Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon or its characters, this chapter also has depict the act of violence and enslavement of human being so viewer discretion is adviced.

Author's note: While I don't really care to remember the specific name of band or artist, I do love music. I feel music is something everyone can enjoy regardless of the language it is performed in. While a person might not understand the lyric of a song, said person could still learn the feeling of the band or artist performing it through its tone, it's a reason why I tries to use the name of songs to name my chapters.

I wants to use as many names from Digimon anime as possible, but the name of the song in this first introductory arc is "Uninstall" from the anime "Boukurano" (Which means "Ours" in English). It is a Japanese robot anime where gigantic robot fight it out in cities kind of like the movie Pacific Rim. But this anime has a twist to the usual Japanese super robot genra: All the kids who pilot the robot will die after they pilot it once.

The anime version of Boukurano is about how the a few kids tries to save the youngest pilot (At least that's what I learned from the anime's wiki page), the original manga version has a different plot: All the kids dies in the end, but through all their sacrifice they manages to save their earth from destruction. Despite how hopeless and depressing this plot is, I can't help but feel it has an incredible uplifting message in the end of the manga. After all, everyone only live once and everyone has to die, it's not about how your life end, but about how you make the best of it while you live and how other life goes on even when yours end (Or maybe that's just my demented mind playing trick on me).

Regardless, Uninstall is one of my favourite anime opening song with Digimon Adventure's Butterfly or Fafner in Azure's Shangrila (I'm sure that'll be the chapter name of a later arc), and I recommend everyone to give it a try.

A big man with muscle shirt places his right hand on a glass container. Inside the container, a teenage girl with black ponytail no older than 16 years old silently stand as if she's having a peaceful sleep. The man silently removes his hand from the glass container and place on his neck as if trying to gently rub an old scar.

The big man pulls out a pistol and sharply turns his body toward his right as he hears the sound of his trap door opens. He take aim, ready to shoot whoever finds his secret hideout. The big man freezes as he realize there's no one by the door.

"Who's there, show yourself!" The big man shouts at the top of his lung, as his eyes slowly moves from left to right, trying to find where the intruder is hiding. Before he finds anything, a sharp screech pieces the air as a orange blur knocks the gun out of his hand.

"Daisuke Motomiya, Defender Master class of Dynamic Data Defender." Daisuke catches his orange boomerang in his left hand as he slowly comes into the view of the huge slaver. He can't help but let out a satisfied smirk as he sees the big man's eyes twitching with disbelief as the boomerang slowly shift into a pair of pliers. Or when he opens his invisible cloak which slowly turns back to grey reveal his presence.

No doubt, he makes a good entrance with all these flash gadget. The tools they use have the mundane appearance such as a jump suit, a grey cloak, a screwdriver or a pair of pliers. But in nature, those gadget they call 'live program' are closer in nature to their digimon partners then the pieces clothing or hardware tools they appear to be.

His expression turns serious as he shifts his sight toward the wall, and sees a dozen of teenage girls suspend in the glass container. His voice also turns cold, to the point even the muscular criminal couldn't help but let out a slight shiver.

"Slaver Johns of the Gamers gang, wanted criminal for enslaving hundreds of survivors and selling them to core members of Gamer in order to host their big Game. Do you come in willingly to stand for fair trial, or do you want me to take down the house with you?"

"Don't get cocky boy, who are you to judge what I do for a living anyways? Don't you self-righteous DDD also enslave those virtual pets you call your 'friends' to do your dirty work?" Despite startles by Daisuke's coldness in his tone, the slaver quickly regains his composure. His words tears into Daisuke's conscious like a sharp knife.

Daisuke frowns as he knows very well this criminal's accusation is true, and it hurts more than a gun shot. Fortunately before he can go into an inner debate on his organization's moral standing he is pulled right back into reality as the slaver bolts at him.

In a way, slaver John's aggression makes him feels more comfortable. Action is more up his valley after all, not philosophical bantering. He side steps towards his right to dodge the burly man's charge. Daisuke could clearly see the smirk on slaver John's face as he reaches for his fluttering cloak. The criminal's smirk quickly mutate into shock as the cloak start to turn transparent and his hand passes right through it.

"Never faced a Master Class before, did you!" Daisuke shouts with excitement as he hits the slaver's temple with a quick jab. He spins his body around as his opponent dazes forward and rams his right shoulder under the slaver to shift the center of his gravity. Holding on to a solid grip, he throws the burly man onto the concrete floor with a overhead throw.

"Take down the house with you it is!"

