Chapter 1:

Kate Beckett slowly opened her eyes. She had to squint due to the bright light shining directly in them. She slowly sat up and looked around. Hearing a grunt she looked down and saw none other than her partner Richard Castle. Her eyes shot open when she realized that she had previously been lying on his chest, and still had her hand there. She quickly retracted her hand, bringing it in closer to her chest. She sat there for a while but soon realized that she needed to wake Castle.

"Castle" She said, poking him on the shoulder. "Castle!" she poked him even harder. "Five more minutes…" he said. Beckett gritted her teeth and hissed, "CASTLE!" This caused her partner to sit up. "What the heck Beckett? I was sleeping and you…" he stopped his sentence suddenly. After looking around for a second he turned to look at her, "Where are we?" Beckett sighed and looked at their surroundings once more, "I was hoping that you would know..."

Memories rushed back into Castle's head. Something close to this has happened before. Of course they were in a warehouse with a tiger and a crazy family at the time, but they had woken up next to each other. Castle quickly checked to make sure they weren't handcuffed together like the first time. Luckily they weren't.

Beckett looked at him and gulped, "Do you have any idea where we are?" Castle shook his head while Beckett cursed under her breath, "I could really use one of your crazy ideas right now Castle." Her partner thought for a moment, "I got nothing." He said with a sad look on his face. Beckett sighed and started searching through her pockets. Castle looked at her, "What are you looking for?" "I'm seeing if any of my things are missing." She says as she pulls out her badge, wallet, phone, flashlight, and gun. "It looks like everything is here. You should check yours" Castle nods and checks his pockets as well, "All here." Beckett looks her partner in the eye, "Then this wasn't a robbery…So why are we here?"

Castle was about to speak but a blur of red and brown cut him off. "What was that?!" Beckett said, turning her head in the direction of the blur. "I have no idea…" Castle replied. Beckett picked up her flashlight and pointed the beam of light at the spot where the blur vanished. Not seeing anything she stood up and walked over cautiously. She saw movement in the tall grass and knelt down to get a better look. "Hello?" she said as she leaned forward a bit more. The grass rustled a bit more and the the blur shot out of it. Beckett was knocked to the side as the blur jumped in front of her. Her flashlight flew out of her hand but was caught by the blur that ran past castle and paused to look back.

The two partner's mouths dropped at the sight. In front of them was a red-brown fox with orange curls on top of its head. It was six tails and was currently holding the flashlight in its mouth. The creatures smirked and tossed the flashlight up in the air, "Vulpi!" It caught the object in the air and then sped off.

Beckett looked at Castle for an explanation. The writer looked at her with a confused expression on his face. "What was that?" they said in unison.