Hi~ I just got a DeviantArt account, I really like it :) Anyway here's chapter 3. I'm gonna try to add all of the characters from Soul Eater I'm just having a hard time on deciding what their roles would be... you know? By the way if you as a reader/reviewer have something you dislike or you have an idea please inform me~ I'll try my best since I know my writing can get a little sloppy. Thanks for your attention, enjoy!

Also do I have to put a disclaimer on every chapter? It just seems a little rediculous to me... I mean if I owned Soul Eater Maka and Soul would be together already! Jeez :(

Blackstar quickly paced through the city. He needed to know what was going on, why Kid was trying to use Maka. What could that little girl do anyway that made her so powerful? His mind raced.

"I HATE THINKING! IT'S TOO SMALL OF A JOB FOR A BIG STAR LIKE ME~!" He made the outburst in front of a crowd of people, gathering their attention.


Blackstar glanced over to his left to find Tsubaki looking at him with a grin. "What's going on?"

"Oh Tsubaki, I'm just letting these weaklings know who's the bigger man, you know? In case they thought other wise."

"Right, because they neeed to know."

"Yes they do, it's bad for their health to think they can surpass the man who's going to surpass god."

"Yes yes but... Blackstar?"


"I think that maybe... you should get down."

Blackstar hadn't even realised that he had been standing on top of the public square water fountain. As Blackstar hopped off of the structure, an idea formed in his head. "Hey, Tsubaki..."


"You've been around town, right?"

"Yes, Blackstar, why? What's going on?"

"I just want to know if you've seen anyone... strange."

"Strange how?"

Blackstar pondered on wether to get Tsubaki involved. She was talented, and bright. Although Blackstar decided that if this matter was as important as he thought it was, he might get Tsubaki into danger.

"... nevermind. It's nothing compared to how big of a star I am."

Tsubaki chuckled. "If you say so."

Change POV

Tsubaki inwardly scoffed. It was obvious something was going on, it was almost painfully obvious. Though it always was with Blackstar. As long as you knew him you could tell what his true intentions were behind his mask of pride and ego.

I'm going to get invlolved, and I'm going to help. Tsubaki decided. Besides, she owed Blackstar for her freedom, and she was determined to pay the debt back.


Tsubaki yawned as she finished her shift. After the already exaughsting conversation with Blackstar she went to work her shift at the local bar, then began to head home to her roommate. "Marie, I'm home~"

"Yes dear I'm in the kitchen. I have a guest over would you like to meet him?"

A guest? Tsubaki thought. We never have guests this late. I wonder if it's her boyfriend...? No, nevermind. Probably just family or something.

"Hi nice to meet you~" Tsubaki said as sweetly as she could. It was difficult to drain the weariness from her voice.

The man had bright yellow eyes and black hair with three assyemetrical stripes. "Nice to meet you as well, Tsubaki. I am the son of Lord Death, Death the Kid, but please... call me Kid."

Tsubaki could immidietly tell something was different about Kid.

Is this the man Blackstar was talking about? No... this man doesn't give off the presence of strange... but dangerous. I should be cautious of him, he seems powerful and cunning.

"Yes well it was nice meeting you, Kid, but I'm a little tired. I hope we can talk again someday."

Before awaiting a response Tsubaki quickly returned to her room, and even though she put all of her effort into it, she couldn't seem to fall asleep.

So what do you guys think? I love writing about Tsubaki cuz she's just so cool when she gets all bad ass. Sorry this chapter was a little short and uneventful, the next one will be longer. I just have a hard time writing about Blackstar! Even tho he's like my fav character I just can't figure him out! Alright if anyone can answer my question then I'll let them pick Mifune's role in the story... If anyone even reads this XD

So the question is... Why was Blackstar carrying Kid when they both went to retrieve Excalibur?