The next day Darco was very nervous, today he was supposed to get unfused and become Harry and Draco again, he was happy that Harry and Draco would be friends after this, because they had time to talk in him, okay sometimes they still fought but not that much anymore.

Darco sat in the boys dorm in Gryffindor and thought about the year he had spent with his friends. Dumbledoor never made a attempt to kidnap him, he guessed it was because he was always surrounded by Hermione and Ron.

One thing worried him the most: was it really wise to have cloned himself?

Okay, he had a own life and great friends who would protect him, but he had no home, where was he supposed to go in the holidays, if he´d stay in the castle without his friends, the old man would have it easily to kidnap him.

Then the door to the dorm opened and Ron came in, "Darco, it´s time", he said.

Darco sighed, he nodded then he got up and followed Ron to the dungeons, where Snape and Hermione were waiting for him.

As they entered Snape´s office, they saw that Snape had a Goblet in his hand, 'okay, Darco, do you have anything to say before you unfuse", he asked.

Darco looked around, then he sighed, "well, I want to thank all of you for protecting me, and one person I want to thank the most, but he´s not here and that is Ben", Darco said.

"Who is Ben", Snape asked.

"Ben is a boy who gave me a life", Darco said.

"I don´t understand", Snape said.

"You will Professor", Hermione said, "just follow us after Darco is unfused, we´ll show you what we mean".

Snape nodded, "oh well I guess here it goes", Darco said, he put the Goblet to his lips and with one huge gulp, emptied the Goblet and he set the empty Goblet on Snape´s desk.

After Darco had put down the Goblet, Hermione walked to Darco´s left side and stopped about four feet away, she raised her hands a bit as though she was about to catch something, Ron did the same on Darco´s right side.

"What are you guys doing", Darco asked.

"Well the potion is pretty strong, it could be that you get unfused with a strong blast", Snape said, "and so that Harry and Draco don´t get hurt by crashing into the walls...".

"I see", Darco said, then he started shacking violently.

"Prepair yourselfs, it´s starting", Snape said, so Ron and Hermione tensed and waited.

Seconds later there was a loud bang and a bright flash of light, Ron and Hermione felt something smashing into them that knocked them to the ground, "oof", they both said, they opened their eyes and grinned, there laying in Hermione´s arms was Harry and in Ron´s lay Draco.

Harry and Draco slowly opened their eyes, as they saw each other they smiled, yes Draco actually was smiling a kind smile, "hey scar-head", he said, grinning.

"Hey snake-face", Harry said grinning back, "we´re back", they both said.

"Welcome back", Snape said, he was smiling with relief.

"Yeah welcome back", Hermione and Ron said.

"Thanks, for catching us", the two boys said.

They got up from the floor, "so Draco, any thing to say", Ron said.

Draco looked at Ron then at Hermione, then he hung his head, "yeah, i´m sorry for being such a prick, I hope you´ll forgive me", he said.

"We already have, and I guess that you and Harry got along pretty fast when you were Darco", Ron said.

"Yeah, right after that with the old man", Draco said, "i´m sorry Harry I had no idea that that old git was so evil and that we both have been used by people who we thought we could trust".

"Yeah", Harry said, he hung his head, then his head snapped back up, "shouldn´t we be somewhere", he asked.

"Sh**, almost forgot, let´s go straight away", Draco said.

They looked at Snape, "I´m coming with you, you got me all curious", he said and so all five of them headed to the secret room where Ben was supposed to wait for them.

When they entered the secret room, Snape´s mouth dropped, "what in hell´s name is this place", he asked.

"To be honest, Professor, we have no idea", Hermione said.

"Okay, and how did you stumble across this place", Snape ask.

"It was me that stumbled across this place", came a voice from behind one of the huge containers.

They walked behind the container to find Ben kneeling on the ground where there was a huge water puddle and he was mobbing it up with a cloth. As Ben saw them he stopped and got up.

"Hey guys, I didn´t know you´d bring the potions master with you", he said.

"Well he wanted to come along, I believe we can trust him", Harry said, "anyway, he liked Darco and we told him what we have done".

"By the way, where is Darco", Draco asked, "we want to see him".

"I know you want to", Ben said, "he´s over there in that room, he was released about five minutes ago, but he was still very weak, so I conjured up a bed and lied him on it".

Harry, Draco, Hermione and Ron headed straight to the room, Snape stayed with Ben.

