Alright this tarts up the next arc. I hope you like it.
Tersha took a deep breath as she crouched low in the bushes, exhaling slowly as she drew her bow from her back and silently knocked in an arrow. She was well hidden with her dark gray and green elven armor, another gift from the elf who had taken her in. Just beyond the trees, a small pack of orcs were hunting for unsuspecting travelers. She was fortunate enough to spot them first, as she had been hunting them for the last few days. Rumor from a near by villagers was that they had been attacking travelers on the road. Not taking anything, just killing and ransacking. She was supposed to be heading back to Rivendell, but this took immediate precedence.
Aiming for the soft tissue in the head, she silently let loose an arrow, killing the farthest from the group instantly. His body dropped and alerted the to others that they were being hunted. A few investigated the body, but as they came closer to it more arrows found their mark. In a few short moments they were all dead. There hadn't been many of them, just seven, but their had been enough of them to cause trouble for simple villagers.
She searched their bodies, hoping for find a clue as to their intentions for attacking, but all she found were few scant coins that one had collected from one of their raids. She collected arrows that could be salvaged from their bodies and placed them in her quiver as strapped her bow to her back. Her swords, silver elven steel and black ebony steel at either side.
Tersha quickly left the seen and returned to her horse, a blue-gray dappled mix stallion that had descended from Storm, her first horse in Middle Earth. As he was mixed with elven horses, he stood taller, but he still had his forefathers stocky build and flowing silver white mane. His name, Kesstrun, was well placed. He looked like a tempest storm and he was as fast as one that rolled in over the mountains. He knew it too, causing trouble with other horses in testing his speed.
She strapped her back to his saddle and headed back in the direction of Rivendell. She was going to be late if she didn't leave now, she was cutting it close enough as it was. People really didn't like it when you were late for important business. With a gentle nudge of her boot, they took off at a reasonable pace.
Over sixty years it had been since Tersha first came to Middle Earth and joined the company of Thorin Oakenshield. In that time much had changed in the world, and some had not.
Erabor and Dale were both thriving again since they had taken back the mountain from Smaug and defeated the orc armies. It had been a slow process, as there was much to restore and many people that were needed for the restoration. Dwarves flooded in, more than happy to be in the home of Durin's folk, and humans from nearby villages also came to help and to start new lives.
Bard rulled Dale for a great many years before he passed away and his son Bain took over. He had a son as well and he was the current lord with two sisters of his own to give council and govern the city. Bains sisters had both married, the eldest Sigrid to Fili and they had a great many children before she passed away. Fill was currently king, but he had never remarried, content with is life and the time he had with Sigrid. Tilda married an honorable guardsman of Dale, and Kill ended up bonded and married to Tauriel, though it was hard at first with the prejudice that was still between their people, but they worked it out. They had a daughter who was as red as her mother in coloring, but mischievous as her father and as passionate as them both.
As all this passed, Tersha had come fully into her elven heritage still looking the same age as she did all those years ago. It was weird to think she would not age in body anymore and she would not die unless she faded or poison or the sword took her life. She lived in Rivendell, when she wasn't visiting Bilbo in the Shire or her close friends in Erebor, and she studied with Elrond in the art of healing. He taught her the basics of elven healing magic, which was mainly about purging poisons and dark curses from wounds and the blood. There was much she could not do, as she had a hard time grasping the concepts, but she studied hard, and like any muscle, the more she used it the better she became at it till it was second nature. She still had difficulty with some poisons, but with her dual knowledge of healing she healed wounds that others couldn't, like physically healing a wound till it left only but a small scar.
No amount of knowledge of healing could let her turn the clock of time, so as the years passed she saw many of her friends pass before her as old men and women, their descendants having heard some stories of her from their parents.
Shaking her head, she thought no more of her gone friends. She needed to stay focused till she reached Rivendell.
"Tersha! Welcome home." Elrond spoke to her in greeting as she dismounted at the entrance to the city 3 days later.
"Lord Elrond" She gave a bow, then smiled brightly and hugged him. "It is good to see you."