"Argh!" Slaver Johns yelps in pain as his body twitches on the ground. He quickly reaches into his pocket as a huge metal door opens on the other side revealing three angry looking dino with black collar rings around their neck. Daisuke turns his gaze back to the slaver again, and sees he pulls out a small remote controller.

"Get him!" The slaver yells his order as three Monochromon charge towards Daisuke. He turns his head to the side and look at all the captured girls for a split second.

Damn, Yamaki really Should stop all the control ring smuggling in DDD. No room to dodge if I want to keep all the hostages alive. oh well… looks like big guy gets some action after all.

"For my move," Daisuke let out a grin as he presses a button on his wristband computer. A white strand of data shoots out of the device and start to coil together besides Daisuke. The data start to form into a blue fist as the first Monochromon is about to ram Daisuke with his horns and nails the unfortunate dino under its jaw. "I summon Veedramon in attack mode!"

"Kick… ASS!" From his fist, the huge wingless dragon quickly materialize beside Daisuke as he roars triumphantly. He takes a earth shuttering step to shoulder charge the second Monochromon and knocks him into the opposite wall. The third dino tries to pierce him with his horn, but he only manages to get slap away by Veedramon's backhand.

Veedramon opens his mouth again and blows out a golden V shaped energy arrow at the dino. The dino screams in pain as the super heated energy ignite his body. It struggles to get up and keep fighting, but he falls down into the floor. The last thing he sees before he burst into glistering white data is Veedramon charges at the other Monochromon on the other side of the room.

The first dino shakes his head as it tries to recover from Veedramon's mighty uppercut. He opens his eyes and meet the goofy grin of a teenage boy with a pair of square shaped goggles on his head.

"Hi there, and…" Daisuke waves his right hand in front of Monochromon's confused eyes as he presses a screwdriver on his nozzle with his left hand. With the push of a button, golden sparks of electricity rampage all over the dino's body. "…Good night."

Daisuke jumps off the dino Digimon's body as he crashes right back into the floor completely incapacitated. Besides him, Veedramon seems to be having fun as he slams the last Monochromon into the wall over and over again.

"Alright kid, fun time is over. Take your virtual pet Godzilla back into that little toy of yours and hold your hands up," Daisuke turns to the right as he notices slaver Johns with a devious smirk across his face. Trying to emphasis his point, he points the remote control in his left hand towards one of the glass container. "Or she gets it."

Daisuke turns his attention to the container Slaver Johns is pointing at. The girl in the same blue uniform walks out of the container. Her eyes are out of focus, and Daisuke can guess why as she has a black collar around her neck. What makes Daisuke frown is the girls is pressing a short blade on her neck.

"Threat a DDD operative with hostage huh… So that's how you got Ibuki. I was wondering how a wimp like you could capture her in the first place." Daisuke let out a sigh as he moves his right hand towards his wristband computer.

"NO! Big D you can't…" Veedramon turns sharply and runs towards Daisuke and the slaver. His hands open, arm stretching out as he trying to stop his human partner from giving himself up. But his body suddenly shatters into white strand of data as it gets absorbed into Daisuke's computer.

"Sorry big guy, a defender can't risk other lives…" Daisuke lets out a grunt before his sentence as slaver Johns digs his army boot into his stomach. He slams into a small pile of concrete debris. Before he can catch his breath, the burly man kick him once again across his face and several times in his chest and stomach.

"You hero type is so predictable. Always chasing after that foolish ideal of self-sacrifice even when it means nothing." Slaver Johns pants a little as he reaches into his shirt and pull out another black collar.

"Oh, I'm not sure about the predictable part. Miyako always wonder how I can be so random even though I'm a total idiot." Daisuke lets out a chuckling sound, but it soon turns into cough. "Actually, do you mind give me another chance? I think I can come up with a better joke if my head is not spinning."

"Joke all you want you little nuisance, it won't change your fate. Those game masters specifically requested young girls for this week's Game but who knows. Maybe one of them would be interested in one of the high rank DDD." The big man waves his black collar in front of Daisuke, as he slowly moves the collar toward Daisuke's neck…

Before he can finish what he's doing, the slaver hears a loud sizzling sound. He quickly turns around and sees all the glass container suddenly opens. Even more, the black collars on all his hostages shatter and falls to the floor.

What took you so long… oh well, better late then never.

