A/N: Finally, some smut in this chapter *fans self*
Silence. Pure silence.
Levi looked up from his work, glancing at Eren. His eyes looked as cold as a corpse. The strange thing was, no emotion gave itself away in the seemingly endless pool of grey. After a spilt second, the teacher averted his gaze back to the test in front of him.
"If you want off the team, then sure." The scritch scratch of pen on paper filled the oppressive calm of the space.
Eren was confused. For some surreal reason, he half-believed that the Coach would beat him up. "R-really, coach?"
"Yeah. But if you actually decide to quit, then don't bother showing your face again around my team or me."
A minute passed, with neither of them saying anything. Levi didn't go through the nuisance to glance at him. Slowly, Eren turned away and began to walk towards the door.
His back faced Coach Ackerman. Even his tail dropped to the floor. Eren wondered why it was difficult to keep feelings out of his voice. "You're not even going to ask me why?"
"Do you want me to? It's your choice, and I don't see why it concerns me."
"But it does concern you!" Eren yelled, shocking them both. "Ah, I mean, shouldn't you care when one of your players decides to quit? If not, then why even call yourself a coach?"
"Look, Eren. You try your hardest at every drill we do, every second of it. You're also great at strategic playing. However, to be blunt, you suck." Levi studied the boy. He had to give him credit for not flinching when he said those words. "So, if I lose a player that doesn't have the physical skills to even throw a ball correctly, then why should I be sad when it actually benefits me?"
Eren bit his lower lip. He didn't succeed in preventing his body from shaking.
"Try not to be a man of success, but a man of value." Levi's voice changed from cold to warm, from concrete to fluid.
Eren snorted. "If you can quote Einstein in the middle of a conversation, why didn't you teach literature instead?"
"Oi, don't change the topic. Besides, there's something orgasmic about teaching math-free physics that connect to our everyday lives."
Eren could practically hear the eye roll.
"Anyway, like Einstein said, I require players that are valuable. Winning or losing doesn't matter as much, but I don't accept useless people. I think you're making a rash decision about the whole quitting-the-team thing. So go home and sleep on it. If you're not at the Karanese game, then return your uniform to me on Thursday."
Without another word, the soft click of the door closing was Eren's answer.
Shit. Levi groaned. Fucking goddamn. He expected Karanese to be a hell of an opponent, and he was right. Their beast of a quarterback was relentless, effortlessly receiving and executing passes that even Levi would consider being excellent. On the other hand, TS wasn't doing bad. They kept up with the opponent just as quickly, and Levi took pride when they used moves that they went over just the other day.
It was a massive field, with people-filled stands surrounding the circumference. Viewers from both schools watched with attentive eyes and deafening cheers. Judging by the smell, the grass was freshly cut. A cloud watched from overhead, occasionally blocking the sunlight. A perfect environment to an imperfect game.
Right now, it was the last quarter of the match. The scoreboard read 29 – 32 with Trost as 29. With only about four minutes left, Levi prayed that at least they'd tie.
The boy with the pretty emerald eyes was not there.
Like a neurotic with OCD, Levi constantly scanned the area for teens with taupe coloured ears and a tail that just couldn't stay still. He'd be lying if he said that there wasn't a sharp sting at the sight of an empty space on the bench. Before the game, some players asked where Eren was. Levi didn't bother to answer.
Abruptly, the crowd roared, bringing him back to focus. Some cried in jubilation, some in frustration. In the final minutes, TS scored a safety that bumped their score up by two. Levi felt hope beginning to swell as he looked at the score of 31 – 32. We can do this, we can actually fucking do this.
Three minutes. Two more points. One missing presence.
Levi felt the suspense rise with the crowd. Time never stops for anyone, and it certainly won't stop for them.
One minute.
The spectators in the stands screamed once again, effectively bursting an eardrum. At that moment, Levi knew it was over. Son of a bitch. As if in slow motion, motherfucking Karanese scored an unimaginable touchdown. If this was anywhere else, with any other people, Levi would have even applauded. Superb was the only word to describe it. A tiny part of him hoped that one day his players would be able to do that too.
The buzzer signaled the end of the first game of the season. Levi jogged onto the field, joining the teams. Shaking the hands of their opponents ranked high on the list of 'Hardest things ever done'.
The bitter taste of defeat was hard to swallow.
After he made his post-game speech, they began to collect equipment and load it up onto the school bus. Once everyone boarded, Levi went to the field to check for anything they forgot to take.
Nearing the entrance, Levi narrowed his eyes. He instantly recognized the figure that stood still, waiting for him. Fidgeting, the other person's eyes were brimming with unsaid words. Wafting across his nose, the lavender scent ignited something deep inside that even Levi couldn't tell exactly what it was.
Levi spoke first. "You came, you shitty brat. You've got some guts to show your face around here."
