AAAAHHHH IIIIMMMM SSOOOO SOOOORRRRYYY! I started a condensed college courses and it's been a hammer to the head so far...So I typed this up to relieve stress. It's a bit silly and pointless but that's how most of my sleepovers end up. So enjoy!

Special thanks to EclipseKuran for giving me some ideas...maybe not so explicit but it led me to the idea of the game. And ImKimTheWriter whose messages gave me the support to write this. And all of you who reviewed. Hugs to you all!

The boy ran fruitlessly from his shoe locker, in which was revealed held a small white box of chocolates. He ran for the exit door when he tripped over his school shoes, he screamed aloud but no one was there except whoever had written on the wall in a mix of blood and chocolate: It was for you, why won't you accept my love? The boy yelled in fear that he could never love a plain and ugly girl and to leave him alone as he cowered in the corner and shut his eyes tightly. When he opened them the girl he had a crush on had tears in her eyes and ran away, the hallway and school was filled with people again, back to normal, but when he looked at the wall, it was still there, the boy threw up in the hall…

" gross." Aomine commented

"AH~I'm scared! Kurokochii aren't you scared?" Kise-kun took a hold of my leg and wouldn't let go.

"Not really, he's getting what's coming to him. But I kind of feel bad for him too…this is all a bit much." I answered honestly, because of that I was able to watch this movie without fainting.

"Don't be Tetsuya, this is just." Sei-kun assured.

"Mh~What a waste of chocolate. What's wrong Midochin?" Murasakibara-san huffed, and then noticed the shaking Midorima-san behind a pillow.

"N-nothing!" His muffled voice said, only his eyes peeked out from the top of the pillow.

The boy rushed to the bathroom to clean off some throw up on his tie, as he wiped it the red began to come off, as he scrubbed it, the rag became more and more red, until he realized it was blood. He looked in the mirror and saw the ghost girl in the mirror with the chocolate box, holding it out to him.

"FINE! FINE! I'll take it so please leave me alone!" He pleaded, the girl held out the box and he took it and ate the chocolate messily and whole. He began choking and he opened his mouth to reveal small sewing needles.

"You lied to me, our promise. You promised we'll be together forever, now we will be." She smiled.

"I-I'll die!" He said with his mouth open his face filled with terror.

"Of course you will, silly!" She giggled. "It's Valentines, did you give me anything for it? You did, didn't you?" She waited for an answer but he was too busy cradling his mouth and crying in pain as he tried to remove the needles. "Of course not…this is you. Youconstantly lie to me, with your tongue! Give it to me! So you won't tell anymore lies! Give it to me or I'll kill you!"

He had to make a choice.He cried out as he shattered the mirror and took a shard and started hacking out his tongue.

"Fuck that shit! Turn around and stab the bitch!" Aomine stood.

"UWAAA~ Kurokocchi where are you?" Kise-kun had let go of my leg to cover his eyes.

"Ano…Aomine-kun, she's a ghost, I don't think you can stab her… and Kise-kun why do you keep calling me? I am in the same place as I was before." I sighed and stretched out my leg so he could hold onto it again which he took happily.

"The tongue is tougher to cut out than that." Sei-kun said unconvinced.

"Eeeeh~ is it?" Murasakibara-san pondered.

"I-I'm not scared." Midorima-san stated randomly.

"Midochin, nobody asked." Murasakibara-san said after shrugging.

"How sweet!" She grabbed the tongue that he held out for her. She then tossed it behind her and it fell in the toilet. "You actually did it! I was Just. Kidding! You're so nice to me Souji! I would never kill you, I love you too much, and to show you how much I love you, I'll let you die from blood loss instead."

"ACK! That bitch! Salt! You had lunch! Get the salt!" Aomine threw his hands up.

"POOR SOUJI! Just because you're pretty!" Kise-kun was pretty much in the fetal position now while hanging on to my leg.

"You can relate to him can't you Kise-kun?" I asked him, he nodded repeatedly.

"If it was me, I'd make him swallow that tongue." Sei-kun yawned.

"That's a waste of a tongue." Murasakibara-san puffed out his cheeks.

"Cannibalism." Midorima-san pushed up his glasses.

"OOOH How gory!" A really squeaky feminine voice said in the darkness of the room.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Most of the team screamed, with the exception of the one "Oh shit!"

