Feel My Love

Summary: A look at the thoughts and feelings of a Knight and his Princess.

Chapter 02: Define Us

Hayate... Blue-haired knight of wind, savior, protector, guardian, and...

Friend? A little more than that. Holding hands, warm embraces, and butterfly touches of the lips don't quite cut it. Sure, they shared happy times together, helping one another in times of need, but there were those uncomfortable silences that held their longing for each other. They shared not the love of friends, but of something else... something more.

Lover? Not quite. There were no poetic phrases revealing their feelings for each other, no passions were left in the open. Always the same gazes into each other's eyes, tingling touches and messages that held much more than what the other perceived. Sweet simple words hid the burning flame of love. Romantic gestures usually came with excuses, making up for the sentiment with heated arguments.

But still, I wish... Happiness was never this hard to get. Smiles and laughter still graced Himeno's lips, but in her eyes, a flicker of sadness could be seen. A translucent veil of sorrow covers the waning moon.

I had the chance... To be what I want to be. To be closer to you, share your joy and your pain. The chance to be with you, and perhaps, just maybe, I can make you smile.

To tell you... That would be suicide. It is obvious you will never let me know of what's in your heart. I will never know your secrets, thoughts, or feelings. I can only make do with what I can read on your face. And even that is not enough.

What I feel... It's not important anymore. He will always be Hayate, aloof, and silent as stone. I speak, but he doesn't hear me. I stand before him, but he doesn't see me. It is useless to try, because I'll only get hurt... but even so, it pains me more to keep it inside.

Aishiteru... Is it true? Did Hayate just say it? I was swimming in nothingness, finding no land to set my feet upon, no sky to look up to, and no stars to wish upon. Then I heard your voice laced with such warmth. You said you loved me, and it made me want to say "I love you" too.

I opened my eyes and saw your face, your gaze penetrating into my soul. Doubt seizes me as I see your smile. It's just too perfect. Maybe it's a dream, which is about to end to cruelly break my heart. But if it is an illusion, please let me stay in it forever. I am selfish after all. I saved them all because I knew that I could never spend another day without them anymore. Without them, without Hayate, I am useless. I am nothing.

"Himeno..." He says my name perfectly, as if it were made to escape his lips.

She struggles to get up, not wishing to remain a burden anymore. Himeno tried to stand, but her knees buckled under her. She found herself in Hayate's arms, feeling her cheeks burn. "Hayate, gomen, I'm fine now. You don't have to worry about me." Let me go before I surrender my heart...

"Baka." Himeno wondered if they were going to argue again, as they usually did. But then, Hayate continued, "I'll never ever forgive myself if I let you go again." He hugged her tightly, holding Himeno close to him.

"I've said it before, I'll say it again. I love you Himeno, so much that it hurts to not let it all out. I don't care whether this is forbidden, or if this is a cruel twist of fate, or if you don't share my feelings..." His voice dropped to a whisper, "Even if you don't love me, I'll always be at your side, ready to give you my heart."

"And I'll always be there, ready to accept it." Himeno smiled at him and gently pressed her palm against Hayate's cheek. "What do you know? I loved you too, all this time." She let out a small tinkle of laughter, which was soon cut short when Hayate gently placed his lips upon hers, melting every thought spinning in her head. She gave in, letting Hayate tenderly explore her, allowing him to meld his soul with hers. In that kiss, both of them confirmed what they had for each other.

Hayate, Blue-haired knight of wind, savior, protector, guardian, and...