The Merge

One day in potions, Harry and Draco, two twelve year old boys, had been teamed up again, their task was to brew a potion that would change their eye colour.

"Potter, get me the ingredients", Draco ordered.

"Go get them yourself, Ferret", Harry replied.

"Well, you leave me no choice", Draco raised his hand, "Sir, Potter isn´t doing his part", he called.

Snape looked up from his notes, "that´s 100 Points from Gryffindor, now do your part Potter", he said in a bored voice and got back to his notes.

Harry glared at Draco, "you heard the professor, go get the ingredients, scar-head", Draco said with an evil smirk.

"You´ll regret that", Harry said and headed to get the items.

Draco was stirring the potion and telling Harry what to put in next, "Potter, give me the blue gentian", he said, Harry handed him the blue flower.

"Good boy, now give me the blood of an Ox", Draco ordered, Harry looked at Draco with hatred in his eyes, he wasn´t looking at the table, he just grabbed something that was nearby and threw it in the potion.

Soon they had used up all of the ingredients, their potion had turned a sick green colour, "okay, has everyone finished", asked Snape, looking around and saw that every student seemed to be finished.

"Okay, fill your Goblets and take your potion", Snape said.

Harry and Draco filled their Goblets, "you go first, Ferret", Harry said.

"No you go first, scar-head", replied Draco.

"Let´s do it at the same time", Harry suggested.

"Okay", Draco said, both boys put the Goblets to their mouths and with one last evil look at each other, drank the potion.

"So do my eyes look any different", Draco asked.

"Nope, still the same", Harry answered, "what about mine", he asked.

"No", Draco replied, suddenly both boys felt really strange.

Harry noticed a strange feeling on his hand, he looked down and gasped, Draco then also looked down and he to gasped, "what the hell", he said, his hand was starting to sink into Harry´s hand, "THE FUCK DID YOU DO, POTTER", he shouted, "I DIDN`T DO ANYTHING", Harry shouted back.


"Professor, Potter messed up the potion", Draco said.

"Did not", Harry said.

"Well how the hell did this happen", Draco said lifting both of their arms and everybody, even Snape gasped.

"Everyone out, NOW", he barked and the class, except for Harry and Draco who stayed behind, left the room.

When Snape had threw everyone else out and locked the door, he turned to see that Harry and Draco were already fused to the others shoulder, he looked down to see that their legs were also fused into one, he looked up at the boys, who looked really scared.

"Professor, please help, we don´t want to be the same person", both boys said.

Snape couldn´t say a word, he could only watch in horror, as the two boys kept fusing more and more together.

The boys started to scream in pain as their heads started fusing together, Snape couldn´t bare it anymore, he turned his back to the boys, he closed his eyes and covered his ears with his hands.

Snape, who still had his eyes shut, noticed that there was a flash of light, he opened his eyes and moved his hands from his ears, he didn´t hear any screaming, he slowly turned around and gasped.

On the floor lay a strange panting and sweating boy, the boy had a strange hair colour, one half of his hair was dark-brown the other half was a bright blond colour and he had a scar in the shape of an Lightning bolt on his forehead, the only thing that hadn´t changed were the robes. Snape slowly walked over to the boy and crouched next to him.

"Hey kid, you okay", he asked, carefully feeling the boys forehead.

The boy slowly opened his eyes, one eye was blue the other one was green in colour, he looked at the man touching him.

"Wha... what happened, where am I", he asked.

"That is a good question, it seems that the potion has fused you together and to answer your second question: you are in the dungeons classroom", Snape answered, "do you remember anything".

"I... I was two boys, I think the names were Harry and Draco, something happened and here I am", the boy said holding his head, as if he had a headache.

"Yes you were Harry and Draco, the potion fused you together", Snape said.

The boy looked shocked, "damn, how do I unfuse", the boy asked.

"I don´t know", Snape said, "but i´ll search for a cure", he added quickly, seeing the horror in the boys face, "what is your name", he asked.

"Darco", the boy said.

"well Darco, we have to figure out in which house you should live in since you are one person now", Snape said.

The boy nodded, he slowly sat up, then he clutched his forehead and growned in pain.

"What´s wrong", Snape asked.

"I... think Harry and Draco are shouting at each other in my head", Darco said.

"Well, they hate each other", Snape said.

"I hope they learn to get along, they are giving me a headache", Darco whined.

"I think they will and I am positive that they will become the best of friends when you are unfused again", Snape said.

"I hope", the boy said.

"Come on, let´s get you to Dumbledoor", Snape said, he helped the boy up and they exited the room.