"Oh okaa-san, what is it?" I asked the dark figure by the door, Okaa-san turned on the lights.

"I'm sorry to bother you! But I'm having some language problems. I'm certainly not your brother. Can you help?" She asked. Language problem? Due to his job onii-san knows a lot of languages. Me I only know English. "It's the pizza boy. He's super cute and really polite with his Japanese but he's having problem making change. Can you help him?"

"Oh yes." I got up from the creepy music that is the ending credits.

"You can speak English?" Aomine-kun said after pouncing on the off button on the TV.

"Hai. My brother studies in Australia. So I took good care to learn it." I explained while I made my way down stairs noticing everybody following me.

"Um…Herro. Mai name iz Kagami Taiga from Pizzahat." How unusual for an introduction from a pizza boy.

"Herro. Mai name iz Kuroko Tetsuya, um…do yuu need helrp?" He looked super nervous, I felt bad for him.

" be honest my Japanese is just fine, been speaking it since I was young, and my English seems to be as good as yours. I'm from America so I don't get how the currency works here. Uh your change is…500 yen."

"Oh then you gave me too much, let me see your coins." The boy held out his hand with the coins in it. I picked through it for my change.

"Yo-er mazah sayz you are hah da-zer. Iz zat trueh?" He looked me up and down, he actually didn't have trouble seeing me, maybe he was so nervous he noticed every little thing. He watched me as my tiny hands picked through the small coins in his large hand.

"Ha. Ha. Yeah. Mai teammates don't know zat. So ssshhh!" I joked, he looked so nervous thought I'd crack a joke. He seemed to lighten up a bit more, and I did too after all that scary stuff but what made me laugh was the confused looks on everyone's face.

"What do you pray?" He asked.

"Basukebarr." I answered taking the pizzas from him and handing them off to Murasakibara-san who already took a piece and had it hanging out his mouth.

"Oh rearry? I do too. Just moved heer zough, need to raise moar monee for an apartment." It must be an American thing to reveal such personal things to a person you just met.

"Werr. Wercome to Japan." I smiled, he seemed nice.

"Uh…thanks. Well bye." He blushed a bit, I wonder if he took my joke as truth or not? Oh well…

"Bye." I waved him off.

"What'd you say?" Aomine-kun asked.

"He said he was from America and couldn't translate currency." I answered. I was going to ask what was wrong when I heard okaa-san yelling for my otou-san from upstairs.

"Coming!" Otou-san yelled back from his hiding spot around the corner. I could tell that Otou-san was a little tense that so many boys were in my room with no other female there.


I tensed and looked to Sei-kun, who shrugged, no one said anything about it, no one probably noticed over all the screaming.

"I am Tetsuya's father." Otou-san waved quietly, everyone said hello.

"I see where Kuroko-kun gets his presence." Midorima-san commented.

"And you look like your mom." Kise-kun added.

"I get that a lot." I admitted.

It was idle chatting with my parents while eating, then we returned to my now slightly messy yet empty and barely lit room. It left an eerie look to my once furniture filled room.

"Kurokocchi, why is your room so scary?" Kise-kun cried.

"I am sorry." I apologized now that I saw it almost empty it did, I was starting to get creeped out in my own room. I subconsciously got closest to the person to me which happened to be Sei-kun, whose all noticing eyes saw it and gave a smug smile.

"Eh? Is kurochin scared?" Murasakibara-san shifted to my other side.

"No, just creeped out." I waved it off, I'm being silly, I've slept in this room since I was little. I have so many good memories here, I'll just have to focus on that.

"Oh! Oh! Let's play a game that I played at the agency!" Kise-kun suggested, we all agreed. "It's called 'honey I love you' you stand in a circle and you say 'honey I love you' to a person and whoever laughs is out, and you have to say 'honey, I love you but I just can't smile' back."

"That sounds so homo Kise, you sure you're not gay?" Aomine-kun joked, no one else commented but Kise who pouted.

"Yes!" He said. "Now start! Kurokocchi, I lllllllooooovvvveeee. You! Doki! Doki!" He said with a ridiculous dance and singing voice.

"Honey, I love you but I just can't smile." I said fast, was that supposed to be funny?