Snape looked down at the boy, "so explain to me why you kids did this", he said.

Ben looked up at the potions master, he hesitated.

"Oh, don´t worry I won´t punish you kids", Snape said.

"Well sir, Darco was very sad the last days", Ben started.

"Why that", the professor asked.

"Well, he said that he wanted to stay, because for him the unfusing would be like dying and he wanted to live, so...", Ben said.

"I see", Snape said, "i think you did the right thing, there are only a few problems".

Ben looked questioningly at the professor, "what do you mean, sir", he asked.

"Well, first the thing with that old man, he wants to kidnap Darco to turn him into a weapon and the other thing is, Darco has no parents and family, so he has nowhere to go to in the holidays and if he is here alone the old man would have it easily to kidnap him", Snape said.

"Damn, you´re right sir", Ben said, "let´s go check on the others, Darco should be awake by now", so he and Snape entered the room where Darco was lying in.

When Ben and Snape entered the room they saw Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco standing by the bed.

They all looked up when they heard the door open, "so how is he doing", Snape asked.

"He´s breathing but he is still asleep", Hermione whispered as Ben and Snape stopped near the bed.

Ben looked at Darco, "well, at least he´s got a much healthier looking skin colour", he said.

"I hope he´ll wake up soon", Harry said.

"We all hope that", Snape said, "Mr. Potter, Ben and I were thinking, what to do with Darco".

Harry looked up at Snape, "let me guess: Darco has no home and no save place, you want to ask what we could do to protect him from that old man", he said.

Snape nodded, Harry and the others looked at each other, then Harry smiled.

"We already thought of something, i´ll tell you as soon Darco wakes up", Harry said, at that moment Darco started stirring and he slowly opened his eyes, he looked around seeing all of them standing around him, then he spotted Harry and Draco and he smiled, "so it really worked, I have a life of my own", Darco said.

"Yes", they all said smiling at him.

"We are all happy that you are back", Hermione said.

"I never was gone", Darco said winking.

Harry looked at the others, then he looked at Darco, "listen Darco, I think there is something we need to discuss, concerning your safety and protection from that old man", he said.

Darco´s eyes widened, "damn I almost forgot, yeah Harry you´re right", he said, "do you have a idea", he asked.

"Sure have", Harry said smiling, "my parents have left me a mansion and lot of money", he said.

"Yeah I know", Darco said.

"Well, I thought what you´d think of living with me", Harry said.

"You mean, you´d take me in", Darco asked.

"Sure, the house is way to big for one person and I always wanted a brother", he said smiling at Darco.

Darco couldn´t believe it, Harry was actually going to allow him into his life... as a brother.

"Brother...", Darco said.

"Yes, from this day on you´ll be known as Darco Potter", Harry said.

"Thanks Harry, but what does Draco think about that", Darco asked, looking at Draco.

"I don´t mind, Harry is right, you should be regestered as his brother, but we can be brothers as well, if you like", Draco said smiling.

"Of course", Darco said, "thanks guys, I have a home, protection, friends and two brothers I can´t be happier", he said and smiled.

"That is a great idea Mr. Potter, Darco will always be at your side and you can protect him, you are a strong magician and I believe you can come up with some security spells for your mansion", Snape said.

"Yep, and Hermione knows some great security spells", Harry said.

"So you see Darco, no one will ever touch and hurt you, we promise", Ron said.

"And also I will keep my eyes on you", Snape said.

"Thanks again guys and Professor", Darco said.

And so after a few days it was official: Darco had his documents, confirming him as Harry´s brother and confirming that he´ll be living with Harry in Harry´s mansion. That summer Harry, Draco, Ron, Darco and Hermione went all to Harry´s mansion to set up the strong security spells, after they´d finished no one could enter the house with out the right password and Darco was living a happy life.

I guess you are wandering what Draco´s parents think about their son hanging around Harry Potter and the others, well funny enough they were okay with it, even Lucious. It was hard for them to warm up to Harry, Ron, Darco and Hermione, but after a few days and meeting Darco they warmed up to them all and Harry, Darco, Ron and Hermione even visited Draco at his house a few times.

So as you say: ends well all's well ;).

And that´s the end of this story!

I hope you all liked it, so please leave a Review!

I might do a sequel to this story, but first of i shall start working on "Mind and Body sharing"!

Thanks to all for your support :)