Summary: A look at the thoughts and feelings of a Knight and his Princess.
Chapter 01: Feel My Love"Himeno... Himeno... Wake up! Wake up! Onegai, open your eyes."
Please wake up Himeno. Hayate stroked her short silky hair, gazing at her face with eyes that were beginning to fill with tears. Wake up Himeno... I haven't told you yet that I love you.
The dark-blue haired Knight of Wind thought of those moments that he could have told her straight out that he loved her... his constant spying on her from trees and rooftops... his undisguised attempts to protect her... the ways he had given her advice.
There were the moments he couldn't be too proud of, when he gave in to the cold side of himself and refused to be touched by her warmth. Those times when sarcasm took over him, making him churn out words like "Tulip head". He knew that he annoyed her, yet he loved seeing her all puffed up with anger. It reminded him that she was so full of life, vibrant with all the colors God had painted her with.
She was so bright, a star that refused to fade out in a galaxy full of others with light that could not match hers. Every person she met could not help but be changed, a little or a lot, depending on who it was.
Yes, you've changed my life. She was the one who brought out the side of Hayate that he kept to himself, afraid to hurt and get hurt in return. She was the one who pulled him from the darkness into the light of the sun. The mere thought of her could sustain him for days in his world of anger and sadness. Her smile could give him energy to fight against the evil that threatened the whole world.
But now, the star shines no more. She is a shadow of her own self, limp and unresponsive in his arms. Not even the tears falling down from his eyes could give her the spark of life.
You don't know how much I care for you... How I'd give my life for you. How ironic it was that it was she who gave up her life to save them. He felt like he had failed in his mission to guard the princess, the one who saved the world, and at the same time, saved him. He was drowning in his loneliness when she came to him to bring him the happiness he both wanted and needed for so long.
She wouldn't wake up to his pleas. How can I let you know of my feelings for you? He stroked her face lovingly, feeling the soft, pale skin with his trembling fingers. "Wake up Himeno... Please wake up... for us." And for me.
He bent over her face, lowering his own until the slightest distance between them was gone. His lips caressed her soft ones, tasting the sweetness of her mouth. He kissed her ever so gently, but in that single kiss, he poured out all the emotions he had kept inside of him for so long.
Feel my love... aishiteru.
Himeno opened her eyes ever so slowly and whispered to him, "Hayate..."