"So quick! That usually gets everybody!" Kise-kun frowned.

"HAHAHA. Rejected!" Aomine-kun laughed.

"Hey! I bet none of you can get Kurokocchi laugh!" Kise bet.

"Oh okay okay okay, now Tetsu, I love you." Aomine-kun said with a funny face on, I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be funny or his face scrunching up because how 'gay' this was.

I shook my head.

"Geez, you just don't laugh do you Tetsu?" Aomine sighed. "This is stupid." He muttered at Kise-kun's laughter.

"I do." I nodded.

"Ne, I love Kurochin." Murasakibara-san had two pocky sticks sticking out of his mouth, and he looked like a walrus. What am I 3?

I shook my head again.

"Nee, Akachin you try!" Murasakibara-san shook Sei-kun's chair, he had been frowning this whole time.

"Hmph. If I were to say I love Tetsuya, I'll do it on my own and mean it, using such words shouldn't be used so easily just for entertainment. It takes away its meaning." He said with a regular face. "Nonetheless, this whole thing was my idea. I'll take responsibility and participate. Tetsuya, I want to always be by your side."

Be my side? Was that supposed to be funny?

"You didn't laugh. Good." Hm? He was serious? I don't know what it is but Sei-kun seemed really off today...llike he was upset or like he wanted to say something but can't or maybe both, whatever it is it made his presence a bit threatening. I really do wish he'd snap out of it. Maybe he got into a fight with his parents about moving in?

'I always want to be your side'

It sounded like he was going away. But why? My head reeled with questions, what is it about me that he likes? Is it simply because I 'belong' to him? Or is it more than that?

I shook my head. Hard. I decided it best to clear my mind of such thoughts for right now.

"Midorima-kun! You should try too!" Kise-kun poked at Midorima-san who had been on his phone.

"This game is pointless." He growled…he had been on edge ever since the movie ended. I didn't take him as a person who got scared during movies.

"Heh, see no one can do it, not even the captain." Aomine-kun commented crossing his arms, as soon as Aomine-kun mentioned something Sei-kun can't do, Midorima-san stood immediately.

"This game is child's play." He 'hmphed', and walked up to me and glaring at me for a bit, then suddenly turned around.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Aomine-kun asked. He seemed to be styling his hair…?

"Honey-bun, I love you." He deadpanned when he turned around, he had slicked back his hair and looked as mad as possible…could this be…?

"Chu!" I couldn't help but to chuckle at that, I almost forgot about that!

"Chu?" Kise-kun raised a brow.

"D-did you just laugh? Was that your laugh, Tetsu? How…cute." Aomine-kun chuckled turning to Midorima-san. "What the hell was all that?"

"Kuroko-kun and I were in our primary school's book club, while on a club outing we saw a yakuza looking guy declaring his love, calling the woman 'honey-bun', the woman thought he was making fun of her hair buns and smacked him with her purse." Of course then I wasn't cross dressing so Midorima-san knows plus even if he had not recognized me his mother is the athletic nurse for our school it's very possible that she might've seen my physical and let it slide.

"Not fair~You two went to the same primary school! Using past experiences is against the rules." Kise-kun pouted.

"I heard nothing of this, I win. It is your fault for not sufficiently explaining the rules." He pushed his glasses up and returned to playing with his phone.

Kise-kun was pouting.

Midorima-san was on his phone.

Sei-kun was sulking.

Murasakibara-san was still eating.

And Aomin_

"Hey Tetsu, I've been wondering." Aomine suddenly said. "What is this?" He pointed to a picture frame.

Kami…I can't believe I forgot to take that down. It was Onii-san's first cover photo on a magazine, he was holding the end of his red and black stripped sweater shirt in his mouth exposing his abs and with a dirty look on his face nonetheless, I had framed it to commemorate his success as model! No one is ever in my room, so I thought nothing special of it. But now that I look at it, I'm a bit embarassed.

"Honestly…Tetsuya…" Sei-kun facepalmed.

"Isn't that that new model Akihiko Toshiro?" Midorima-san craned his head to look.

"I had no idea you liked male models. Ya know I personally like chick models b-but that is totally fine if you do! Geez, sorry about the homo comments earlier Tetsu."