Eren spoke soft but clear. There was only a hint of anxiety beneath his calm exterior. "I thought about your quote. You said that if I wasn't at the game, then I'm off the team. Although I didn't play, I watched the whole thing from beginning to end in the stands. I still love football, and I'm not going to let anything or anyone tell me otherwise. You can say that I suck, but I won't give up."
Levi finally allowed himself to smile. "Easier said than done. I know you want to be the best, and I'll help you get there. The team's waiting in the bus, so get your ass on it. We can talk later in my office."
Eren looked down at Levi in the eye. "Yes, coach."
Levi's office was cool and quiet. Eren sat in one of the couches, remembering Hanji and when he first went in here.
"I want you to give me special training."
Without missing a beat, Levi replied. "Sure. But you've got to be committed, and I won't accept tardiness."
"Yes. I want to at least get to the Alpha's level. I'll do strength training to build up muscle, and drills for endurance and skills. Next time we have a game, we'll be the ones tasting victory."
Levi found Eren's determination a definite turn on. Coupled with the fire in his eyes, who could resist the lure of sinful temptation? Fuck, does this count as pedophilia? Well, I might as well have fun with it.
Levi leaned back in his chair, and looked at Eren while unbuttoning the top of his shirt. Dragging his fingers through his bangs, Levi let a few messy strands fall in front of his eyes. He didn't miss the way Eren sat up a little straighter, stared a little harder. Good, now I have the brat's attention.
"So, about this training of yours…I won't hold back. I'll probably run your body ragged, thrown in with some dirty talk. We'll also need to work on your hips and back. They're stiff, and by the time I'm done you'll be flexible enough to bend backwards with your ass up in the air."
Levi found some sadistic pleasure in watching Eren's face flush bright red.
"U-um, sir? That sounds…" Eren swallowed. Even his ears were crimson. "What did you mean by d-dirty talk…?"
Levi looked at the wall, nonchalance rolling off in waves. "Well, you know by now that I have no filter. I say what comes to my mind, and I'll probably swear at you quite a lot too."
"Oh, okay. Well then um, thanks for helping me. So then, should we start training tomorrow? There are no practices on Thursdays, and for the days that we do have it we should train after it's over."
"All right. Tomorrow, at 4 PM. Let's do it."
"Y-yes! Well then, good bye." Eren dashed out of his office, suspiciously holding his jacket in front of his pants.
Levi waited until his footsteps stopped echoing before he allowed himself a small chuckle. Maybe I overdid it a little? It'd be hilarious if he got hard just from that. Speaking of hard, Levi noticed his own bulge in his pants. Shit, so maybe I am interested in the kid... It's not okay to touch him but the law says nothing about fantasies…
Grabbing his keys, Levi walked to his car. Pushing the speed limit, he drove home.
Water rained down his muscled back like a waterfall of tears. Levi sighed, reveling in the warm shower. He allowed the bathtub to fill up three quarters full, and turned the water off.
Slinking down into the pool of relaxation, he let his thoughts wander to a certain pair of plush lips. He had to finish what started earlier. Levi wrapped a hand around his aching cock. Pumping slowly, he swiped his thumb over the slit on the tip. Hissing, Levi thought about those lips placing tiny nips on his dick, licking it from the base up and swirling his tongue around the head. One hand pulled back the foreskin, while the other fondled his balls. Speeding up the pace, Levi began to pant heavier. He spread the copious amount of precum all over his thick length, moaning as he used two hands to increase the friction.
Levi imagined his hard cock ramming into Eren's mouth. Lewd noises came from the teen, as if he was begging for more. Fuck, I'm close… Levi pulled out of Eren's mouth. With a final few strokes, he released thick ribbons of cum onto the male's face. Eren wiped off the white liquid with his fingers. Making eye contact with Levi, he began licking it off his hands.
Levi opened his eyes, breaking his lustful imagination. The bath was now stained. "Filthy." He muttered aloud, not talking about the water. Showering off a final time, Levi wrapped a towel around his body careful not to let water drip onto the floor. Drying off, he crawled into bed.
He thought about a lot of things. Like how this infatuation was illegal, the age of consent, the number of years of prison for pedophilia, amongst other matters.
Levi also thought about the chance that the feelings were mutual. He didn't miss the glances from Eren when he thought Levi wasn't looking, or the first day when he bumped into the boy in the office. Call it an Alpha's intuition, but he knew that Eren thought he was attractive. It was glaringly obvious, with the blushes and stuttering.
Maybe being awake was making him delirious, but Levi thought about the parallels of falling in love and sleeping. For both, it's like slowly at first, then all at once.
A/N: Liked it or loved it? Tell me in a review!
If you wanna be friends, my tumblr is anal-sauce (◕‿◕✿)