This story has been running around my noggin for days now and had to let it out. This story is rated M for a reason so beware.

Disclaimer I do not own Xmen just playing around with the characters the only things that are mine is Kathy and the plot. «enjoy» ... beta read by the wonderful CrimesOfADeadpool

Let me introduce myself. My name is Kathy Elder and I'm a mutant.

It started when I turned sixteen. I think. I'm just not sure any more. All I know is, one day I was normal, the next I wasn't. I haven't aged a day since. But that was a long time ago.

Now most people think being immortal would be amazing, but they would be wrong. It's a never-ending, unrelenting nightmare.

I never blossomed into a woman. I'm flat chested, painfully skinny and to top it all off I'm barely over five feet tall. I will look like a prepubescent boy forever. Now here is the kicker - about every other decade or so I gain a new mutation. Some are very useful - like what I like to call my chameleon ability - I'm able to blend into any background, making myself invisible for as long as I remain motionless.

That ability has been very useful in the past, because if there is one constant in the universe, it's this - men are sick bastards.

I was still young when I learnt that. I was snatched right off the street and sold into slavery. Old perverted men who got their rocks off by sleeping with little girls.

Well, needless to say it didn't take them long to figure out I wasn't aging, and that my hymen always grew back.

The last pervert that owned me was a real piece of work. He would dress me up like a doll, wanted me to call him daddy, he'd beat me and strangle me till I passed out, then forced me to do perverse unspeakable things.

After years of this treatment I snapped and stabbed him over and over till his own wife wouldn't have been able to recognize him.

That night I night I ran and ran and didn't stop till my legs were on fire and I was dry heaving. I washed the blood from my naked body in a stream and walked to the nearest village - very thankful that it wasn't winter; that I wouldn't die from exposure.

A little old woman found me, clothed me and fed me a warm meal. It was the nicest anyone had been to me in a very long time.

I really wish I could have stayed longer but she would have figured out my secret and then she would have thought I was a witch - and being burnt at the stake was something I wished to avoid.

My latest mutation hurt like hell at first. My eyes changed from a very normal grey color to yellow cat eyes, giving me perfect night vision.

Then I heard about a new law passed - The Mutant Registration Act. Word on the street was that the government was making mutants disappear. Some said that the government was doing crazy experiments on us, others said that they were killing us off. All that I knew - I wanted no part of that.

And then I heard about a school in upstate New York that was for the 'mutantly challenged'. I knew that if this school turned out to be the real deal, I had to find it. The streets were no longer safe.

Mutant hate crimes have been steadily going up for the last decade. So I did the only thing I could - I stayed hidden and watched and listened.

Finally, I caught a break.

I watched a woman and man talking to Frank, a local mutant run away, as I listened quietly from my hiding spot, perfectly camouflaged against the alley wall.

After a long-winded speech they gave Frank a business card. "If you change your mind, come to this address. Ask for Professor X," the man with the red shades said, thrusting the card in Fred's dirty hand.

Fred crumbled the card and dropped it on the ground, mumbling under his breath as we both watched them walk away. Fred was the worst kind of person. He was a drug dealer, hooked on the designer drug he was pushing.

It seemed like hours but finally Fred moved on, after selling his last bag of Trix- the drug designed for mutants by mutants. Today's youth are as dumb as a sack of dirt.

I snatched the card up fast. Fred was a fool, but his loss was my gain. I needed a safe haven - a warm bed, a hot shower. I just hoped they wouldn't treat me like a child, or worse yet, force me to take classes. What a joke. I could teach them a thing or too.

As far as I know I'm the oldest living person on the planet. I never met anyone like me. Who would wish this curse on anyone? To watch everyone you loved or knew grow old and die while you stay the same, never-changing? No, I'd never wish that on anyone.

I am a survivor and I have skills, but no real strength to back it up. I'm cursed to have a child's body but the mind of a woman. Now a normal person would have cracked and went all loony by now, but I'm too stubborn for that shit.

After stealing a map, I started my long walk towards the address on the business card. It was going to be a very long walk. I just hoped this place pan's out.

For safety reasons I cut through the woods - fields and old dirt and gravel roads. I didn't want strange men offering me a ride in their fancy automobiles, or worse yet, getting stopped by the cops. That always blows.

