Yeah, so, the last chapter was from the book and modified slightly but this time this chapter is all me! Hope you enjoy!
Cal asked Kim to the Homecoming dance at the end of the month. She hadn't meant to take so long, she had really wanted to ask her the moment Park had agreed with her that it was a good idea, but Cal was nervous. Something she didn't like to admit with how much she talked about her strategy's for getting girls. Of course, she had only ever used those strategies once or twice and the results came out horribly.
Cal wasn't scared of people knowing she was gay, she was only scared of the people she liked knowing that she was gay. She could never pin what their possible reactions could be onto them. That's what made her so nervous about asking Kim to Homecoming.
Now, Kim was as straight as straight could get, and Cal had never heard any stories about Kim wanting to experiment with girls before and there were definitely no stories about past experiments or else that would be all anyone would ever talk about. So, Cal knew that asking Kim to the Homecoming dance would be difficult. Especially when she had to make it clear that Cal was actually asking Kim to go to the dance with her.
Cal saw her opportunity when Kim was walking to her lunch table. She was all alone which came to Cal as an advantage. Asking a girl out in front of her friends had never proven to be successful.
So before Cal could stop herself she jogged up to Kim and stopped in front of her, holding her hands up to catch Kim's attention and a friendly grin on her face. "Hey, Kim!" she said.
Kim stumbled to a stop and looked up at the taller girl. "Oh, hi, Cal." she tried to walk past her but Cal moved in front of her again.
"Hey, I was wondering... you're going to the Homecoming dance, right? I mean, of course you are. Why wouldn't you, right?"
Kim looked up at Cal like she couldn't understand what she was saying. "Right..."
"So, you're going?"
"Well... I will, if anyone asks me. No one has so far." Kim could see her friends at their table, staring at her and nudging their heads towards Cal like they were asking, Why is she even looking at you? But Kim ignored them and kept her eyes on Cal. After all, Cal was friends with Park... "Why?"
"Well..." Cal ran her hand through her hair and gripped the back of her neck, looking down at the floor. She flicked her eyes back up at Kim. Kim's hair was dyed blonde and you could see her black roots coming through but Cal just thought it made her look so much cooler. Undoubtedly, her hair would be perfection tomorrow after tonight's appointment with Park's mom. Whenever Kim's roots started to show too much like this and people would notice, her hair would be dyed to a color of blonde so bright it was almost a color Cal could only describe as golden silver.
Cal shook her head and brought herself somewhat out of Kim's hair. She cleared her throat and let her hand drop. "I was just wondering... if maybe you would... um, like to go to the dance... with, uh, me."
Every time she paused Cal looked at the ground. And she definitely looked at the ground when she said those final two words. Bringing her eyes up right after she stuttered through the last.
Cal couldn't decide what Kim's reaction was to her question. Initially (and sadly) Cal had pictured Kim pointing and laughing at her face while the whole cafeteria joined her. In Cal's mind, Kim could draw that kind of attention to her. Making the whole cafeteria laugh in Cal's face. In Cal's mind, even in her fantasies about Kim, she was still making fun of Cal.
"Well, who all is going?"
Cal hadn't seen the question coming. She felt her hands hanging loose by her sides and wanted to do something with them but she couldn't think of anything. "What?"
"It's like a group thing, right?" Kim asked. Cal's heart squeezed painfully, she tried not to let it show on her face. "Who all is going?" Kim asked again.
"Oh, well," Cal cleared her throat again, she tried to think of how to clarify her question but she didn't know what to say.
"What about Park?"
Cal blinked.
Park? "Park?"
"Yeah, Park. Is he gonna go?"
Cal studied Kim. She's into Park, she realized. Damn it, Park.
"I'll ask if he's going,"
"Great," Kim's eyes seemed to light up and Cal's dimmed. "Get back to me when you do, okay?" She had placed her hand on Cal's forearm and cold tingles ran all the way up into Cal's shoulder.
"Yeah, o-okay," her voice squeaked and Kim sauntered away to her table.
Before could could even think (she seemed to be doing a lot of that today, not thinking) she called out to Kim one more time. "Hey, Kim!"
Kim turned around just as she was setting her bag and books down at her table, the grin on her face died down a bit. "Yeah?"
"You should let your hair go natural," Cal shrugged. "I think it would look cool."
And before Cal could see Kim's reaction or receive an answer she turned and jogged out of the cafeteria, feeling her arm grow warm.