"I trust your travels were not difficult." he asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and leading her in and up the stairs while another elf took her horse to the stables. She shook her head.
"No, we were swift, even with a small detour of ridding the road of a small orc raiding pack."
"I'm glad to here it. The less of those creatures on the road, the safer people will be." she nodded.
"Why am I needed? You sounded very urgent in your letter." His face held more of a grave look than it did previously. He looked tired.
"There is to be a council, of any who can attend. I will tell you at the meeting itself, but it is of grave importance." He looked to her as they stopped by her quarters. "You will come, yes?" She smiled at him.
"Come now, you should know me by now. Of course I will be there. You wouldn't be able to keep me away." he chuckled in agreement.
"No, I don't suppose I would." He gestured to her room. "Everything has been prepared, as has a hot bath. When you are finished, Lindr will lead you to my study. The council shall be meeting there this aftenoonn."
Tersha nodded and bade him farewell till left quickly to tend to his other duties. Being a lord had perks, but it also had its burdens. He needed to take care of his people and his guests that had arrived. There hadn't been a council meeting like this one in a long time.
Tersha sighed in relief as she sunk into her warm back, washing away weeks works of grime and dirt from her hair and body. The bath smelled of rose water, relaxing her muscles and mind. She wondered what grave news the lord had, as it had to be serious if he was having a council. She hoped it was not what she thought it was. After sixty years she was hoping there would still be more time before war started again, but her gut was telling her she was on the right track. Something was laying heavy in the air, but still shrouded itself and was muffled under the magic of Elrond's own. If it was him...
Shaking her head of all thoughts she quickly finished her bath and returned to her main room, finding a silver gray with forest green accented dress laying on her bed. She smiled. Arwen had already seen to her dressing needs. Quickly dressing she brushed her hair dry, the cinnamon brown and red waves fell to mid shoulder length when she didn't have it all up in intricate braids to keep it out of her way. Hair in eyes while fighting was not a good combination and tended to get her more hurt than her enemy. She let her hair flow freely over her shoulders as she looked ini the mirror. The greens of the dress made the green of her eyes stand out more.
Not wanting to make her friend wait to long, she quickly made her way to Elronds study.
"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old... you've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor." Elrond said, standing from his chair and looked to the filled seats around him. Elves, woodland and his own, Dwarves, men, a wizard, and a hobbit. They all listened attentively. "Middle-earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall." he was looking pointedly at all of them. "Each race is bout to this fate, this one doom." he turned to Frodo, nephew of her old friend Bilbo Baggins. "Bring forth the ring, Frodo."
The little hobbit with bouncy brown curls and blue eyes stood up from his chair next to Gandalf and walked to the stone table in the middle. He held out his hand and placed a single gold ring in the middle. A gasp of disbelief went around all at the sight. She may not have grown up with the legends, but even she could tell what it was. The one thing the enemy needed to come to his full form and completely return.
"So it is true." A man said aloud to himself. Based on his finery, he was a human lord. He stood up. "In a dream I saw the eastern sky grow dark... but in the west a pale light lingered." He stepped closer to the stone pedestal. "A voice was crying: 'Your doom is near at hand. Isildur's bane is found.'" He reached for the ring, as if in a trance, but instantly recoiled when Gandalf stood and spoke in a great booming voice.
"Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul"
Everyone there, and even in the rest of the small city, could feel the darkness of the speech. The sky darkened, from the words and from Gandalfs power. The elves themselves seemed to be more sensitive to it, as even Tersha herself felt ill at the words uttered. When it stopped Gandalf was leaning on his staff and looking at Boromir in warning, then turned his gaze to the elf lord.
"Never before has any voice uttered the words of that language in Imladris."
"I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond... for the Black Speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the West!" He looked over everyone in the room. "The ring is altogether evil." He went to sit down, but the man stood up again, Boromir, as Elrond had called his name.
