Ahh! Hello, my lovelies! Sorry, it's been so long since mt last update I haven't had the chance to be near wifi for awhile! But I'm here now so please enjoy another chapter of my story!

Ch. 3- Robin's POV

The rest of the day was filled with frazzled talk about what had happened to me. Once I was reunited with my family we immediately went home and everyone bustled about in a frenzy to clean me up and tend to me as my dress and hair had gotten dirty and smelled awful from the pirate. I put up with everyone's worried tones and looks but I honestly just wanted to be alone so I could think about what had happened between the Commodore and I in peace.

By the end of the day I was in bed all clean and cozy. Bethany brought out the bed warmer from the fireplace and tucked it neatly between the sheets of my bed.

"There you go, Robin. It was a difficult day for you, I'm sure."

I nodded with a distracted smile. "I suspected something drastic to happen with the pirate, but I must admit, I wasn't entirely prepared for it to happen to me!"

"Yes, well, I meant about Miss Swann being proposed to by the Commodore."

"What did you say?"

"The Commodore proposed to Miss Elizabeth earlier today." I could only stare. "You mean, you didn't know?"

"No. Elizabeth failed to mention it." I answered through gritted teeth. It was then that I realized that proposing to Elizabeth was what bigger plan the Commodore said he had planned for the future.

"Begging your pardon, Robin. It was not my place."

Bethany left and I thought about when the Commodore would have been able to propose. It must have been just before Elizabeth fell into the ocean. When they were standing on the parapet. She had said her corset was too tight; it must have restricted her breathing and caused her to faint.

I sighed and turned down the fire on my oil lamp. Just when I lay down to try to go to sleep I heard a rumbling boom. Panicked, I got up and walked to my window.

I saw figures running around with swords and I saw guns going off. I knew immediately. "Pirates!" I gasped. I looked towards Elizabeth's mansion and saw that a whole group was heading there. "Elizabeth!" I ran out of my room and out of the mansion. Not even thinking about what I was wearing.

I ran as fast as I could. Delighted that the movement wasn't restricted by a corset. When I came to the front door of the Swann mansion I saw one of the maids running from it and Elizabeth being blocked from getting out by a couple of pirates.



"Not another one..." Groaned the pirate. Suddenly a cannonball ripped through the house. Elizabeth took advantage of the distraction and ran past the pirates. I ran inside and a chandelier fell from the ceiling just as Elizabeth and I reached each other. We ran into the dining room and Elizabeth used a candle holder to jam the door closed.

"Lizzie, why are they here?!" I yelled in a whisper. A thump against the door; the pirates are trying to get in.

"I don't know!" Elizabeth hissed at me as she ran to the fireplace. There was a mantelpiece of two crossed swords above it. Lizzie pulled on the hilt of one of the swords and the whole mantelpiece came down, the swords not coming free.

Elizabeth pulled on my arm and stuffed the both of us in a china closet.

I could hear the door to the dining room finally break open.


"We know you're here, poppet's..." A gruff voice called out unusually loud. Then in a normal tone. "Come out, and we promise we won't hurt you... We will find you, poppet's..." I gripped Elizabeth's hand. "You've got something of ours, and it calls to us!"

Another voice, most likely the other pirate, "Gold!"

The same gruff voice, "The gold calls to us!" I looked down at the golden medallion hanging from Elizabeth's neck and snatched it off of her. She gasped and knowing that they most likely heard us I stuffed the medallion down my own nightgown.

We looked up to the crack between the china cabinets doors and saw an eye staring back at us. "Hello, poppet's..."

The doors flew open and Elizabeth shouted, "Parley!"

"What?" The balding pirate asked as he pointed his gun at us.

"Parley! I invoke the right of parley! According to the Code of the Brethren, set down by Morgan and Bartholomew-"

"You have to take us to your captain!" I finished, remembering what I faintly remembered of Elizabeth telling me about parley.

"I know the code." The balding pirate grumbled.

"If an adversary demands parley, you can do them no harm until the parley is complete." Elizabeth said.

The younger pirate cried, "To blazes with the code!" He stepped forward but the balding one stopped him.

"They want to be taken to the Captain, and they will go without a fuss. We must honor the code."

The two prates escorted us out of the Swann mansion and through the ruckus and destruction of the town. I wanted to cry out, wanted to yell and scream for someone to save us but I could feel the guns and swords pointed at our backs and knew I would be killed the instant I tried to make an escape. I heard Elizabeth gasp out a name but I couldn't hear her as the balding pirate, Pintel as the younger one, Ragetti, had called him, pulled us along and shouted, "Come on!"

