The Real Malfoy
A miserable Draco Malfoey (10) lay on his bed one night, Potter (10) and the damn Weasel (9), had called him names again, he called them names back and acted mean, but that was just show, in truth it hurt him what they thought of him, ok he was a Slytherin and everyone thinks that all Slytherins are evil, but that isn´t the case, in truth Draco hated beeing in Slytherin he always whanted to be a Gryffindor, „why do they have to be so mean to me", he asked himself, his eyes starting to fill with tears, Draco couldn´t help it and he started craying himself to sleep.
Harry was laying in his bed deep in thought, 'i hate Malfoy, if only i could read his mind, then i know exactly what he thinks of me and my friends. I know i shall snuck off to the library, there should be a book that can teach me to read peoples minds', with that in mind, Harry got out of bed and put on his invisability cloak and silently headed out the Griffindoortower. He arrived soon at the library and rumaged threw the books, after an hour he found exactly what he was looking for, he read the spell out load and noticed a light tickle in his head, 'i hope it worked', Harry thought, he headed back to his room, before he climbed into bed he looked over at Ron, 'hm, let´s see if it worked', he thought, he concentrated on Ron, damn that Malfoybitch, he always has to threaten my pal, Harry heared in his mind and he grinned, 'great it worked, now Malfoy will never ever be able to keep secrets from me', he thought, with a satisfied smirk on his face Harry fell asleep.
The next morning Draco woke up, 'morning already', he thought and with a sigh he got out of bed and whent into the bathroom to get ready for the day. When he was dressed he looked one last time into the mirror, a sad looking Draco looked back at him, 'another day hearing nasty names', he thought saddly to himself, then he left Slytherintower and headed to the diningroom to have breakfast.
Draco turned the last conor that led to the diningroom, „yo ferret, how´s it going, loser", a familiar voice called out behind him, as usal, not a 'good morning' or just a 'hello', the only thing i hear is 'ferret', Draco thought with a sad tone, Harry of course was reading Draco´s mind, 'he sounds hurt... nah must be show', he thought, „what do you whant, scarhead", Draco asked, „oh i just whanted to ask how Voldemorts favorite helper is doing", Harry said with a snear, why does he always have to say HIS name, i hate that person, i hate what he did with Harry´s parents, he is a monster, i hate beeing a Slitherin, Draco thought, „go fuck yourself Potter, that is none of your fucking buisness", Draco said, with that he turned and headed off to the Slitherin table, the last thought Harry catched was, dear god, please fullfill my wish: i whant to be a Griffindoor, i whant to have true friends, and with a big sigh Draco sat down on his chair and bent his head down, Harry was dumbstruck he looked at the Slitherin, 'the hell', he thought then he saw something that shocked him, he saw a tear falling onto the table infront of Draco, 'so it wasn´t a show, he is realy hurt, i actually am disgusted at myself, i should give him a chance and i know how', Harry thought to himself.
After breakfast Harry headed to the owltower, he took out a pen and a peace of paper and wrote a note, when he was finished he fastened the note to his owls leg and sent her off, then he headed to Moaning Murtles bathroom, he hissed the password that opened the tunnel leading down to his secret hideout to talk to his best friend, the huge snake „Slither", and god off snakes.
When Draco walked into his room he got a shock, there was a white owl sitting on his bed, a note strapped to her leg, 'who the hell sends me a letter', Draco thought, he carefully undid the peace of paper and the owl flew out of the open window and Draco slowly opened the note and read it:
We need to talk, come to Moaning Murtles bathroom, tap three times on the sink that has a snakes head underneath it, when it opens slide down the tunnel, a huge snake will await you, don´t be scared just follow the snake he will lead you straight to me!
'I´m scared of snakes, there is a huge snake in this castle, a snake is the symbol of you-know-who, i hope it´s not him, it seems i have no choice', Draco said fearfully, so he headed out of the tower and hurried to Moaning Murtles bathroom.