"No…it's okay." I started. How am I going to explain this? I felt a small blush coming up, he thought I was gay? We'll technically, I am gay…I like guys, when I'm supposed to be a boy. Should I just come out of the 'closet'? What if I find someone I like in the future? Maybe it's best to address this problem so it won't bother me in the future. Or WILL it bother me in the future? Hm…

"It's not anywhere close to what you think it is in that filthy brain of yours Daiki, explain further Tetsuya." Sei-kun said sounding even more irritated then before.

"Um…okay, Akihiko Toshiro is my older brother." I said.

"Eh? To-shiro? Aki-eeeeeeh?! I HATE THAT GUY! He's the guy that's been spreading rumors about me being gay! He's so evil! 'Ehhh, you want advice from senpai?' he sounded so innocent and cute, so I said his voice sounds kawaii then 'Ora! Is that supposed to be a challenge, huh punk?! Here's one ya cocky bastard: You're a hundred years too inexperienced to be callin' yer senior model cute! I'm not the one who looks like the embodiment of an uke. If your tryin to come onto me, don't take the 'notice me senpai' route, I fuckin hate that. If your going to try again, then be my guest, if not…" and then he switches back to his innocent voice and says 'fuck off. I'm eatin, kay~?' He was sooo scary, like a bisexual super sadist delinquent! And he's your older brother?!" Kise-kun yelled and pointed at the picture. Bisexual super sadist delinquent? Okay, maybe onii-san is a bit of a delinquent, and he doesn't care if he's with a man or a woman…but a sadist? And what's a uke? To me it sounded like onii-san was trying to tell Kise-kun that if he had nothing important to say to go away…I guess it takes knowing onii-san to translate his behavior into what he really means.

"Well, you did call the man's voice 'kawaii'." Aomine-kun pointed out.

"How is he going to spread rumors that you're gay, when he seemed perfectly fine when he thought you were trying to hit on him?" Midorima-san squinted. "He must just really hate you."

"You guys are so mean~" Kise-kun fake cried, "How can that be related to that? Are you sure that's your brother?" pointing from the picture to me.

"Yes, can't you tell?" I asked.

"NO." They all said in unison.

"Whatever…time to go to sleep. We wouldn't want to keep Ms. Akihiko and Mr. Kuroko up." Sei-kun interjected. "Plus we're all running a mile around the neighborhood tomorrow."

"What? Why the fuck is it just us? Why can second string do it too? Speaking of why is it just us here?" Aomine-kun complained/yawned.

"You see Daiki, this is known as the calm before the storm. I have gotten multiple complaints from everybody, that I'm not as harsh on you guys than the rest of the team. So prepare to die." He announced.

"That's crazy!" Aomine-kun yelled.

"Nooo!" Kise-kun shrieked.

"Yare yare daze." Midorima-san, Jotaro Kujo-ed

"ZZZZZZZZZZ" Murasakibara-san snored.

"Oh, okay." It wasn't tomorrow morning I was worried about, it was that afternoon.

Today really kept my mind off of Sei-kun's bet with Otou-san, from now on things will be a little bit more awkward

-That afternoon-

I stared at the door…this was not…is this even a part of my house?

Otou-san told me that he had given Sei-kun permission to redecorate given that Sei-kun pays for it but he had sent actual workers to redecorate my brother's room as we all went for a run and waited for everyone's ride to take everyone else home. And they finished! In that little time! The power of money is truly alarming...

I ran a hand over the surface of the door. It even had a mail slot. It really did look like an apartment door. It even had a peek hole and a page system, I even heard the shower going in there just a few minutes ago. My brother's room is much larger than mine but…could it be that he turned all of it like an apartment? In my house?

"Why didn't he just buy the house next to ours?" I sighed, this is too much, then again it is Sei-kun…

I felt the door rumble and the door opened.

"Oh, good afternoon…neighbor."

Yes, it is Pizza Hat. Can't deny the pizzahut logo looks like a hat…or is that just me? Anywho, no AkaKuro here, because thats reserved for next chappy (a heap full thus far) still running scenarios in my head, if any of you fangirls or romantics would lend me your ideas that would be wunderbar. Not even gonna put 'please review' because I suck and am really late, but if your feeling generous go ahead, I check my email daily:) Thanks for putting up with me and my wierdness.
