A/N ...I'm sorry about the long delay my husband has been out of work since October 31 our holiday sucked. All I wanted was for my Christmas was my rent paid and thanks to my daughters boyfriend and my son it did. so the stress levels are pretty high so let's hope and pray I can pay my phone bill so I can continue to write.
**Warning** There is some pretty graphic stuff towards the end it just hints at it I don't go into detail.
Oh and its not beta read so sorry about the Mistakes misspelled words and wrong punctuation.
The campsite got dark fast we set up the last of the tents.
I had to get away so I could fucking think, so I climbed a tree and lend against a branch and closed my eyes and I tried to clear my mind.
But the fucking cosmos had other plans and I heard Jean and Logan's private conversation.
"You O.K.?" Jean asked in a hushed voice.
"Yeah." Logan answered Jean.
"You sure?" Jean asked Logan her eyes never leaving him.
"How we doing?" Logan asked Jean but I was pretty sure Jean was misunderstanding him and I was stuck in a damn tree forced to listen to Logan drooling over Jean it was sickening.
"Not good, It looks like four or five hours before I can get it off the ground. " Jean told Logan completely oblivious of what he meant.
"That's not what I meant." Logan said softly making me snarl from my hiding spot.
"I'm just worried about Scott." Jean said stepping closer to Logan.
"I'm worried about you, that was some display of power up there." Logan said worry etched into every word he spoke.
Their conversation was going somewhere and I knew I shouldn't be listening but I couldn't go anywhere they would know I was listening so I held tight and prayed to the heavens that I could get away without the need for eye bleach.
"Obviously it wasn't enough. " Jean mumbled.
"Come on. " Logan said stepping closer to Jean to the point they were nearly touching.
"I love him." Jean said but she wasn't stepping away and it was pissing me off and confusing me all at once. I can't stand that macho jackass, don't I.
"Do you?" Logan asked smirking at Jean confidentially.
"Girls flirt with the dangerous guy, Logan they don't take him home. They marry the good guy." Jean said to Logan and I was getting anticy in my hiding spot.
"I could be the good guy." Logan said leaning in closing the gap between them and passionally kissed Jean.
Something inside me broke and I couldn't stop the tears, and my claws dug into the branch till my fingers bled.
"Logan, the good guy sticks around, please don't make me do this." Jean said sound tired and upset.
"Do what?" Logan said smirking at Jean.
"This..." Jean said walking back into the jet Logans smirk disappeared and he slowly walked back to his tent.
As soon as they were both gone I jumped out of the tree I had been hiding in. My legs were wobbly and I was a blubbering mess.
I dried my tears with the back of my hand and walked to the still burning camp fire. I was ever so fucking grateful that it was late and everyone was sleeping.
What was fucking wrong with me, had I finally lost my mind I don't need are want a man, especially someone like Logan who only wanted to rut with me like an animal.
The fire had died down and only a few embers were glowing, it was fucking freezing and I was pissed at myself for not getting a tent while the getting was good.
While I was beating myself up I noticed Mystic walking towards Logan's tent she transformed into Jean before she unzipped it letting her self in.
I wonder how long it would take him to figure out that she wasn't Jean. That shit would never work with me. She could change her body she could change her voice but she couldn't change her smell.
About ten minutes later Mystic left Logan's tent as her self and not long after that Logan stepped out and lit a cigar and looked right at me.
"Fuck me!" I mumbled under my breath.
"Aren't you cold." Logan asked taking a long drag off his cigar.
"Been colder." I answerend trying not to shiver in front of him.
"Don't doubt it." Logan said sitting down next to me. I could feel heat rolling off him in waves but I stubbornly scooted away from him.
"Here put this on." Logan said whipping off his leather jacket and throwing at me.
I sat there looking at the jacket like a dumb ass. "Look, Kathy either put on the jacket or come with me to my tent there is plenty of room." Logan told me taking another long drag off his cigar.
The instant Logan mentioned that I could share his tent I stiffened in fear.
Logan noticed my reaction and fumbled over his words. "Oh, god no!...I wasn't suggesting that we would sleep together, we would be sleeping together... we will be sleeping in the same tent is what I meant...damnit woman I can't let sleep out in the cold."Logan said as he angerly chewed his cigar trying his best not to make eye contact.
"O.K. fine, but keep your hands to yourself mister." I told Logan tossing his jacket back at him.
I think I shocked Logan,I guess he didn't I'd take him up on his offer. I couldn't help but smirk at the big oaf.
I made sure the fire was out,when I was certain that all the embers were extinguished I looked up at Logan he was hiding a smile behind his cigar leaning up against a tree.
"What!" I nearly screamed at Logan throwing my hands up in the air.
"Nothing, you didn't seem like Girl Scout type to me." Logan said trying not to laugh.
"Well, you only makes a mistake of not putting out a campfire once. The first and the last time I've got to put on a campfire the whole forest on fire when I woke up and most of flesh melted off my body. It look nasty and hurt like a son of a bitch so yeah I put out the campfire." I told Logan about my foolish mistake.
The truth was I had never been on my own before and I had no idea what I was doing.