The pirates lead us to the docks and through the fog we could see a ship with black sails.

"Lizzie," I gasped in awe. "Is that...?"

Elizabeth only nodded and I closed my mouth.

A longboat lowered into the water. The pirates nudged us in our backs and we stepped on. We were pulled up to the deck and we helped each other over. Once aboard we could feel the stares of men and we pulled on our nightgowns, self conscious to the fact that they were all we wore.

A large man walked toward us. "I didn't know we was taking on captives." I looked up in astonishment at the mans lack of correct vocabulary.

"They've invoked the right of parley... with Captain Barbossa." One of our captors announced.

Elizabeth stepped to the man. "I'm here to negotiate-"

The man backhanded her. "Lizzie!" I pulled her to me and held her while she stared wide eyed at the vile creature that just hit her.

"You'll speak when spoken to!"

A man appeared and grabbed his wrist. "And you'll not lay a hand on those under the protection of parley."

"Aye, sir." This must be the Captain then...

Barbossa released Elizabeth's abuser and he went away. The Captain smiled, "My apologies, Miss."

Elizabeth realized too that this was the Captain and despite my protest stepped to him. "Captain Barbossa... I am here to negotiate the cessation of hostilities against Port Royal."

"There was a lot of long words there, miss, we're not but humble pirates." Captain Barbossa laughed. "What is it that you want?"

With as much courage as I barely had left I stepped up next to Elizabeth and explained, "We want you to leave. And never come back."

Captain Barbossa and his crew all laughed.

"I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means 'no'."

I thought quickly. I had to get these filthy pirates out of Port Royal! I had to get us off of this ship and away from here! I just want to go home...

"Very well." With a flash like lightning I pulled the medallion out of my nightgown and ran to the railing of the ship. I held my fist with the medallion in my hand over the side, hovering it above the deep, dark water below. "I'll drop it!"

"Me holds are bursting with swag. That bit of shine matters to us... why?"

"It's what you've been searching for! I recognize this ship. I saw it eight years ago on the crossing from England."

"Did you now?" Captain Barbossa asked.

I glared at him. He was calling my bluff. With sweaty palms and a dry mouth I shrugged. "Fine." I licked my lips. "Well, I suppose if it is worthless then there's no point in me keeping it." I let the medallion drop but I held onto the chain. I watched, very satisfied, as the pirates all lunged forward.

"No!" Captain Barbossa shouted.

"Oh..." I smiled triumphantly, my confidence in this matter building.

"Ah." The Captain chuckled. "You have a name, Missy?"

"Robin-" I looked to Elizabeth who was trying to catch my attention. She shook her head quickly and mouthed 'Will'. "Turner." I finished.

"She's nothing but a maid in the Governor's household." Elizabeth desperately explained. I eyed her angrily but she rolled her eyes.

"Miss Turner!" Captain Barbossa turned away from me and announced to the crew.

"Bootstrap!" I heard the balding pirate whisper as murmurs all along the ship rang out.

"And how does a maid come to own a trinket such as that? Family heirloom, perhaps?" Barbossa asked.

"I didn't steal it if that's what you mean." I narrowed my eyes at the Captain.

I heard Lizzie scoff but no one payed attention.

"Very well. You hand that over, we'll put your town to our rudder and ne'er return."

I didn't want to just hand over the medallion but I wanted to get away from here. I wanted them to leave and for Lizzie and the town to be safe. I held the medallion out and Barbossa took it, handing it to his monkey who snatched it and fled.

"Our bargain...?" I asked.

Barbossa turned away from me and nodded to the man who hit Elizabeth earlier.

"Still the guns, and stow 'em! Signal the men, set the flags, and make good to clear port!" The man yelled.

"Wait!" I shouted, running after Captain Barbossa. "You have to take us to shore!"

Elizabeth ran up behind me. "According to the code of the Order of the Brethren-"

Barbossa turned on us. "First. Your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement, so I must do nothing. And secondly: you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply and you're not. And thirdly... the code is more what you call guidelines than actual rules. Welcome aboard the Black Pearl, Missy's."

I stared after Barbossa in shock as he turned and walked away.


Barbossa stopped and turned around.


"At least take Lizzie ashore." Barbossa eyed me questioningly. "That's all I ask. Take her ashore and keep me, I know that all you really need is me. That much was obvious when I told you my last name. Take her back to shore and I'll willingly stay here, with you."

Barbossa stared at me although I could see he was considering.

