"The days passed without Niklas returning and without any further attacks, Loki, Harry, Ron, Draco and Hermione were together all the time. They were sitting in the library wondering if Niklas had found the demon and if he would ever return, they were missing him badly, even if they didn´t know him that well, "I hope he´ll be back soon", Loki said, "yeah we hope that too, it has been five days now, since he left us", Harry said.
"Well... stop hoping", said a voice behind them, they all turned and there behind them stood Niklas. He looked awful, his clothes were all torn and it looked as if they had burn marks, he also was bleeding on the arms, Niklas smiled, "i´m... back...", he said, then he collapsed on the floor.
There was a long silence, "NIKLAS", Loki shouted, he run over to the collapsed boy and felt his pulse, the others saw as Loki sighed in relief, "he´s only sleeping", he said, "what the hell happened to him", Harry asked, "i don´t know", Loki said, "Hermione, could you heal him and i´ll bring him to our room in Hufflepuff", Loki said, Hermione nodded and healed Niklas, then Loki picked up the boy and carried him to his room in Hufflepuff, "I hope he´s going to be fine", Draco said, "yeah", the others said.
"Loki carried Niklas threw the halls of Hogwarts, he didn´t see anybody, he was happy for that, he wasn´t in the mood for annoying questions. Loki soon arrived at the Hufflepuff entrance, he shouted the password, which he got the day he arrived at Hogwarts from Dumbledor, he run up the stairs to the boys dorm, he entered his and Niklas´s room and lied the sleeping boy on his bed, he examined Niklas, Loki felt Niklas´s forehead, 'Jesus, he´s boiling up', he thought, Loki run into the bathroom and came back with a cold cloth and lied it on Niklas´s head, then he sat next to him, "Niklas, what the hell have you been doing", he asked aloud, "i hope you wake up soon, brother".
"Niklas didn´t wake up for four days, Loki took every second of his free time to sit by his side and just be there for him. It was the fifth day, when Niklas finally slowly opened his eyes, he heard silent snoring next to him and he turned his head, on a armchair sat Loki fast asleep, "Loki, have you been sitting by my side till I wake up", he asked quietly, then he got out of bed and started doing press-ups. Loki woke up by the sound of creaking floorboards, he looked up an saw Niklas doing press-ups, "Niklas", he asked.
"Niklas stopped and looked up with a smile, "yes Loki", he asked, Loki just stared, then he jumped up from the armchair and on to Niklas, hugging him and crying into his shoulder, "oof", he said, then he put a hand on Loki´s back and stroked him soothingly, "hey Loki, why are you crying", he asked. "I... I´m just so happy that you are finally awake, I was so worried", Loki sniffed, "I´m fine Loki, I was just drained from my fight with the demon that helped Voldemort", Niklas said, Loki looked up into Niklas´s eyes, "did... did you kill him", Niklas nodded, "yes, Voldemort won´t find a new demon who will help him that fast", he said, "how long was I out", he asked, "five days", Loki answered, whipping his tears away, "woah, I was really drained, but now I´m hungry", Niklas said, Loki laughed, "then let´s get ready and head down to breakfast", he said and that is what they did.
After breakfast Niklas and Loki exited the great hall and headed to the castlegardens to chill a bit, "hey Niklas, welcome back", came a voice behind him and he felt a hand on his shoulder, Niklas turned and saw into the smiling faces of Ron, Hermione, Draco and Harry, "we are so happy that you are okay", Ron said, "you have to tell us what happened", Draco said, "okay, Loki and I were about to go chill in the castle gardens, you are welcome to join us and i´ll tell you what has happened", Niklas said, and they all headed to the gardens, when they had sat down on a stone bench where nobody was nearby, Niklas started to tell his new friends what had happened when he was gone.