It's been a while. I last updated in...let's see here... August?! Woah. Ok. Sorry. I've just been so preoccupied...I know, I know that's a sucky excuse. Well, wait no longer because the next chapter of Alternate Universes Collide is here!
*Puck's POV*
After Ferryport-Snow's breakdown, I bolted because I can't stand being in the same room as any kind of pity or affection. I flew out of an open window and landed in a nearby oak tree, where I climbed around for the next few hours, collecting bird's nests to make new helmets for my chimp army and throwing nuts at people who walked down below on the sidewalk.
I whipped around when I heard a crack of a branch and a small yelp. No one was behind me. But, when I looked down, I saw that little wimp Henry, hanging on a stub of a branch with one hand, breathing heavily.
"Please help me up," he whimpered slightly. "I've never been very good at climbing trees."
I pretended to be annoyed by his request, as I sighed while pulling him up. I easily lifted Henry up with one arm, setting him down on a neighboring branch. Bot not too close. This kid is weird.
"Thanks," he said, huffing and puffing from the adrenaline rush of nearly falling 20 feet down to the pavement. "How did you manage to climb all the way up here without falling, anyways?"
Admittedly swelling with pride, I unfurled my wings. "I'm a fairy, remember? Don't you read fairy tales?"
"Oh right, right. Puck. Trickster King. Fairy. You can fly. Yeah."
"Except, I climbed most o the way up here, ya know. Only used my wings to get a head start, really." I bragged. It's a bad habit, Sabrina tells me. But i don't care what Sabrina tells me, most of the time. She hates me, anyway.
"Yeah... ok." Henry replied, looking down at the ground below. Every few 15 or so minutes, a lone person would stroll by, going nowhere in particular it seemed. It's 3 in the afternoon now, and being in a lazy little town like Ferryport Landing, no one's really in a hurry to go anywhere unless there's a crisis. Me and Henry sat in silence, until I suddenly blurted out something that had been bothering me since I ad gotten outside.
"Why did Sabrina think that I'm so dumb to not know any big words?" Heat rushed to my face, because I then realized that I did, in fact, care about what Sabrina had to say about me. I don't like this feeling, whatever it is. Caring about what Sabrina thinks? What the...that's totally not me. I'm more of a... not-care-about-what-Sabrina-thinks-about-me kind of guy...geez. Who am I kidding?
"Well... I mean... I don't know how you act normally, because I barely know you, but from what I know about you from the books, you're trickster. And you're probably really annoying to Sabrina most of the time."
I shrugged. "You got that right. But that doesn't mean I'm stupid, right? I'll have you know that I have been banned from a grand total of 7 kingdoms because I used my outstanding wit to overthrow whole monarchies."
"Monarchy. That's a pretty big word, I think." Henry stated thoughtfully. "No, I don't think you're stupid. Sabrina just insults you to get you back for all the pranks you probably pull on her all the time. That's all."
I felt a mixture of hurt and relief, but the hurt went away because I realized that I probably deserved all of the jokes at my expense because of all the vats of goop I've dumped Sabrina into ever since she and Marshmallow got here. Oh well. Now I know why she says I'm dumb.
"Hey, you could be a shrink or something. Fixing people's emotional and mental problems and stuff." I say, trying to be nice to the kid. He's not o bad after all. I don't even know why I thought he was weird in the first place. Oh wait, yes I do, it's because he's from another freakin' dimension. Whatever. I've heard of and seen weirder. Like the way Sabrina's hair danced once I poured that snake charmer gel into her shampoo that one time. Boy, did she scream. Ah. Good times, good times.
"Yeah, maybe I should be one!" Henry replied.
"Well, thanks for that," I told him, and down I flew. He could probably climb down with no problem, right?
Sorry if you guys don't like that chapter, but I was just desperate to get something published, for once. The next one will be better, I promise.