"remember… ME?" Daisuke roars with a loud laugh as he launches himself from the floor. His head meets the underside of slaver Johns' chin as he digs his knee into the burly man's stomach. He wildly swings his arm to form a flurry of punches as he knows he can't waste this chance. With all his remaining strength, Daisuke rises his right hand into an uppercut into slaver Johns' chin as he lifts the burly man into the air. The muscular slaver goes airborne for a split second before crashing down into the floor on his back. Daisuke takes good look at the slaver while breathing heavily. He sees the man's eye already rolled into the back of his head.

"And stay down this time!" Daisuke pushes a few buttons on his computer, a strand of data shots out, wraps around the unconscious slaver and explode into restrains. He drugs his body across the floor, moving towards the confused looking girl in the same uniform. Before he gets close to the girl, a beeping sound comes out of his wristband.

"Hiyah Daisuke. Did that work…" Veemon's holographic head pops out of the wristband, but his happy expression quickly give way to terror as he let out a yell. "You looks terrible Daisuke! Are you ok?"

"Yeah, it worked… and no, I been better." Daisuke lifts his right hand and touches his face where he's kicked by the slaver a few minutes earlier. He can already feel the burning sensation as his face swells up. "But still, no hurries. It's not like I almost got collared, and that means I'm done for or anything…"

"Ah… sorry Daisuke." The little blue dragon looks sad as the two blue appendage on top of his head falls flat on his head.

"I sneak in the building through the vent and shut down all the machines like you told me to. But there's too many buttons and I have to head butt the machine…" The child like dragon rises both his hands up and starts to count his fingers. He frowns as his head goes back and forth between his two hands before finally give up.

"Like… many, many times."

"That's one way to use your head… well, no harm's done. It's not even the worst beating I got. I mean… damn that Daimen, can he sock!" Daisuke rubs his face again as he let out an exasperate sigh thinking about the only guy who knows less about giving up than himself.

"Come back to me quickly, and we'll escort everyone back home."

"Right, Daisuke." Veemon nods his head as the holographic image blinks out of existence. Daisuke finally manages to drag himself in front of the girl sitting on the floor. Her eyes finally find focus as she looks up to meet Daisuke's eyes.

"Master Motomiya, thank you for… Oh my god, are you alright?" Daisuke struggles to not rolls his eyes at how everyone overacting about a few minor bruises.

"Call me Daisuke. I'm on a first name basis with everyone. As for my own well being… if I have a yen every time someone ask that question every time I get a few minor injury…" Daisuke rolls his eyes toward the upper corner of his head as if trying to look thoughtful.

"Actually that's pointless, seeing how we don't use money right now." He turns back towards Ibuki again as he tries to let out his usual goofy grin. But with how his face is swelling up it looks more like a painful gasp. Ibuki couldn't help but let out a chuckle with how he is trying to crack bad joke even after he just receives a savage beating.

"You should treat your injury more seriously Master Motomiya, or it might turns into something more serious." She shakes her head disapprovingly as she slowly gets up from the floor.

"Don't worry about me, I'm as tough as my two dragon partners. But in all seriousness, wait for your back up before confronting a Gamer gang. Both you and Musayomon are formidable fighters, but criminals play dirty." Daisuke let out another chuckle, but then turns serious.

"I'll do that next time. Speaking about my partner, where is he?" Ibuki turns around as she looks for both her Digimon partner and her equipment.

"Yeah… Your partner is currently lying face down in the corridor. I had to knock him out seeing how he got a control ring on his neck as well." Daisuke let out a nervous laugh as he points toward the doorway to the outside.

Ibuki looks shocked for a moment, and then let out a sigh with a sad look on her face. "I guess it can't be helped. Thank you for not deleting him."

"Sorry I can't just destroy his control ring without harming him. I didn't want to alert that slaver by getting into a long fight with a skilled fighter."

"I understand. Good thing you are able to catch this scum, all the survivors will live a bit safer now with Gamer gang's top slaver behind bars." Ibuki turns her gaze toward the unconscious slaver with distain in her eyes. She turns towards all the other captured girls, who are huddling together while looking at the two DDD operative with fear in their eyes.

"We bring them back home, back to Ruin Tokyo of course."

===DDD Log - Equipment===

Digiboy Model 3000

Commonly referred to as D3K by Defenders, Digiboy Model 3000 is a wristband computer standard issued to Defender Master Class for Dynamic Data Defenders' field operatives.

It allows access to Bit/Material transformation interface program 'Spiral Conversion', Storage of up to 30 Digimon for easy transportation, configuration program for other DDD issued equipment, holographic projector and a custom expansion module which let Defender Master Class install his/her own custom program.

===Log End===