It took me a two and a half days walk to where I needed to be. The sun was already getting low in the sky and rain started to sprinkle. Looking up at the sky, I cursed to the heavens. Just my fucking luck. I jumped when lightening clapped loudly, making my ears ring and then the rain came down in sheets, soaking me to the bones.

I barely heard the motorcycle engine over the rain, and barely managed to jump out the way as the tires skidded in a puddle, sending a wake of water to where I was standing.

A man stopped, looked at me - sniffed the air like an animal, which I found very disturbing. I felt like prey in his sights.

"Well kid you need a lift?" The man asked sounding pissed-off .

"No thanks!" I told him in a very harsh tone, hoping he would catch the hint and leave me the fuck alone.

"Suit yourself." The burly looking man said with a shrug, riding off down the road.

Thank you for that small blessing. I almost lost my temper with man. He called me a kid. I'm no fucking child and I haven't been one for a real long time.

I continued my walk, pulling my wet hoodie tighter around my head- like that really offered me protection from the pouring rain. It did hide my eyes though, giving me a false sense of security.

I was beginning to see a rather large home peeking through the trees, and I began to think that I might've had the wrong address because it looked like no school I'd ever seen. No. This was the right address. I knew I had the right place (1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, New York in Westchester County). The school was called the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning or some bullshit. Like I cared.

I wasn't going there to learn, I needed a sanctuary. Somewhere to feel safe.

If the word on the street was correct, they wouldn't turn me away. I just hoped my info was right. I got really nervous when I could finally see the place properly. It was enormous, with a large circular drive way and a fancy iron gate surrounding the estate.

Even though the rain was blurring my vision, I saw that motorcycle parked in a covered garage. To my shame I almost turned tail and ran without looking back.

I pushed back my fear to the deepest part of my mind. There was no fucking way in hell I was going to let that man scare me off.

My hand shook when I pressed the buzzer to the front gate. I wasn't sure if it was from being soaked to the bone or the fact that I was shitting myself.

A gruff voice came over the intercom "What do you want?" The voice asked, sounding very irritated.

I knew that voice. Just my luck. It was the jackass on the motorcycle. "Ohm, I'm here to speak to Professor X." I said, hoping that he didn't hear the quiver of fear in my voice.

"Do you have an appointment?" The man barked into the intercom, making me jump and my heart sink.

"No." was all I could manage to say.

The intercom thingy went silent for several moments while I just stood there like a buffoon in the down pour.

"Hold on kid, I'm comin to get ya." The same gruff voice came over the intercom and he called me a fucking kid again. I struggled to stay calm. I really hate it when people call me a kid.

I watched the man leaving the mansion, walking in the rain like it was nothing. It was the way he walked that frightened me, like a predator. Every fiber of my being told me to run and my hands twitched at my side.

I know I'm a coward but hell this intuition hasn't failed me yet. I turned around and started to haul ass but something stopped me - a voice in my head.

"Kathy, don't run from Logan. He is a mutant just like you. No one will harm you. It's safe here."

The voice was reassuring, calming all my fears. I knew I should have been royally pissed. It was a total evasion of privacy to have someone inside your head, but I wasn't, so I went with it. I didn't have much to lose at this point.

"So kid, ya coming?" The gruff man with mutton-chops asked, looking down at me. Any ideas I had about yelling at him flew out the fucking window as soon as I looked way up at him. He was at least a foot taller than me and scary as all hell. There was just no way I wanted him pissed off at me.

I had to run to keep up with the man called Logan, but didn't dare complain. I kept my damn trap shut. Walking into that place, looking down at the smelly rags I was wearing, I felt out-of-place. What in fuckssakes was I thinking? I wanted to turn and leave but then the smell of cooking food had my feet rooted to the floor.

We stopped at a door and Logan opened it. "Well ya going in or what?" Logan asked, making me jump. That fucker looked pleased with himself.

I stepped into the room and the door closed behind me. I was so grateful that Logan didn't follow me in that I almost danced a gig almost.

"So good to finally meet you, Miss Elder," a bald man in a wheelchair said, smiling brightly at me.

So here ya go, first chapter done. Don't be afraid to tell me what you think. Should I finish it?