Disclaimer: I don't own Gravitation

A/N: Apologies if this turns too graphic for T rating.



Chap 2: "Trash"



Certainly Hiroaki didn't have access to the resources Eiri, and his brother in law possessed.

Though it would have further mentally scarred Shuichi, he knew he wouldn't have control. If the offending scum was present when he arrived at the apartment, Eiri would have taken it into his own hands.

He hated himself for leaving Shuichi after they became so close, shared so much. If he wasn't out of the picture, Hiroaki wouldn't even exist. Turning off the running water, he reminded himself that now wasn't the time for such thoughts.

He still had to call his agentto let her know his next book wouldn't be ready when expected, and meet with Tohma, etc.

"It's ready" he said, and helped Shuichi into the bathtub.


Clutching his knees close to his chest, Shuichi spoke into the phone, "I'm sorry Hiro, I didn't want anyone else getting hurt". Hiro assured he needn't apologize, it was no fault of his.

"...I'll check if it's okay", he turned to the hallway. Not seeing Eiri, only objects and furniture, fear caught him. Lips quivering he called "E-Eiri?"

Said man was in the process of moving his mahogany desk into the bedroom. Reentering the living room, it pained him so to see such apprehension in those eyes. "What is it Shu?" he asked, coming to him.

The pop star loved it when Eiri said his name. "Hiro wants to know if he can um... come see me"

"Could I talk to him?"

Shuichi handed him the phone. "Hiroshi? Yes I actually wanted to ask you a favor. Could you come here to stay with Shuichi while I pick up his belongings, and take care of some business?"

Hiro nearly shouted "Of course". He then penned down the directions.



Two hours later, Hiro walked up cobblestone steps. Seeing no doorbell he knocked on the black door, commenting to himself "Creepy".


Tohma met Eiri outside of his old apartment building, "Everything's on its way to your new home".

With a nod, the younger gestured to his car. Tohma got in, setting a black briefcase on his lap. With a quick call he made sure his own car would be taken back to his house.

Beginning the drive to town, Eiri stated in a controlled tone "I want him to pay".

His brother in law already saw past any guise of even-temper others would be fooled by, and those words increased that. "Shindou-san is my most lucrative employee, and finances will go into disarray if he is unable to perform. The one who caused this cannot be forgiven".

He then mentioned "Kondo is currently at his home if you'd like to pay him a visit".

"I have a better idea. He's probably wondering where Shu is, so I'll stick around. You have his photo?"

"I keep my word Eiri". He popped open the briefcase, revealing numerous papers, files, and a dozen photographs. "I dug up what I could about this "Kondo Hiroaki" fellow". Passing the pictures, along with a packet to the other he continued, "He legally took on his mother's maiden name at the age of eighteen, going from Zhou Hiroaki to Kondo Hiroaki".

"He was born in China I take it?"

"Yes, to a father who remains in Qincheng Prison for murdering Kondo Masa, Hiroaki's mother when the" he cleared his throat, "Scum was a teen".

Eiri took that in. He knew full well that traumas could fuck up a person for life, but that was no excuse.

"According to what he told Shuichi, Aki attended many of Bad Luck's concerts."

"Yes, that's something else I came across. I checked ticket sale records, and Hiroaki attended every one of their shows, and all were either front row, or close to it".

Eiri gritted his teeth. Shuichi had a few instances when fans followed him after the show, or tried to get his autograph during the wrong situations (a doctor once asked for his autograph when he was about to give the singer a physical). The author had experience with his own "followers" as well, but this man was the definition of a stalker.

With this news, he became more worried about Shuichi's welfare. Yes Hiro was with him, but he wanted to be there. "I'll look over the rest on my own later. Thank you Tohma. You should also check if he was stalking any of the other band members".

"Believe me, I have people digging up everything about this man".

"Alright, let's go wait for this prick".



At a quarter to nine Hiroaki stomped down the hall to Shuichi's apartment. He would have knocked down the door if it wasn't unlocked. Instead of turning to light on, he would catch the pop-star off guard and make him pay.

"Shuichiii" he called in the manner people call for pets, or children who are hiding.

"I promise, if you tell the truth it won't hurt too much" he offered to the darkness. Hearing footsteps in the kitchen, he proceeded in that direction.

"Shuichi if you just do what I say things will go back to normal with us. Now let's go to the bedroom, and I won't choke you while we're fucking, okay?"

Suddenly the kitchen light flashed on, so painfully bright he closed his eyes. "That's gonna get you a punishment".

From behind, Tohma swung a rope around his neck, and pulled. Dark eyes shot open, and he stood face-to-face with Yuki Eiri.

"You" Hiroaki attempted to sputter.

"I think the only person who deserves to be punished is you", he spat onto the Chinese man's face. "I know everything you did,and you're not getting off so easily as jail, or prison for what you did to Shuichi".

As Eiri picked up his kitchen knife set, fear shone in brown eyes.

"Alright Tohma"

With gloved hands, said man now tied the rope around Hiroaki's wrists, then stuffed a kitchen rag in his mouth, and shoved him against the wall. The moment the criminal couldn't scream, Eiri forced the blade straight through his offending cock. His pain was palpable.

Eiri next threw dozens of punches all across his body, pausing only to thrust the rest of the knife set into his arms and legs; it wasn't enough for him to feel the same strikes he delivered to Shuichi, he needed to suffer more greatly. The blades remained so blood wasn't lost, "This won't end quickly" Eiri assured, towering over the shaking creature.


After nearly two hours Eiri heard his phone ring, then faced Hiroaki, "Time's up".

One by one he dragged the blades through the flesh and tissue of the still-living body on the floor, sending blood pouring, and spraying all over the room.

With his final ounce of patience for this scum that never deserved to breathe, Eiri drove a blade through his throat.

Removing his gloves, Tohma took out his phone, "Yes hello this is Seguchi Tohma... yes, the address should be in the letter I had delivered this afternoon... alright, thank you".

Casually stepping over the body, he turned with his ever-present cheerful expression, "Let's clean ourselves up, re-dress, and head back to our respective homes Eiri".

Nodding, the author stepped over the deceased as well. Each washed, then changed into extra outfits from a duffel bag they brought along.



End of chap 2



Hope you liked it, please review.