A/N: Hiya guys, thanks for waiting patiently for my stupid brain to focus and come back to this story hahh. Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY HOMIE ALIIXO AND THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO YOU SWEETIE! EVERYONE GO WISH HER A HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOW! I have good news/ish, I may be able to finish this story within this year and I will be solely focusing on this story first (Those waiting for Angel With A Shotgun, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to make you guys wait even further) Also, I will warn you guys that there might be like a month gap (or hopefully less) between each chapter cos of school. Anyways, thank you for the reviews on the previous chapter: Aliixo (MAI GURL x'D), MysteryG13, Sofie, EmeraldAlex123, DragonTooth24006! You guys made my day nya~

Disclaimer: I will never ever own SEGAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAa

SEGA Sonic= Nicky

Archie Sonic= Sonic

SEGA Amy= Emi

Archie Amy= Amy

Ages (Well SEGA characters ages)

Sonic: 15 years

Amy: 12 years

Tails: 8 years

Shadow: The hawt age of 15 nyaaa~ BOKU WA SUKI SHADOW-KUN!

Silver: 14 years

Cream: 6 years

Blaze: 14 years

Rouge: 18 years

Knuckles: 16 years

Japanese Translation:

Fu-n: Huh?
Ne: Hey/Right/etc.
Tsuma: Honey
Ano: Um...
Matte: Wait!
Fuka: Wrong
Yamero: Stop it
Bakayaro: Idiot
Ittai: Heck
Sendai: Forever
Koi: Love
Yare Yare: Geez
Okiru: Get up
Onegai: Please
Yoroshii: Fine
Demo: But
Daijobou: I'm okay



It was way past midnight in the oppressed world ruled by the dastardly King. The icy wind blew across the atmosphere so harshly, it felt like knives piercing your skin leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. But of course, this was no exception to the recently named Nicky The Hedgehog as he stirred in his sleep. The sudden drop of the temperature caused his ears to flicker which then his eyes followed after.

"Hmm? Fu-n?" The cerulean hedgehog was now wide awake as he realised that he was no longer in the warm, comfy bed. He stood up immediately from the floor with his mouth twitching in slight annoyance. Emi was not just sleeping on the bed, she was sprawled across the top half of the bed. The pillow was snug in her arms like a teddy and the blanket was on the floor. Though, she was shivering a lot due to the cold despite being sound asleep.

Charmed by her innocence and cuteness, Nicky picked up the blanket and draped it over Emi's body with a sigh. His fingers strayed across her bangs kissing them tenderly through warmth. "Things are not the same anymore...Emi-Chan." He whispered out. Nicky placed himself in a sitting position next to Emi and then lied his head down next to hers lightly while his hand wandered to her hand.

"Do you realise how much effort it took for me to keep these feelings locked up? Ne?" Nicky's voice was now above a whisper but not loud enough to wake Emi. Her shivering started to cease due to their heat transfer. "I didn't want you to find out so soon, tsuma," He gave Emi's hand a little squeeze. His heart pounded louder the more he inhaled in her sweet scent. The closure between the duo was driving him crazy and before Nicky knew it, his nose was barely touching hers.

'Ano...should I? Her lips are barely touching mine...she won't know...'

Subtle thoughts ran through Sonic's head as he debated on his actions. Her lips were slightly parted and her breathing was soft and gentle. It was like someone painted a perfect picture.

'Matte! This is wrong and you know it; fuka!'

Nicky's rational side caused him to pull away immediately but Emi's sudden sharp intake of breath caused him to freeze. Is she awake? Will she go back asleep? After what seemed like forever, Nicky was positive that she was still asleep and finally let out the breath that he was unconsciously holding. Air never felt so good.

'How much longer do I have to resist her? It's been over four years- nearly five!'

What turned from a little crush at age ten blossomed into a tender love and all it took were these very few recent adventures to realise that. Despite being so young, both of them were experiencing the perfect feelings of love which older adults find harder to find nowadays. They truly were lucky. Though, Nicky and Emi are both known to push their luck in various ways.

'You know how long she's been preparing and waiting for her first kiss, don't ruin it for her. Don't get any closer. Yamero!'