I was lucky I managed to set the fire in the first place.
The ground was very dry and a spark set some brush on fire and within minutes the whole forrest went up like a tinderbox.
When I woke up my first thoughts were that I was in hell and I was burning for my sins.
Burning hurt but healong was worse it took a better part of two days to heal my lungs were burnt and all my soft tissue had burnt off.
That was the day I knew I was cursed as laid out in a damp cave regrowing my nose, ears and everything else part you f me died that day.
The sound of Logan clearing his throat snapped me out of my were standing next to his tent and Logan was about to put out his cigar, but I stopped him.
"Can I have a drag off of that?" I asked Logan for some of his look on his face was priceless he acted like no one ever ask him to share his precious cigar.
So I was a little shocked when he handed it over with a shrug.
I grabbed his cigar and took a great big puff off of it. I was desperate for that sweet nicotine, but that's not what I got.
The cigar tasted like cat piss it made my eyes water and my stomach revolt.
I handed Logan back his cigar, my hand shook and I felt a little green around the gills.
"Yuck, how do you smoke that... it taste like cat piss." I told Logan while I tried to spit out the nasty taste.
Logan chuckled at my predicament, hiding a smile behind his hand.
"Laugh it up big guy, you own me a pack of smokes when this is over. " I told Logan as I stepped into his tent. I couldn't help but notice how much warmer it was inside.
I sighed as I lay down on the thermal sleeping bag it had been a long and strange day and I was physically and mentally wiped the fuck out.
"And a bottle of Jack." I mumbled from my side of the tent. Logan something smartass in return but I don't remember what because I fell into a deep sleep.
That was whem the disturbingly vivid dreams began.
It was dark a candle flickered In some hidden corner somewhere casting an eerie shadow on the wall sending a cold shiver down my spine.
Everything seemed so very familiar but every time I tried to vocus the dream would fade.
I slowly looked down and saw what I was wearing. They were nothing more than rags a burlap sack would have been an upgrade. I wrinkled my nose in disgust , a door opened with a loud bang making me jump.
A fat burly man with bad teeth and a red face charged right at me and hauled me up by my rackety dress making me cringe in fear.
"You useless fucking whore I told you to do your fucking chores." He spat in my face before he through me against the wall making the boards crack bending my arm bend in an unnatural way clearly it was broken but I didn't dare cry in front of him I somehow knew but the beating would be worse.
I trembled in fear holding my now completely healed arm.
He looked down at me his repulsion clearly visible on his face. "This is why no man wants you you're a freak and you have no womanly curves. " He told me with a sneer grabbing a fresh bottle of whiskey.
"I going out and if you know what's good fir you those chores will be done by the time I get home. " He said slamming the door on his way out.
As soon as he left I was flooded with a tidal wave of forgotten memories and I knew why I chose to forget, this wasn't a life it was a nightmare.
The man who broke my arm and yelled at me was my father. He was a vile man and a drunk. He got bad when my mother left him for another man and then he lost his mind when my twin bother David died of consumption.
Father had thought I was a vampire and wanted to burn me at the stake.
I denied being a vampire with every fiber of my being and soon all was forgotten when father started to self medicate with cheap whiskey.
I was wrong so very wrong father had a much more sinister plan in mind and I desperately wanted to wake up from this nightmare.
The front door slammed opened making me jump, father was home early and he was stumbling into the house his eye were glossy and he had an evil grin.
"See, I told you she was nothing to look at." My Father slurred to the man behind him.
"Her looks are little concern to me. I will give one- hundred dollars if she is untouched and another hundred if she can do what you say she can do." The man said to my father in a even voice.
"Girl, get over here now." My father yelled and I jumped and ran to his said fearfull of another beating.
"Now be still." Father told me holding me still with hand cutting a jagged cut into my cheek with a knife he held in his other hand.
He smeared the blood across my face roughly and they both watched the cut heal.
"Excellent!" The man said handing my father a one- hundred dollar bill.
"When you take her I want to watch." My father said leering at me with a strange look in his eyes.
"Fine, help me tie her down." The man told my father I tried to run but I wasn't fast enough.
"None of that now." The strange man said as he pushed me down belly first on to the kitchen table.
"You belong to me now." The man whispered into my ear while my father secured me to the table.
"We are going to have so much fun together." The strange man said then he licked the blood off my face.
I tried to cringe away but it was useless I was firmly strapped down to the table, the rope was already digging into my young flesh.
In moments the rag of a dress was on the dirty floor and I knew I had to wake up. There was no way I could live through this nightmare again.
I strainend my neck to glare at my father hatefully but the look in his eyes made me want to vomit.
His eyes where filled with list as he stroked himself through his trousers.
I screamed and fought as hard as I could but really it was no use. I closed my eyes tightly and chanted wake up! over and over again.
I woke up with a jolt, I had some how ended up on Logan's side of the tent his large arm was wrapped around me protectively.
"Go back to sleep" Logan mumbled to me.
I wanted to be mad. I wanted to be upset but I felt so safe and warm pressed against his bare chest, I just gave in.