Listening to the radio intently with their hands on their phones, Lucy, and Levy wait for the moment when they are able to call in. "All right all of my listeners in just a few moments you will get the chance to win two V.I.P section passes for next week's concert. Just get ready, and when you hear this..." They hear '...We find redemption, In the love we've won...' "Then call in as fast as you can and make sure you're the number 36 caller"
"Ohh I can't wait Levy-chan" squealed Lucy as she does a little dance while sitting on the floor next to the radio.
"I know, I can't believe they are finally here" Levy smiles brightly at her best friend and roommate.
The newest boy band, Flame Boy Band(Spin off of the band Zac Brown Band), has finally graced the city of Magnolia with their presence and within just a couple days of the tickets being for sale the concert was already sold out and the only way to win them. As they got their phones ready they heard the verse and started calling.
"Ahh. Its Ringing." Levy says while her fingers are crossed. They both hear "Congratulations, you are the 36 caller! What is your name?" "Ahhh... Its Levy, Levy McGarden." "Well congratulations Levy, You and your friend are going to see Flame Boy Band next Saturday night! How EXCITED are you?!" "AHHHHH...Oh my goodness I can't believe it YAY!" The radio announcer could just hear squealing and laughing.
Time Skip
"Can you believe it? We're finally here." Lucy smiled as she squeezed her friends hand as they waited in line to get into the concert. There was tons of other girls from all over the Fiore. Then all of them started cheering as they saw the gates were opening. It was an hour till the concert officially started but they all wanted good seats and wanted to try to get pictures of the band. As they all headed through the gates and the metal detectors Lucy holds out her arm to show her charm bracelet that had little gold miniature keys hanging off of it, each representing ten of the twelve Zodiac celestial spirits, and five silver keys as Levy takes walks through the metal detector. As they started their way to the V.I.P. section they couldnt contain their excitement as they saw the stage lighting up.
"Oh my, I wonder if we'll be able to get behind stage and meet the band before they get on stage?" Levy asked. as they made it into the V.I.P. section.
"We might be able to, but it all depends what all this section is able to get. But we got luck on our." Lucy smiles and looks around the area. "Hey why not take a picture in front of the stage before it gets too crowded?" Pulling Levy with her they get in front of the stage and looked around for someone to take their picture. "Hey could you take our picture please?" Lucy smiled at the lanky man wearing what looked like rustic almost medieval style clothing with a horse head pin on his shirt. He smiled at the two girls and said Moshi Moshi and stands to take the picture. When the girls thanked the man and looked at the picture they gasped when they saw another face in their picture. An spiky orange hair boy with glasses was photoed smiling behind them. Turning around Lucy and Levy came face to face with a member of the band.
While Lucy is speechless, Levy finds her voice, "Oh my, you're Loke..." Levy smiles brightly as Lucy starts to find her voice.
"H-Hi..." Lucy looked up at Loke's face noticing his orange hair spiked every which way with orange cat-like ear protruding from his head.
"Hey ladies." He gives his charming smile, while squatting down in his tuxedo shirt and his black jeans, as both girls blush madly, "So did you beautiful young ladies come to see me?"
"Yes... No... well... Ah..." Lucy looks over to Levy for some help with her words.
"We came to see you all." Levy smiles brightly and extends her hand upward, "I'm Levy and this is my best friend Lucy" Loke reaches his hand over to Lucy and she extends her right arm up to meet his. He goes to kiss her hand but notices a flash of light and sees what is causing it. As soon as he sees the keys he backs up suddenly and smiles apologetically at them.
"W-w-well why not come backstage and hang out with us... before the show starts?"
"Could we?" Levy asks excitedly as she jumps up alittle, her light orange skirt flaring up alittle, then settling back down against her thighs.
"Yes... I will... Go tell Caprio to let you ladies through." As soon as he says that he rushes off.
"Why do you think he was out here before the show?" Lucy asks a little perplexed about how Loke acted slightly toward her. She glanced down and looked to see if something was amiss, but seemed as though her white crop top with a blue heart in the middle, held tightly against with a black belt was in place nothing seemed wrong with her blue jean shorts she was wearing either.
"Who knows but lets go." Levy pulled her a little while she was making sure her headband was in place and her blue vest was buttoned and her yellow show bra was in place. (sorry. i meshed two of her outfits together. her orange dress from Tenrou Island arc, and her blue vest with yellow bra from Phantom Lord Arc. I just didn't want her to be in one of her usual outfits. But still in her outfit.)
Pushing their way to the door that leads backstage they smile up at the guard, he was wearing slick black glasses and a tight fitting pale yellow shirt with a black jacket with short, puffy sleeves, which only covered the upper part of his chest, with an extremely short, dark green tie with flat ends tied around his neck. "Yes?" He said roughly while folding his arms over his chest, his name tag stating,"Caprio" was his name.
"Um... This is Levy,"Lucy points to the girl next to her, "And I'm we were told that we could go backstage..." Lucy was uncertain for about if they were wrong in thinking and worried her lower lip.
"Ah, yes,here you go," handing them lanterns, and "go ahead." He bowed slightly toward them as he moved out of their way. Bowing back toward him they placed the lanterns over their head and looked around, as everyone was busily running around.
There was a guy with black hair and braided in red cornrows, with hair scissors in his back pocket, walking to a door leading off to the right with a muscular man wearing a white shirt with black spots on it guarding it. As soon as he spotted Lucy though he had hearts in his eyes and ran up to her, "You have a MOO-arvelous body"
Lucy gasps and covers herself and hides behind Levy. "Don't say that...its creepy."
"Tauran, leave them alone," said a guy wearing only black cargo pants and a necklace that looked like a sword with a stone in it, a metal bracelet. He had black spiky hair and dark blue eyes.
"Hey guys, we have visitors," The guy in black cargo pants walked through the door as the girls could hear 'Hey Gray', and 'Ice-breath fight me'. They scurried past Tauran who was just outside the door still staring at Lucy.
Levy's eyes went straight to the guy sitting on the couch as Lucy looked around at all of the people in the room. There was a couple of women in there, one of them staring at Gray from the corner with hearts in her eyes, another was sitting on a high stool glancing around and lightly staying on a guy that had a red tattoo on his face. He was a little away from her tuning a guitar. The guy sitting on the couch had a black sleeveless shirt on with beige pants. The guy who was yelling Gray was about to throw a couch pillow was halted when the woman on the stool yelled at him.
"Natsu! You two better be behaving." "AYE" Both of them grabbed each other around the shoulders and looked happy to be next to each other. "Good now you guys need to be ready in 20 minutes. Make sure everything is ready. Hi. I'm Erza and the woman in the corner is Juvia. You girls probably already know who everyone is already," they both nodded, "good. Now go." Erza pushed them toward the group of guys and as they were stumbled forward they tripped over a cord. Lucy landed on her bottom next to the instrument cases and Levy landed on the couch with her head in the guys lap. It was so quiet until Natsu starts laughing and sits next to Lucy on the floor. She looked at him with her faces blushing a crimson red and puffed out her cheeks at him.
"Um, excuse me..." Levy opened her eyes to see a pair of green eyes with flecks of red in them, hovering over her. Gasping she rushes to sit up and pumps heads with the face.
"Ow. I am so so sorry." groaning slightly Levy bows her head and stares at her hands.
"Hey no big deal, got a thick head." turning slightly she looks over at the guy sitting beside her.
"Uh.. I'm Levy... Levy McGarden." She smiles brightly at him as she extends her hand toward him.
"Gajeel...Gajeel Redfox." he grabs her hand gently and then lets go.