Draco arrived at Moaning Murtles bathroom and quickly found the sink, he rised his hand to tap on it, but he hesitated, 'do i realy whant to do this, i´m scared, but something says i should risk it', he thought, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and tapped on the sink. There was a load squeeking as the sink moved up the wall to reveal a dark tunnel, 'here it goes', Draco thought, he jumped into the hole and the sink slid back into place behind him.
Harry walked into the Secret Chamber, „Slither, please come to me, i need to talk to you", he hissed in Snakelanguage, soon a huge snake came slithering towards him, the snake was so huge that it filled out the chamber, „what´s wrong Harry", it asked after greeting the small boy with a lick off it´s tounge on Harry´s cheek, „you know i told you about the boy called Draco Malfoy who allways bullies me, well i read his mind and he seemed very upset with his life, so i invited him to come here, will you please go and meet him at the tunnel and bring him to me, he shouldn´t be scared of you, he´s Slitherin", Harry said, „ok because it´s you", the snake said and slithered off to get Draco, 'know to think of a plan, that will help Draco', Harry thought, he climbed up onto one of the huge snake statues and thought of a way that would make Draco not only happy but also to make the lives of both boys easier.
***End Flashback***
After what seemed like houres to Draco, he came flying out of the tunnel and landed on something soft, 'well at least a soft landing, but it´s so dark i can´t see a thing', he thought, so he took out his wand and whispered, „illuminate", and his wand burst into a blinding light, when his eyes got used to the light he looked around, „wow this is so huge, so many tunnels, i wonder where they lead to, but i think i won´t live to find out", he said saddly to himself, „ok enough of that, now where is the snake that should meet me", he asked himself, at that moment something moved underneath of him, Draco gulped and looked down to see exactly on what he had landed, Dracos eyes widened in horror when he relized that he had landed on the hugest snake he had ever seen, „holly sh**, it´s huge, it´s covering the whole damn chamber", Draco said, he looked in front of him and almost screamed in shock, he was looking straight into the eyes of the snake, „p-p-please don´t eat me", Draco stammered, the snake just looked at him, then it turned it´s head and started to slither down one of the chambers and Draco knew, 'time to meet the person who has written me the letter', he thought with fear.
They moved threw the tunnel for about 30 minutes, 'this is starting to make real fun', Draco thought and a small smile apeared on his face, 'this will be my fondest memmorie after i die', he thought saddly. Suddenly they slithered into a huge chamber and Draco´s eyes widend, 'woah, this place is huge', he thought, „welcome to my Secret Chamber", a voice said suddenly and it was a voice that Draco knew very well, he looked up to where the voice had come from and his eyes widend even more standing in a cave in the wall was, „P-P-Potter", he asked. „You where the one who has send me the note", Draco asked, „yes, Draco", Harry said, „wha-... hold on, did you just call me Draco" Draco asked confused, „yes, i invited you because i whant to talk with you, you don´t have to be scared", Harry said, Draco opened his mouth to ask about what Harry whanted to talk with him, but he saw Harry open his mouth and started hissing, „Slither, please lift Draco up so he can join me in my quarters", Harry hissed, Draco´s eyes widened again in horror, then he fellt himself rise towards Potter, when Draco was at the right level he saw a hand offered to him, „come Draco, take my hand and let´s sit down and talk", Harry said with a smile, Draco hesitated still looking scared, he looked at the hand offered to him then he looked into Harry´s eyes, Harry´s smile wasn´t evil it was actually a kind and welcoming smile, Draco reached out a shaking hand and Harry grasbed it and helped Draco into the cave.