"It is a gift!" He protested, standing up again. "A gift to the foes of Mordor. Why not use this Ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe." Tersha scoffed loudly and he turned to her. "Who are you to disagree?"
"One who has seen and been in battle with these forces." she said, raising a brow. "The lands are not safe, not anymore. Just because they don't come from your side of those black mountains, does not mean their forces have not already come forth. I saw a taste at the Battle of the Five Armies. They attack caravans on the roads, more so than they used to." She pointed to the ring. "That thing has a mind of its own, its own magic that tests any who can hear its whisperings or see's its luster. It is awake, and it will not let any use it for righteous purpose. Only its master."
He scowled at her.
"And what would a woman know of this? You have no place in this council." Her pupils narrowed a fraction and a low growl escaped her chest.
"And a child such as you should know when he is speaking folly. I have every right to be here."
"She is right" a voice from the other side of the room said, they looked over to see a pale blond elf, Legolas, she realized with surprise. "The ring will only answer to its master, its creator."
"Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him."
"You cannot wield it. None of us can. As she told you, the One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master." A man that sat beside her said. He had long dark locks, trimmed and scruff of a beard, with pale blue green eyes. His facial structure spoke of noble birth, even if the scruff covered most of that. He wore the clothing of the elves, gifted from Lord Elrond. She had seen him before, but never had talked with him. She just knew that he was a ranger named Strider.
"And what would a ranger know of this matter?"
"Besides the fact that their people watch for danger at every turn? hmm lets think here." her voice was very stood up and glared at Boromir.
"This is no mere Ranger." they all looked at his young elven form. "He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance." Tersha looked confused, as did the hobbit sitting by Gandalf. Boromir, on the other hand, looked shocked and turned to face Aragorn again.
"Aragorn. This is Isildur's heir?"
"And heir to the thrown of Gondor." Legolas confirmed, still staring at the man. Realization dawned on her at that. Well, what was her luck. In her one lifetime she had met many more princes and kings than probably any commoner had in their own lifespan. Here or in Skyrim.
"Havo dat, Legolas" Aragorn gesteurde to the elf, who sat down as he was asked. Boromir glared at the elf.
"Gondor has no king." Turned back to sit down and glared at the ranger. "Gondor needs no king." It was silent for a moment.
"Tersha and Aragorn are right. We cannot use it." Gandalf supported.
"You have only one choice." Elrond stood back up. "The Rind must be destroyed."
"Well, what are we waiting for?" a dwarf with a large red beard and hair stood up and thrust his ax onto the ring, only for his to bounce back and fall to the ground, his weapon completely shattered and not a blemish on the Ring.
"The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gili, son of Gloin, by any craft we here possess. I do not think even your own unique skills would either, Tersha." he confirmed her question he saw in her eyes. "The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be destroyed. Permanently. It must be taken deep into Morder and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. Once of you... must do this." He looked to everyone in the room.
Tersha did not say anything. She did not know if she would be able to resist the Ring for that long of a journey if she was the one to carry it. The dragon side of her called to concur all that were beneath her, to show her might as that of the dov, dragon. She feared it would make it worse and the voices of the more tepramental dragon souls in her would become to loud to ignore, driving her mad. No, she would not be able to carry it.
"One does not simply walk into Mordor." Boromir spoke again. She had the feeling he liked to talk. "Its Black Gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. The Great Eye is ever-watchful." The Great Eye. A literal eye of flame that looked and could see all that it laid its gaze upon. "It is a barren wasteland riddled with fire, and ash, and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with 10,000 men could you do this. It is folly."
"Have you heard nothing they have been saying? The ring must be destoryed." Legolas was standing again.
"And I supposed you think you are the one to do it?" Gimli growled at Legolas.
"And if we fail, what then? What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?" Boromir stood up angrily yelling.
"I will be dead before i see the Ring in the hands of an elf!" Gimli yelled and stood up as well. They all stood and argued, everyone but Elrond, Tersha, the hobbit, and Aragorn. There was no use. They would only run their voices dry. Gandalf wasn't helping either, though he was trying to be a voice of reason.