It was his first kiss too. For once, couldn't he have something he wanted as well? He may have not planned it or fantasized about their kiss like a typical fairy tale all wrapped up in a cute diary in cursive handwriting BUT, that didn't mean that he wasn't the least bit curious or controlled of what he wanted.

'What if you don't get an opportunity like this again? What if both your lives are in danger, again? You're gonna regret not seizing this opportunity so man up!'

In near death situations, Nicky has always had these same regrets propping up in his head over and over again. This of course included not being able to feel Emi's lips with his. That one simple desire of his. He risks his life on a daily basis, can't he have this?

'Since when have things gotten so bad that you've to make drastic decisions? You've gotten out of every pickle and kicked all the villains butts! What happened to the carefree, cool headed hedgehog?'

The thoughts that debated against his raw desire started to dominate his mind and his free hand clenched the corner of the blanket as if it was representing his frustration. He still IS cool and carefree. He WILL get everyone out of this mess.

'She literally was half dead no thanks to the stupid Deadly Six's life sucking machine. She had been held at a gunpoint by that bakayaro Egghead. Ittai! She was shot in No Zone! What if you lose her? Can't you at least let her die happy?'

That one morbid thought.

That day.

That moment.

The day she and Knuckles 'died' as the Miles electronic fizzed out and the disgusting sound of the lead Zeti's cackles filled his ears. Nicky felt his heart already turn hard just by the pure remembrance of these terrifying times. Not to mention all that blood that was pooling out of her body during the shootout epidemic. Nicky himself has never been the one to fear blood but since that day, he's been more and more unsure about that.

The very idea of losing her...

His breath got hitched in his throat and his eyes started to glaze up slightly. He subconsciously leaned his forehead against Emi's as if to reassure himself that she's still there. He already lost the youthful Light Gaia and that itself was like a stab against Nicky's young heart. Everyone, including himself thought that Shadow was gone during the Space Colony Ark era. That hurt Nicky too but the knowledge that Shadow supposedly was reunited with Maria softened the blow- till he found out that it's quite impossible to get rid of the Ultimate Life Form, Nicky has never felt such burden get released from his shoulders.

Nicky took in a deep breath, trying to inhale as much of Emi's natural scent as possible. Never in his life, did he feel as he felt right now. It was overwhelming, the hidden desires were unfolding, the barrier that he put between them two was barely visible.

'She will NOT die! You will NOT allow her death to be possible. You will ALWAYS be with her, protecting her, no more harm will fall upon her, sendai.'

His lips were barely grazing hers now. Only mere millimeters were in between what could've broken the barrier between the duo. Those very little millimeters that could easily be conquered by his swift movements.

'It's just ONE kiss. No harm will be done and at least, that's one thing crossed off of your to do list in life.'

What if he goes back for more? What if he gets addicted to them like in the many romance novels Emi persuades him to read? What if somebody spots them?

'She will WAKE up and smash your head with her hammer till your brain noodles splurt out! You are now as equivalent as a pervert for trying to sneak a kiss on her like that. BAKA!'

And at that moment, blue hedgehog snapped out of his daze and the freezing air forced him to face reality once more.

'I hate it when the negative thoughts are right...'

Nicky-Kun moved his head forward but his lips landed on Emi's bangs instead. A small smile was present on his muzzle as he pulled away quickly and grasped his chest with flustered cheeks. Like usual, his heart started to go hyper as he was by her side. This time, instead of repulse or confusion, Nicky embraced the feeling with a content smile.
"Koi...it's driving me nuts, heh."

Nicky stood up from the bed and eyed at the clock with a grim look.
"Yare yare...it's past four in the morning- oh well, I don't think I'll be able to go back to sleep." Nicky added in a huge yawn and began to slip on his beloved shoes.



"What the hell?"




"Wake everyone up!"

"Get Rosy!"

