After a hour Ron returned, "okay guys, Snape said that we should bring him the book", he said, so they all headed to the dungeons.

They knocked on the door to Snape´s office, "enter", came the bad tempered voice of the potions master, so they opened the door and walked in.

"Hello Sir, we brought the book with the cure", Harry said.

"Okay, let me see it", Snape said and Hermione handed him the book.

The Potionsmaster read the page with the potion, his face became thought wrinkles, "some of the ingredients you can only get in the darkest areas of the forbidden forest where the most dangerous creatures live", Snape said, "this won´t be easy".

Harry thought for a moment, then a idea popped into his head and he grinned, "i know how we could get the ingredients from the forbidden forest", he said.

"Let´s hear it Mr. Potter", Snape said.

"Well I have a invisibility cloak, three of us could go into the forest and we´ll not be seen by the creatures", Harry said.

"That´s a great idea Harry, but who should go", Ron asked.

"How about, you, me and Draco go, Hermione can help out Snape, they could start on the potion until we are back with the ingredients", Harry suggested.

They looked at Snape, "well, now I know how you sneak around the castle when you are not aloud Mr. Potter", he started, "I guess there is no other way to get the ingredients, so do that and don´t worry I won´t punish you for your actions".

"Thanks Professor", they all said.

Harry turned to Ron and Draco, "okay guys, i´d suggest that we meet in the library after supper", Harry said.

The others agreed, they headed back to the towers and got ready.

Draco and Ron were in the boys dorm, Ron was sitting on his bed reading a book, Draco was passing the room.

"Draco will you please stop passing the room, it´s making me nervous", Ron said.

"Sorry Ron, but i´m so nervous, the holidays are due and that means returning home", Draco said and stopped pacing, he slumped onto a armchair.

"Yes what is the problem about that", Ron asked.

"Well i´m still in Harry´s body, the potion needs a year to conduct and you know what Harry goes threw when he goes back to those people", Draco said and looked at Ron, "i don´t want to go threw the beatings but the one thing that worries me the most is: what would my parents do to Harry when they find out it´s not me, Harry isn´t the best actor".

Ron lied his book to the side and looked surprised at Draco, "I thought that you´d love seeing Harry tormented", he said.

Draco hung his head, "well that is true, but since I read his diaries and spending some time with him, I don´t want that anymore, I don´t want Harry to get hurt or worse", he said.

Ron stood up and walked over to Draco, "Draco look at me", he said.

Draco looked up at Ron and Ron could see the fear in those green eyes, "tell me, what would you do if Harry gets attacked", he asked.

"I´d jump in front of him and protect him with my life", Draco said straight away.

Ron looked into the green eyes and he saw that Draco was serious, "you really have changed", he said.

"Told you", Draco said.

"Okay Draco, I promise you that we are friends from this moment on", Ron said.

Harry´s eyes widened in surprise, "really", he asked.

"Yes, don´t worry I really believe that you have changed", Ron said, "the holidays are still two months away, we´ll manage it and you´ll be back in your body in no time".

"I hope, but what if we don´t manage", Draco asked.

Ron thought, then he smiled, "then why don´t you come with me Hermione and Harry to my place, my family will welcome you, i´ll write them a letter so that they know", he said.

"Would you really do that", Draco asked and Ron nodded, "but what would my parents do, they´ll hate me, my father wants me to become a death eater, but I don´t want that, i´m scared that he´ll kill me if he´d ever find out".

"Listen Draco, what I have learned is that Slitherins are also only human and humans change, if your parents don´t or can´t warm up to the fact that you have changed, then they aren´t real parents", Ron said, "real parents love their child no matter how he or she becomes, why don´t you write a letter to them and let´s see what their respond is".

"Okay I will", Draco said.

"Okay", Ron said, then he looked at his watch, "it´s time let´s go", and so Draco grabbed the invisibility cloak and then they headed to supper.

After supper they met Harry in the library, "ready", he asked, the others nodded and so they put the cloak over their heads, the cloak was very flexible so there was enough room for three people and they could walk normally without tripping over the feet of the others, then they headed out of the castle and into the forest.

I hope you liked this chapter, please leave a review and keep supporting me, thanks :)