"Aye, we'll be taking yer friend ashore but any funny business and the last thing your friend'll be seein', Miss Turner, is those black sails flappin' in the breeze."

I set my jaw and nodded to Barbossa as he walked to the helm to turn the ship around. Lizzie pulled on my arm and I turned to her.

"Rin, they are pirates. They will kill you. Do you actually intend on staying here?"

I looked over my shoulder at Barbossa and pushed Lizzie to the rail where we'd first come from on the longboat. "Of course not. I want to go home. I want to see if Ja-" I choked and hesitated but pushed ahead. "If James is all right. I'm going to get off of this ship and swim all the way back to Port Royal if I have to, Elizabeth." She made to protest but I held up a hand to stop her. "I just want you to be safe and I want no harm to befall Port Royal again. I'll be fine, Lizzie. Just go home, okay?"

"This where ye be gettin' off, Miss." Barbossa's voice caused Lizzie and I to jump.

We turned to each other and hugged briefly. "Be careful." She said in my ear. I nodded to her when we let go and tried not to look as if I was about to cry. I watched as Elizabeth got into the longboat and was lowered back to the docks.

"Miss Turner will rest in my cabin until further notice." Captain Barbossa commanded once the longboat was pulled back up.

"Wha-?" I felt hands grabbing me and I saw that it was Pintel and Ragetti, pulling and dragging me to the Captains quarters.

I just want to go home.

Elizabeth's POV

The instant my feet were back on Port Royal territory I sprinted through town. I had to get help! I had to find my father so he could round up some Navy Officers to rescue Robin! I had to find some clothes.

It was then that I thought of Will and ran to the blacksmith's shop. "Will?" I shouted out when I entered. "Will, are you here?" I looked around and saw that no one was here. Will was probably out looking for me and Rin. I spotted some clothes folded up in a pile on a table and made sure to lock the door. I pulled on the pantaloons and vest over my nightgown. Just when I'd finished tucking in my shirt I heard, "Elizabeth!"

I whipped around to see that it was Will! I ran to him and jumped into his arms. "Will! You're all right!" Will hugged me a moment but then set me down.

"What are you doing here? Why are you wearing my clothes?"

"The pirates! They took Robin!"

"What?" Will asked, angrily.

"They took her aboard the Black Pearl! I don't know what's going to happen to her. We have to go find her, Will. We have to...!" I felt my eyes moisten and I covered my face with my hands.

"Elizabeth..." Will pulled me into his arms while I cried.

"We've got... we've got to go after her... They might kill her!" I looked up into Will's eyes and he nodded slowly.

"All right. I will help you because Robin is my friend as well-" Will looked as if he was going to say something else but only grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the barn.

Will and I ran to Fort Charles where I knew my father would be as the sun slowly began to rise. We burst into Commodore Norrington's office and upon seeing my father I shouted, "Father, they've taken her! They've taken Robin!"

"Elizabeth! Thank goodness you're all right!" Commodore Norrington stepped to me and hugged me tightly. Once he let me go he looked me in my eyes and bent down to kiss my cheek. I blushed. Not from the Commodore's actions but from the fact that Will was standing right next to me.

"Didn't you hear her?" Will seemed more angry than he was earlier. "Those pirates took Robin!"

I watched as Norrington gave Will a look. "Murtogg, remove this man."

"James, no!" I shouted as Murtogg stepped to Will and grabbed his arm.

Will shook Murtogg off and shouted again, "We have to hunt them down! We must save her!"

"And where do you propose we start?" I looked to see Rin's father, Mr. Asher. He was bending over a map of the Caribbean next to my own father. "If you have any information concerning my daughter, please, share it."

Murtogg spoke, "That Jack Sparrow... he talked about the Black Pearl."

"Mentioned it is more what he did." Mullroy told him.

"Ask him where it is!" I begged my father and Norrington. "Make a deal with him! He can lead us to it!"

"No, Elizabeth." Norrington told me sadly. "The pirates who invaded this fort left Sparrow locked in his cell. Ergo, they are not his allies. I'm sorry."

I twitched and arched a brow. "How do you know that?"

"We just received a report saying that the two of our men that guard the jail were beaten by a couple of the pirates that came here. They left Sparrow in his cell, Elizabeth. I'm sorry." Norrington turned away from me and began talking to Robin's and my father. "We will establish their most likely course..."

Will slammed down a boarding ax into the desk in front of him causing me to jump. When did he grab that? I hadn't seen him with it while we came over here...

