**WWE OWNS EVERYTHING, except for their mother. I also put my own twist on the plot already created by WWE**

At the Raw show, 15 December, Seth Rollins was back in the locker room when he saw a white envelope with 'Rollins' written on it. He opened it up to find a Christmas card inside. He knew full well it was from his mom. Inside the card was a place and time. All he had to do now was decide if he was going to go.

In his room, Seth wanted to celebrate the holidays with his mother, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to face his two brothers. Ever since they split up the Shield and Seth has been with the Authority, the three haven't seen eye to eye. Roman and Dean were still very close, but not with Seth. Rollins has been interfering with his brothers' matches and causing trouble with them both. That's why they haven't been speaking anymore. What his brothers don't know is that he misses his the two of them. He wasn't sure if they missed him.

Having grown up with Roman and Dean together, all living abandoned buildings and hojses, they formed a brotherly bond. The one day, they were all taken in by a lady who they now call mom. With the support of their mother, the three Hounds got into wrestling, and they all worked together. That's how they got to where they are now. Until that night all those months ago, when Seth abandoned them.

Thinking back to how he met his brotners, Seth was in and out of sleep all night. They were tapping Smackdown, and then the whole roster was on holiday leave. Seth had to decide if he was going home or if he was just going to headto the next town where they would all meet up for Raw. He wasn't sure what to do.