Dear Izzy,

I wish I could comfort you. I wish I could tell you it's not your fault. But I can't. This is my letter to you, my letter that will never be sent. I have recently come to terms with the fact that I will never be a Shadowhunter. That I will never have a parabatai or get my first rune. But don't feel guilty. I am watching you right now, from up here. I see you sobbing, clutching my toy solider and my heart breaks. I have realised something now. It's always more painful for those left behind. You are proof of that.

Right now, dear Izzy, I know it hurts. Believe me, it's hard for me too, being away from you. Not being able to tell you that I love you, not being able to tell Alec that it's okay to be gay. But what hurts most is watching mum and dad grow apart. I know there is not much I can do anyway, dead or alive, but I'd have liked to be there to comfort you all. That's the worst thing about being dead. I'll never get to hug you ever again. Maybe one day when you join me, but that won't hopefully be for a while yet.

One last thing Izzy. I know you will never get this, but believe me when I say I love you. I don't blame you for anything. And it hurts me to see you blame yourself. I know you feel alone. But I am always watching you, you still hold the biggest place in my heart. You always thought I wanted to be like Jace, but I admire you more Iz. I always have. Don't be alone. Don't grieve anymore. I hate to see you cry yourself to sleep. I love you Iz.

From Max.