"That's not good enough!" Will shouted.

I watched as Norrington pulled the ax from the desk and come around to stand in front of Will. "Mr. Turner, you are not a military man, you are a blacksmith. This is not the moment for rash actions." Norrington moved Will close to the door and I followed. Prepared to go after Will if I had to. Norrington leaned in close to Will and dangerously said in a low voice, "Do not make the mistake of thinking you and Miss Swann are the only ones here who care for Robin." Norrington then shoved the ax to Will. Will looked to me and I pushed past Norrington to him. Before we could leave Norrington grabbed my elbow.

"Don't worry, Commodore." I said, harshly. "I'm going home."

"You will need an escort." I thought of Robin a moment. She would have loved for Norrington to tell her that. But not me. Not at this moment. I shrugged James off of me and pointedly told him, "I'm perfectly capable of walking home by myself. Thank you for your concern, Commodore." Without another word Will and I left. We first ran back to the blacksmiths' barn. Figuring that if we were to take matters into our own hands that we would need to be armed. We were after all dealing with pirates. Once we were loaded with guns and swords we ran to the jail where Jack Sparrow was waiting to be hanged.

As we ran I thought of what James had said. 'Do not make the mistake of thinking you and Miss Swann are the only ones here who care for Robin.' What did he mean by that? Did he mean my father and Robin's along with Will and I? Or did the Commodore mean himself? I couldn't be sure. Maybe he did only mean Robin's and my father but... that look in his eye... and that tone in his voice. Plus the use of Rin's first name instead of 'Miss Asher'...

I still wasn't sure so I put the thought aside for later as we came upon the jail. Once we got to the jail Will told me stand back. I did as he said and watched as he knocked out all the guards and stole the key to get through the door to the cells. "Come on!" he called. I ran inside as he unlocked the door and undid the latch. It was dark and smelled awful. Worse than anything I've ever smelt in all my life! There also seemed to have been an accident as a cell was completely torn through and bits of wood and metal were strewn about.

I immediately caught sight of Captain Jack Sparrow laying on his back in the cell next to the one that was destroyed.

"You, Sparrow!" I called.

"Aye?" the pirate answered, looking up. Will gripped my arm and gave me a warning look before I gave him one of my own. Will let me go and I stepped to the cell.

"You are familiar with the ship the Black Pearl?" I asked.

"I've heard of it." Captain Jack answered, laying his head back down as if he were already uninterested in the conversation.

"Where does it make berth?"

Captain Jack sat up. "I've heard that voice before...You aren't the Governor's daughter are you?" I only stared. "Where does it make berth, you ask? Have you not heard the stories? Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail from the dreaded Isla de Muerta... it's an island that cannot be found- except by those who already know where it is."

"The ship's real enough, I've seen it with my own eyes, I've even been on it. Now I ask you again, where is it?" I made sure my words sounded harsh but it's not as if I had to try hard. Time was passing and I don't know where Robin is or even if she's still alive.

"Why ask me?" Captain Jack asked, laying back and studying his fingernails.

"Because you're a pirate."

"And you want to turn pirate yourself, is that it?"


"They've taken our friend, Robin." Will finally spoke up.

"Oh, so it is you've found a girl."

"No! Robin is only a friend. I swear it."

Jack seemed to have caught something and glanced at me. "I see... Well, if you're intending to brave all, hasten to her rescue and so get your friend back, you'll have to do it alone, mates. I see no profit in it for me."

"I can get you out of here." Will told the Captain.

"How's that? The key's run off."

"I helped build these cells. These are half pin-barrel hinges." I watched as Will picked up a nearby bench and placed it at the bottom of the cell door. "With the right leverage and the proper application of strength, the door will lift free."

Jack looked closely at Will. "What's your name?"

"Will Turner."

Jack seemed to sit up a bit more. "That must be short for William, I imagine. Good, strong name. No doubt named for your father, eh?"

"Yes." Will answered.

Jack stood. "Ah hah. Well, Mr. Turner and Miss Swann, I've changed me mind. If you spring me from this cell, I swear on pain of death, I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your dear friend Robin." Jack stuck his hand through the bar doors. "Do we have an accord?"

I shared a look with Will. I took the pirates hand and shook it. "Agreed."

Will took Jack's hand after me. "Agreed."

"Agreed! Now, get me out."

Will put the bench under the door and pushed down on it. I watched, impressed, as the cell door sprung free from it's hinges and crashed down to the floor.

"Hurry, someone will have heard that." Will stated as he set the bench down.

"Not without my effects!"