Hello everyone, LittleMartian here. It's been forever since I've updated this story…months in fact. Work and life in general just got in the way. I'm here to say that I'm pulling this story and rewriting it until a time where I can reupload it so that it doesn't feel like a giant cliché. I don't like clichés and I try to avoid them when I can. That being said, I'm going to take this story down on January 5th, and reupload it after it's been rewritten.
Or I may just scrap it and move onto something else entirely.
The point is, I haven't updated because I wasn't satisfied with this, and I didn't feel like I was presenting my best work, and I always want to do my very best, if not to please myself, then for everyone who liked this story.
I have a few kinks to work out, but when I do, I hope you all follow me so you can know about it as well.
If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them.
Thank you,