 15 minutes and there was no sign of the little 6 year old brown haired girl that he quickly grew attached to over the past 6 years. Most pureblood families were close, but none of them were as close as the Zabinis and Malfoys. Through thick and thin the two families remained close. Everytime his mother Menissa Zabini lost a husband Narcissa was their for her, even when the beautiful witch was put in the spotlight when one of her late husbands had died of posioning, allegations came out that the witch was killing off her lovers. The two families grew even closer when allegations came out that the Malfoys were followers of The Dark Lord and were willingly going to get the dark mark.
Ashley had noticied Blaise and decided to sneak up on the boy. Tip-toeing over she yelled "Boo!" The unsuspecting and completely unaware boy jumped up and stumbled backwards, falling into the lake. Ashley was laughing, until she noticied she didn't see Blaise anywhere. Looking over the end of the dock she yelled his name until something pulled her leg. Taking a quick breath of air before being pulled under, she was slightly afraid until she saw who the culprit was. Blaise smiled at her and went up for air. They got out of the lake and started back up to the Manor, on the way they bumped into Draco and Pansy. "Why are you guys wet" asked Draco looking at his best friend and sister up and down. "We decided to go for a swim of course" his sister stated sarcastically. Wiith a roll of eyes he just replied with they needed to be careful. Pansy and Draco headed up to the manor followed by Blaise and Ashley who shared a quick smile to one another.
Lucuis and Narcissa were watching the group of friends from above on one of the balconys, Narcisss leaned back into her husband. "Now that the Dark Lord is gone thanks to that Potter boy, we can live in peace" Narcissa quietly said and did not miss the shudder come from the man behind her. "Love, you know as well as I do that he is out there somewhere, he would not be so easily defeated by a boy, no not even a boy a baby", Narcissa wiped at tears in her eyes: just hearing those words from her husband frieghtened her. Her sadness was replaced with white hot rage however, "NO NO NO! I WILL NEVER LET THAT THING TAKE MY CHILDREN AWAY FROM ME" Lucuis grabbed his wife "be quiet do you want the children to hear you?" With tears in her eyes she shook her head no and sobbed, her legs barely supporting her weight. "Shhh i'm sorry cissy, you know how i feel about it, come now dry your tears, what would the kids think if they saw you cry? Hmm? I will do what i can to protect my family, if that stupid mudblood witch Lilly would have just of listened to dumbledore instead of Petigrew then none of this would have happened. No instead the dumb witch decided that her and that filthy blood traitor of a husband would be able to defeat The Dark Lord; I never did understand what Severus saw in her" he quietly whispered to his wife except for the last part he spoke with venom.