Hey guys this is my new story, i hope you enjoy it and my other story 'new home' I will try to fix up the other chapters because they are terrible! well R&R
Soul decides to end it. But what will he end. What does he want to end, who is it to blame for all his problems. His life is perfect anybody would want to live that life...but he doesn't. A big house, a beautiful Mother, a handsome Dad and a talented brother. But what is he to that family they treat him like he cant do anything. He has two good friends Black star and Tsubaki.
Should he run away and start over or should he just end it. Now. Right now.
Everyone looked at him as a failure and a disappointment.
I'll end it easily
Soul opens the door and walks out into the cold night. The stars illuminating the night. He walks through the streets finally making it to his destination the beach. He smells the fresh air feeling the mist coming from the ocean. He leaves footprints on the sand, Soul walks on the deck, continuing to walk until the deck no longer continued, He looks down at the ocean to see his reflection.
"Lets see how this deep this ocean is" he whispers to himself.
'All I have to do is just jump and sink...thats not to hard' he thinks to himself
Soul jumps in the ocean feeling the cold water against his skin, He starts to sink in deeper running out of air, he starts to feel his lungs burn.
Something warm grabs his hand he tries to move his hand but was too weak to try.
He opens his eyes to see an angel? A white dress that is wet from saving him, Soft white skin, wet ash blonde air that is shoulders length, and green eyes that hypnotize you. Souls vision starts to get darker. 'Wait let me see her a bit longer' he says before he blacks out'
Soul eyes shoot open looking around his room he swear he ended it all, he even saw an angel. He sits up and see's his brother Wes looking worried.
"Oh god! What where you thinking?!" Wes says
Soul stays quiet, not wanting to answer the question.
"Hey answer me...please" Wes says calming down a bit.
"Ending it" soul replies
"Is this some game?...forget it, but you caused trouble for someone just to save your ass! You know that?"
Soul looks at his brother confused "someone?"
"Yeah some girl... Jeez are you an idiot!" Wes kept talking and getting angry but he was lecturing him, not because he hates him 'cause he cares about soul.
Soul spaced out half way through wondering if he will ever see that angels face again, Maybe that's his saviour.
Soul Stands up quickly feeling a bit light-headed, he says quickly "Where is she I want to see her!"
"She left right after, I'm sorry but she said 'feel better and maybe we'll meet again'" Wes said repeating every word she said
Soul runs his hands through his hair, Wes broke the silence they were in "Hey Mom and Dad wanted to talk to you"
Soul walks down the stairs slowly hoping the conversation would go quickly, he see's them sitting on the couch looking disappointed a look that he used to seeing all the time.
He walks in front of them, they look up at soul "What the hell is wrong with you!" His dad yelled with anger
"Peter don't yell" his mother said in a very soft voice
" Laurissa, he caused lots of trouble and so why shouldn't I yell at him!" he raised his voice
((sorry haha i just used some random names for the parents))
Soul thought to himself maybe if he stays quiet it will go by fast, His mother sighs then quietly says, "Son please tell me what you were thinking?"
"Why do you care?" soul replies he is starting to regret that he talked
"E-Excuse me?" she says with a hint of anger in her voice
"You think you can talk to your mother like that?" his father looks at him with disgust.
"I mean all you care is about Wes, right?" Soul starts to feel a bit relieved saying that and getting it off his chest.
"That's not true, but if only you start to be more respectful and talented as him this wouldn't be a problem right now!" his mother raised her voice at him
"See what I mean all you care about is him!" Soul dared to raise his voice at his parents
"You damn ungrateful brat! I don't want you talking to us in that tone, I want you to think about what you have done and then later I want you to apologize to us, damn didn't we teach you any god damn manners!" Souls Dad yelled at him.
Soul left the living room and went to his bed wishing he had said more to them, he wanted to tell them all of his feelings.
The door opened Wes came in and said "You better sleep, you got school remember"
"Tch. I am not going to that damn music school anymore" soul said covering himself with the blanket
"But they will get mad if you don't go" Wes tried to convince him
"I would rather go to another school than that piece of shit"
"Maybe, If I can convince them to let you go to DWMA" Wes sounded confident with his plan'
"Sure but ill Doubt that will happen"
Soul waited at the top of the stairs can here the conversation, hoping Wes's plan will work
"Look guys I think we should change Soul into another school, DWMA oh I heard it was a good school" Wes said smiling just like his mother
"Oh but I want him to be as good as you in Violin and Piano" His mother said in a very sweet voice
"I don't know if it's a good idea" his father said annoyed talking about a conversation about soul
"Maybe his attitude will improve, and don't you want him to be happy" Wes said trying once more
His mother and father both looked at each other and sighed "Fine i'll transfer him, but only because you said his attitude may improve"
"Great I"ll tell him" Wes stood up about to leave
"Oh but I want to him to get better at playing the piano" his mother said putting her hand on her cheek
"It fine I'll teach him" Wes said smiling
"There you go brother" He smiled
"Yeah, whatever thanks" soul climbed into his bed and started to drift off and the first thing he dreamed of was meeting that angel once again
I hope you liked it