The Mind Swap

Harry Potter, a ten year old boy, was very unhappy, he was sitting in potions class, the reason he was unhappy was because he had to team with none other than Draco Malfoy. Their task was to make a 'forget-everything-potion', Harry put in the last of the ingredients into the cauldron and the potion turned black, "something´s wrong, the potion should be a dark blue color", Draco said, he turned to Harry, "Potter, have you put in the lizards tail AFTER adding the moon powder", he asked, before Harry could answer the cauldron suddenly exploded covering both boys in the liquid, the rest of the class ducked under their desks for cover, the boys looked at each other then they turned to Snape, "professor, I don´t feel so good", both boys said at the same time, then fainted. When Draco opened his eyes his world was only a blur, he rubbed his eyes, hoping his sight would clear, but his vision stayed blurred, "what the hell is going on, why is my sight blurred", he asked himself, "well that would be because you haven´t got your specs on, Mr. Potter", said a womans voice, Draco fellt something being shoved on his nose and his vision cleared, he turned his head to see the Medi-Witch standing by his bed, he was in the hospital wing, "how are you feeling", the witch asked, "um... a bit light headed but fine", Draco said, the witch nodded and left, 'why did she call me Potter', he asked himself, as soon as the witch had left he jumped out of bed and headed into the bathroom and looked into the mirror, Draco´s eyes widened in shock, 'i´m in Potters body, that would mean... shit', he thought.

Harry opened his eyes, the first thing he noticed was that Snape was standing next to his bed, "ah Mr. Malfoy, you´re awake", he said, Harry didn´t understand, "professor, what happened", he asked, "you and Potter had fainted after the potion soaked both of you", the potions master said, 'something is wrong, very wrong', Harry thought, "um professor, I need the bathroom", he said, Snape nodded and helped Harry up and guided him to the bathroom. When the door shut behind him, Harry looked at himself in the mirror, "oh shit", he said, staring back at him was none other than Draco Malfoy. Harry stood there for at least ten minutes, 'this is bad, very bad', he thought to himself, there was a knocking on the door which made him jump, "Malfoy, get out here now", came the inpatient voice of Snape, "okey, okey, i´m coming", Harry called, with one last worried look in the mirror he exited the bathroom. "Jesus Malfoy, you are truly much more worse than any woman", Snape stated, "well, I need to look my best", Harry said, "what ever", replied Snape, rolling his eyes, "professor, I need to find Potter, do you know where he is", Harry asked, "yes, he is in the room nextdoor", Snape said, "i´m warning you, don´t start a fight, say what you have to say then get back to your common room, you and Potter have the rest of the day off", he said, Harry nodded an understanding and with one final waning look, Snape turned on his heels and stormed out of the room, Harry waited till the footsteps had died down, then he went to the door of the room where his former body should be and knocked, "come in", he heard his voice call out, so he opened the door and entered the room, closing the door behind him and putting a silencing charm on the room so that no one could hear them.

Draco looked up at the visitor, "Potter, what the hell did you do", he asked, Harry looked at his former body, "i´m sorry Malfoy, I always fuck up, we need to figure out how we should get back into our own bodies", he said, Draco looked so pissed, Harry couldn´t blame him, it was his fault he messed up the potion and it was now up to him to find a cure, "i-i-i should have done the things you told me to do, but I ignored you", he continued, Harry looked at Draco and he saw that he was very pissed off, "you have all right to hate me, I always fuck up", Harry said, Draco looked at him, he saw the regret in Harry´s eyes, 'I always knew Potter was an idiot, but we are in this mess together, the worst part is that no one knows that i´m a veela, only Snape knows', he thought, "Potter, yes you have fucked up bad this time, but we are in this mess together, the problem is that it´s going to be difficult to find a cure", Draco said, "this is my fault, I promise that i´ll find a cure, I got you into this mess, so it´s up to me to reverse it", Harry said, "no, i´ll help you, you need brains at your side, I still hate you, but for now let´s play each other, you tell me what I need to know about you and i´ll tell you what you need to know about me", Draco said, "okey, at night I get nightmares and visions about Voldemort, if i´m angry or sad my magic gets out of control, I have diaries in my nightstand, there are more information in those, you should read them", Harry said, "okay, I will", Draco said, "the things you should know about me are: I am a veela, a half vampire, nobody knows this only you and Snape, you will need potions to keep the urge of feeding on humans under control, that is the only thing I have to say", Draco said, Harry´s eyes were widened in surprise, "okay, i´ll promise i´ll be carefull, we should swap out the passwords for the commonrooms", he suggested, "yes we should, the Slitherin password is: Snakehead", Draco said, "how fitting", Harry scowled, "the Griffindoor password is: Cupcake", he said, "Cupcake, are you serious", Draco asked with a smirk, Harry nodded, "fine, we should go to our houses and keep it down for today, let´s meet in the library tomorrow after lunch and we should keep this a secret for now", Draco suggested, Harry agreed and both boys headed towards the houses, Harry in Draco´s body headed towards Slitherin and Draco in Harry´s body headed towards Griffindoor.