I do not own Doctor Who if I did oh boy that would make me a happy girl.

The Doctor was busy tinkering with something that didn't need to be messed with, but that never stopped him. He had to do something while Rose was asleep or else he might go a little mad with the boredom. He checked the hall that lead to her room wondering where she was. Normally she would be up by now.

Putting the object he was messing with down her got up and walked to her room he knocked gently on her door and hearing anything he gently opened her door. Walking in her could see her still in bed, but before he went to wake her up she let out a painful cough that's also when he noticed she was sweating a little.

Walking over to her bed and sitting down gently he placed his hand on her forehead feeling that she was hot he moved her hair from her face so it wouldn't stick.

Feeling something cool on her face Rose slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. "Doctor is something wrong?" She let out another cough and looked at him.

"You have a bit of a fever I want you to stay in bed for the day. I will take care of you, but until you are fully better we will take it easy." He smiled at her brushing more hair from her face.

Closing her eyes she moves her hand and takes his hand holding her on her face. "Your hand is cool it feels good can you keep it there please?"

Laughing softly The Doctor bent down and kissed her forehead. "I have a better idea I will get a cool cloth and put it there while I make you some soup."

Getting up he walked towards her unsuite finding a cloth nearby he placed it in some cold water ringing it out before taking it back to her. He put it on her head smiling seeing she was back asleep. "Now you sleep and I will go make you some soup."

He walked into the kitchen and looked around before walking over and grabbing a can of soup he emptied it into a pan and while that was cooking he deiced to make her some tea as well. Tea always helps people feel better he should know.

Half an hour later he walked back into Roses and room and gently woke her up. "Rose I have some soup and tea for you." Helping her sit up he handed her the bowl and placed her tea on her night stand.

Rose managed a small tired smiling as she took a sip of her soup.

He watched her for a bit and took her dishes when she was finished. "Now get some rest call if need anything." Smiling he left her room as she got comfortable again falling asleep. Every now and then throughout the day The Doctor would go in and check on her.

The next morning Rose woke up feeling much better she took a shower and changed into her clothes and came out into the Console Room to see him sitting in the jump seat reading. She sat down next to him.

The Doctor put down his book and looked at her. "How are you feeling today?"

She smiles at him with her tongue poking between her teeth. "Much better thank you. I feel up to traveling today/"

He smiled and got up from the seat walking over and turning some knobs and hitting some buttons before turning to look at her smiling wide.

"Allons-y, Rose Tyler."

AN: Thanks for reading I know it's not the best, but it just popped into my head and I had to write it. I am wanting to RP as Rose and I am looking for someone to play The Doctor. I was also wanting to turn that RP into a story. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks have a great day!