Harry led Draco to his livingroom, „please Draco, have a seat", Harry said pointing to a armchair, cautiously Draco sat on the chair, Harry sat himself opposite on a nother armchair, Draco looked around the cave, he noticed Harry looking at him, „uhm... sorry, i´m just overwhelmed", Draco said sheapishly, „that´s ok Draco", Harry said smiling at him, „but let´s start our conversation", Draco looked at him questionly, Harry took a huge sigh before he started to speak, „listen Draco, last night i put a spell on myself, so that i could read minds, and... well i used it on you, i thought if i read your mind then i´d know what you think of me, but what i discovered was shocking", Harry started, Draco didn´t say a word, „first i thought it was just show because Slitherins are great actors, but i guess not all of them are, i first realized that you were seriously sad and hurt because of me and what i call you, as you were sitting at the Slitherin table and i saw a tear falling in front of you, so the first thing i whanted to say to you is: i am so sorry for what i said and did to you, i hope you can forgive me", Harry ended and looked hopefully up at Draco, for a few minutes Draco said nothing, then he sighed, „Harry, what you have done and said to me, really hurt me, every night i cry myself to sleep because it hurts so much, it feels like you´d punch me in the gut", he said, „like i said, i´m sorry", Harry said, looking ashamed to the ground, „well i guess i can forgive you", Draco said with a sigh, Harry looked up, „realy, you´d give me a second chance", he asked, Draco just nodded, „thanks, you won´t regret it", Harry said smiling, „the other thing i found out: you wish to be a Griffindoor", Harry said, Draco nodded, „well i can grant you that wish", Harry said, „how", Draco asked, Harry beamed, „give me time till tomorrow, we´ll meet here after lunch", Harry said, „ok how do i get into the chamber", Draco asked, „you are truely not a normal Slitherin", Harry said, then he took out a peace of paper and handed it to Draco, „this is the password to my Secret Chamber, i trust you keep it a secret", Harry said, Draco opened the note, „damn this is a wired language, by the way, you scared me when you hissed, you sounded like a snake, and i´m scared of snakes", Draco said, Harry bent his head, „well as you know Voldemort killed my parents, then he trayed to kill me, but something whent wrong, this scar on my forehead is where the killing spell hit, something whent inside of me, i think i 'swallowed' a bit of Voldemorts power, he could speak snakelanguage, it´s a curse not a gift, but if i wouldn´t have this curse, i wouldn´t have a protector and friend like 'Slither'", Harry ended his story, „sorry Harry", Draco said, „thanks, you should get to know „Slither" better, i can teach you to speak snake", Harry said, „why not, i always wanted to talk to animals", Draco said smiling and Harry smiled back, „so when did you discover this place", Draco asked, „well, i was hiding in Murtles bathroom from some Slitherins, i saw the sink and hissed, then the tunnel appeared and i slid down, then i found this chamber, i loved the snake heads and the whole place so i started to make myself confortable", Harry said, „it´s a nice chillout area, a great place to get away from anoying people", Draco said and Harry nodded, „and how did you meet 'Slither'", Draco asked, „well one day when i was down here sitting on this chair watching a movie, i heard a weak hiss in snake i heard 'help me', so i followed the voice then i found 'Slither', he was bleeding very badly, so i healed him with a spell, then i whent to the forbidden forest where i killed 4 deers and i brought them back here, in a matter of days he started feeling better, and we became friends, when i have teached you snake you can ask him a few questions if you whant to", Harry said, „sure, i believe he owes you his life", Draco said and Harry nodded, „anyway Draco, let´s get going", Harry said, so the two boys got up, Harry called for „Slither" who took them back to the tunnel, when Harry and Draco stepped out of the hole Harry held out his hand and Draco took it, „thanks Draco for the talk, i hope we´ll be friends forever", Harry said, Draco nodded in agreement and smiled, „ok mate, see you tomorrow after lunch in my secret chamber", Harry said, „yeah, see you tomorrow and thanks that you finaly know how i realy am", Draco said, Harry winked at him and headed of to Griffindoor and Draco with a happy smile on his face headed to Slitherin, when Draco got into bed he thought about the day with Harry in his secret chamber, 'that was the best day until know, i wonder what will happen tomorrow and how the hell can he help me get into Griffindoor', with that thought he fell asleep.