Lunch was finally ready and the kids walked to the dining area where the adults were already sitting, Menissa Zabini had flooed in a few minutes earlier to join her friends. With everyone sitting at the table now, Dobby the head house elf snapped his fingers and the food appeared on the table. The Goyle and Crabbe families mouths watered just looking at the food. Everyone piled food on their plates and started eating, silence fell on the table with only the sounds of silverware against plates were heard. Soon small talk started then full out conversations were heard all around the room.
Lucuis over heard his son call Vincent and Gregory by their surname, he scowled at his son on the other end of the table. Feeling someone stare at him he turned to see his father glaring at him, he glared back; how could his father possibly expect him to be friends with the two bumbling idiots? Lucuis turned back to his conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Nott, they were currently suggesting an arranged marriage between his daughter and their son. His daughter was not a subject he took lightly, she was his pride and joy whole heartdly. Glancing at his daughter he noticed so much of himself in her, while Draco most defiently could be his look a like, his daughter was as strong as he was. His son was more like Narcissa who let emotion control their actions; where as his daughter took after him who let power control his actions. His son just started to show signs of knowing magic last year, where as with Ashley he has to keep his wand out of reach. She was already so powerful he knew she would make him proud.
On the subject of an arranged marriage he had to bite back a harsh reply and just say they would see later on how things progressed with them. He did not want to think about letting his little girl go anytime soon. If only he knew what was to come .
Lunch was now over and the group of adults made their way out to the Malfoy garden, where tables and chairs sat. The kids went down towards the lake, blankets were laid out for them to sit on, of course Pansy sat with Draco on one, Gregory with Vincent on the largest blanket, Theo pulled Ashley with him on to one, and Blaise sat alone. "My father told me that i'll be going to Hogwarts next year, it's supposed to be the best wizarding school ever built, of course i've already got my letter" Draco stated smugly. Crabbe and Goyle's mouth opened in astonishment, they looked at each other then back at Draco "wow" was all they could seem to say. The blonde haired boy smirked in superiority, a smirk that would do his father proud I might add. His sister rolled her eyes, Draco was lately talking all about the school and it made her mad that she could not go there yet. Being 3 years younger was starting to annoy her, she wanted to be able to go to school with her brother, Pansy, and Blaise not sit around the house all day alone. She scowled at the ground "It isn't fair" she thought to herself, Blaise noticed she looked angry and tapped her on her shoulder bringer her out of her thoughts.
Theo watched as the dark skinned itallian boy and the girl he liked walked away from the group. When he looked back to the group still sitting on their blanket he noticed Pansy glaring at him, he smirked at her which only seemed to fuel her rage more at the boy.
Blaise and Ashley were walking in silence, the youngest Malfoy was deep in thought once again and Blaise was thinking about how he was going to ask her what he wanted to. He glanced at her a few times, feeling his cheeks get hot when he thought about how beautiful she was; he was so deep in his thoughts that he completely missed Ashley stop by a tree, Blaise blushed even more and walked back to the tree, he was extremely thankful for his dark complextion to hide the blush.
Ashley climbed up the tree and once she got comfortable she held her hand out for Blaise to take. It was funny actually Ashley thought silently, the taller boy could never climb a tree she always helped him. As Blaise was getting comfortable on the branch beside her, she laid down on hers watching the clouds pass by slowly. Blaise leaned back against the trunk of the tree, he just didn't think he could keep himself balanced on a branch laying down.
They stayed like that for awhile, just staring up at the sky. Ashley's eyes closed breifly but opened when she heard Blaise talking to her. "I'm sorry what was that Blaise?" She asked slightly embaressed that she allowed herself to let her mind drift off. The boy in question chuckled and replied "I asked what you thought about the others?". The question had honestly caught her off guard, she wasn't expecting that. "Crabbe and Goyle are stupid, when school starts I'm sure my brother will boss them around and use them, not really a friendship if you ask me; but the two of them will not notice". When she grew silent after talking Blaise looked over at her, she always seemed to suprise and amaze him with her intelligence and strength; there was never a dull moment with her.
"what about Theo?" He asked nervously, he did not know what her answer would be; he had overheard and talking about marriage between the two and it hurt to even think about seeing her with another guy. He heard her sigh and turned to look at her wanting his attention to be only on her. "I don't know to be honest with you, he's alright but it's something about him that gives me a weird feeling, I don't know how to explain it but I get the same feeling with his mum and dad as well." To say Blaise was shocked would be the understatement of the year. He watched as Ashley glared at the ground seemingly in deep thought once more, as he let out the breath he had unknowingly been holding in he now knew he defiently hated Theo.