Howdy folks, Unseen Lurker here. I've been reading stories on this site for years now, and during that time I've thought up quite a few story ideas, but only now did I decide to roll up my sleeves and get to work. I decided to start with this one for a few reasons:

1) I've got a general outline of what i'm going to write, excluding a few blanks here and there.

2) To my great surprise, this kind of crossover has never been done before, so I figured I might as well start with something new.

So, without further ado, I give you the prologue chapter of my first story, An end to corrosion, enjoy.

Oh wait, the disclaimers... my first time doing them...ok, here goes...

I own neither of the series featured in this story.

There, now on with it.

The Blind Eternities.

This is a space between the planes of the Multiverse, a place where the roiling magical energies of the Aether reigned supreme, a realm of pure chaos in which few beings could hope to survive, the most hostile environment in existence, and yet it's in this realm that our story begins.

Or more specifically, with a particular being that was now being helplessly battered and flung around by the magical currents.

Only the fabled Planeswalkers and other Godlike beings can safely traverse this space, and none but the mythical Eldrazi could linger here, but this creature was no such thing. No, it had once been a powerful ruler, one of the five conquerors of a recently dominated Plane, but it had dared to show qualities that were considered flaws, heresies against the very philosofy of its people.

It had dared to show indepent thought, and a small measure of mercy.

For that, it had been deemed a traitor.

For that, it's realm had been razed, it's subjects, and those it had shown mercy to, slaughtered.

For that, powerful sorcery had been used to erase it from the world, and it's brethren thought it dead, a blemish on their kind removed.

They were mistaken.

It had merely been banished, but the place where it found itself in was as good as a death sentence, and in all counts it shouldn't have survived.

But by the whims of the Multiverse, the Aether did not tear it apart, magic did not obliterate it.

In a circunstance rarer even than the awakening of a Planeswalker's spark, Death did not claim it.

And in it's place?


The being started growing smaller, it's claws, teeth and tail receding.

Metal, flame, oil and necrotic tissue became skin, blood and living flesh, organs long since shriveled or removed grew anew.

Eyes, ears, nose, a face appeared where there once was none.

The being could only scream as its body was wracked with agonizing pain.

But as quickly as it began, the agony faded, as the being was flung back into a world not his own.

Will he become a conqueror once more?

Or will he choose a different path?

Earthland, in the limits of the island of the Tower of Heaven

Marcus hated being stuck with patrol duty.

I mean, seriously, what was the point? None of the slaves were stupid enough to try to make a break for it, and no one outside knew they were here. He half-suspected he was only doing this because he had somehow pissed off the cultmaster.

Well, at least he had good view, what with the beach, the sea, the moon, the stars, the meteor heading in his direction...

Wait, what?

The cultist did a double take, and indeed, there was a ball of fire incoming and it was falling fast, so he did the sensible thing and ran like hell, just barely clearing the area of impact, and even then being launched in the air by the shockwave.

-"huugh, what the...?"- The cultist grumbled, face down in the sand.

-"Marcus, ya still breathing?"- He looked up to see his pal Levin and a few others, doubtlessly they had noticed the meteor and been sent to investigate.

-"Yeah, barely..."- He answered as he stood.

-"You're lucky to be alive, mate, not everyday ya get to run for your life from a bloody meteor!"-

-"Hey, There's something in there!"-

They gathered at the edges of the crater, and one of them used wind magic to blow away the dust.

They expected some remnant of rock, so naturally they were quite surprised by what they saw.

-"Holy shit..."-

-"Is he still alive?"-

-"Yes, he is. How the hell did he even get here?"-

-"Who cares?"- The leader of the search grinned at the object of their surprise-"The heavens themselves are providing us with labor for our grand work. It is a sign from Lord Zeref, our cause will prevail!"- He yelled, to the cheers of the gathered cultists-"Take him to the cells, a new life awaits our little friend..."-

The slave's cells

Rob woke up to the sound of incoming footsteps.

He frowned, it was the middle of the night, the slavers should leave them alone for a few more hours, so why where they coming?

-"Old man Rob, what's happening?"- A frightened female voice asked. The old man looked at the young red-headed girl and the other children that had also been awakened by the noise, smiled reassuringly, and whispered:

-"Don't worry, Erza, I'm sure it's just one of the slavers passing by..."-

He grew quiet as he noticed a cultist opening the celldoor, carrying something over his shoulder.

-"Good news, brats. We found a new friend for you to play with!"-

He roughly dropped his cargo on floor, closed the gate and left, laughing all the while. Rob and the children approached, and thanks to the corridor's torchlight, they found a strange sight.

A child.

A child, no older than them, with pale skin and brownish red hair, which seemed to have a strange, metallic sheen, layed unconscious before them. He had an androgynous appearance, but the fact that he was butt naked left no doubts about his gender.

-"Bloody hell... Children, find some rags for our new friend here."- The old man said, as he and the blushing redhead moved forward and looked for any signs of injuries, only to find nothing, seemed like the kid was just passed out.

Erza looked at his face, sadly wondering who he was and where he came from, and then gasped in suprise as his eyes opened.

They were a dull, lifeless grey, with no visible irises or scleras.

With a slow, mechanic movement, the boy sat up. Then he stood still, his face showing no expression, his eyes staring nowhere but forward, and still everyone around felt an odd sensation of being watched. Rob smiled kindly:

-"Good to see you' re awake kid, are you feeling alright?"- He felt the sensation of someone's gaze upon him intensify, and has the boy tilted his head lightly to the side while still looking forward, he couldn't help but feel he was somehow being analyzed, until the kid spoke:

-"Where... am I?"- The words came slowly, as if he was testing them, and his voice was monotone, raspy, like it hadn't been used in ages.

-"You're... in the Tower of Heaven, kid."- came the sad answer-"A place we are very unlucky to be in... but I'll explain later. What's your name, kid? Where are you from?"-The boy's face scrunched up in confused concentration, it would've looked adorable, if he didn't have such a...strange aura about him:

-"I...don't know."-

-"What do you mean?"- The Redhead by his side asked, as the sensation of being watched increased and made her fidget nervously..

-"I do not remember."-

-"You don't remeber anything? Anything at all?"- The concerned old man asked.

The boy's face once again comically scrunched up, and through the haze filling his mind, a name appeared.

His name.

-" Urabrask..."

And scene.

So what ya guys think? Love it? Hate it? All feedback will be welcomed.

I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as I can, so cya later guys.