"I will take it. I will take it!" she heard a small voice yell, but no one else could hear him over their own bickering, except Gandalf. He looked almost resigned as he turned to the hobbit standing behind him. The others quieted down to look as well.
"I will take the ring to Mordor. Though, I don't know the way." He went from brave to slightly uncertain. All looked at him in astonishment. It was happening again.
"I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear." Gandalf reassured him and stood behind him. Aragorn stood strait up without hesitation.
"If by my life or death I can protect you I will." he knelt down to the lad. "You have my sword."
"And you have my bow." Legolas stepped up next to Gandalf.
"And my ax." Gimli stood reluctantly next to the blond elf. Tersha couldn't help but smile at the look of the forming group. Especially the elf and dwarf. They would be fast friends on the road and into the rest of their lives. Boromir stood up and walked to the group.
"You carry the fates of us all, little one. If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done." he vowed.
"Well, that just leaves me then." Tersha stood up from her seat and smiled at Frodo. "I heard the name Baggins. Which means I have to come along. I once vowed to your uncle that I would help to keep him safe on his insane adventure. I extend that to you. By my Voice, I will do everything I can to ensure your success." She heard the intake of breath from Boromir. He was not happy she was coming along. She stood next to Aragorn as a shout and a rustling in the bushes another Hobbit, light brown curls bouncing as he jumped out and stood next to Frodo.
"Mr Frodo's not going anywhere without me." he said, looking like a little body guard with his arms crossed.
"No indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not." Elrond face was full of amusement.
"Oi! We're coming too!" Two more hobbits with sandy blond curls ran up to Frodo from behind the pillars. Sneaky little hobbits. "You'll have to send us home tied up in a sac to stop us."
"Anyway, you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission. Quest. Thing." the second one said. Gandalf gave Tersha an eye roll and she held in a laugh, but she couldn't stop the large smile on her face.
"Well, that rules you out Pip."
Elrond looked over the rag tag group of different peoples altogether that were going on this mission. It would be difficult, but Elrond some how had faith that they would be able to pull it off. Hobbits are resilient folk after all.
"Ten companions. So be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring."
"Great!" Pip sounded excited. "Where are we going?" They all gave one look at his clueless face and held in a sigh. Seems they had their comedic relief for their group. Everyone had one, didn't they?
The council broke session and set out to prepare for their departure. They would wait a few days till the scouts returned for news on the best road to take out. They needed to make sure the road they took would be clear and stay under notice for as long as possible. You could only get so far having to stop to rest after battle.
Tersha stayed behind a moment to speak with Elrond, but Legolas caught her first.
"It is good to see you again, Tersha." he greeted her with an elven hand gesture. "It has been sometime since I last saw you." She couldn't help but feel her cheeks heat up a bit, hoping that it wasn't noticeable and that it was just the chill of the air.
"It has been some time, some years since we parted ways " she acknowledged. He gave her a small smile.
"I feel better that you are joining us on this quest, knowing your skill." That time she did blush. She did not get compliments often.
"Well, thank you, Legolas. With the skill of companions I am also confident that we may be able to end this evil yet." He bowed his head.
"I shall leave you to Lord Elrond. Till later."
"Till later." and they parted ways. Elrond approached her from her right as she watched the elf leave. Even now, after all this time, she felt her heart pick up speed in slight.
"He takes after his mother." he said. "Skilled as she was and just as compassionate."
"He is honorable." she said, trying to sound nonchalant, but Elrond wasn't fooled. He let it go though and turned to her.
"Are you sure you want to attempt this quest?" She nodded immediately.
"My Voice is unique to this world. I would see it used to help end this evil. Once and for all."
"Then you leave with my blessing. Please stay safe." She turned and smiled at him.
"I can't promise that, but I will be careful."
"That will have to do."
They parted ways and Tersha went strait to her room and fell asleep. She would need all the rest she could get.
Alright so that is the end of this chapter. If you have any suggestions or comments, please leave a review. I hope you enjoyed!