It didn't even take a second for Nicky to shake Emi in order to wake up. Unfortunately, horror spread across his face as he noticed a grim red patch starting to grow on Emi's nightdress- where the wound was.
"No...out of all times, the wound had to reopen now!" The commotion grew louder outside their day and Nicky tried to wake Emi up once again. "Emi! Get up! Okiru! EMI!" His voice was at the peak of desperation but then:

"S...Sonikku-...Nicky?" Nicky cupped her cheeks and mentally thanked Chaos that she wasn't unconscious, yet. Nicky carefully picked her up from the bed and cradled her in his arms avoiding hurting her even more. The poor girl whimpered at the sound of explosions and screams out of the door. She knew Nicky was in a dilemma. How could he escape with her in his possession? How will he be able to defend the rebellions?

"Nicky, put me down and go- go help the others," Her sentence was cut short with Nicky's sharp stare. The very look made her want to back away.
"I am NOT leaving you." Emi still persisted despite the intimidating stare she was given.
"Sonikku, onegai? They need you! I'll be fine."

The pain shot back on her waist again causing Emi to grip the injury instinctively.

"E-Emi, if I leave you here, they will KILL you!"
"I swear to chaos, you ARE SO DUMB!" Emi's sudden outburst surprised her friend and now, it was his turn to be intimidated by her stare "I can defend myself with my hammer, just put me down, kick the door down and let's fight!" Nicky only gripped her tighter towards his chest.

"...yoroshii, demo! Do not disappear out of my sight and be careful." Emi responded to his plea by leaning her forehead against his and pried out of his arms so she was standing on both her feet. Emi staggered slightly but was supported by Nicky before he reluctantly let her go to see if she can stand by herself.

"It's not hurting as much anymore, daijoubu!" With the commotion getting louder and his heroic instincts acting up, Nicky nodded and with his well known speed, kicked the door down. Immediately, their eyes widen at the sight bestowed before them.

"Emi! You get that guy on the left, I'll go for the scums on the right; think you can handle it?" Luckily for Nicky, Emi ripped up the hem of the blanket and wrapped it around her waist tightly to cease the bleeding before whipping out her hammer.
"You let those people go you moron! Ha-aaaaaah!" The fearful looks on Scourge's henchmen never looked so hilarious.

'Let's just hope that her condition doesn't worsen...'

(Meanwhile, with Sonic, Shadow and Silver)

The trio of hedgehogs along with a couple of well trained rebels were surrounded by a huge group of the enemy. Even though the intruders were nothing more than just mediocre runts, a whole hoard of them was overwhelming. Plus, for some reason, Silver's injury on his leg that he received in No Zone started to bleed once again and keeping himself levitated was draining his energy twice as fast.

Fully aware of the albino teen's fatigue, Shadow launched an attack first with his chaos spears resulting with knocking out a handful of the villainous people. Sonic followed after with a spin dash and a few jaw breaking kicks. All three hedgehogs dodged the incoming bullets and thrown objects at them with ease.
"We have to get to Amy and Rosy before Scourge gets to them!" Sonic delivered a punch to one of the tougher reptile looking mobian and then stomped on the gun it was holding. Compared to the huge scale fights against monsters and robots, these henchmen were nothing but a cinch.

"Where's Nicky and Emi? They should've been here by now!" Shadow's sharp quills unintentionally scratched one of the henchmen in the eye causing the weaker to cry out in pain and for others to take after him. "They're just wasting our time, you two look for the others, I'll handle these vermin."

"But-" Silver didn't finish his sentence as Sonic grabbed him piggy back style and darted off, purposely knocking over a couple of the enemy whilst Shadow and the rebels carried on fighting.
"You guys," He motioned to the rebellion team "Stand back, I'll take them down in one blow!" The team obeyed as the cruel henchmen remained oblivious to what the Ultimate Life Form was capable of.

"S-Sir? Why is he glowing red?" Whimpered one of the henchmen.
"He looks mad..."
"So what if he's glowing? That's what stupid fairies do you nitwits- after him!"


The Rebellion team members that were present during the blast were safely hiding behind the sturdy walls and metal benches therefore they weren't harmed and were able to witness such incredible power which swept the enemy off of their feet. Literally. Each and every single one of the henchmen were now unconscious on the floor and were not likely to wake up till the very next day, if they're luck that is.

"All of you, go help someone or something." Shadow directed the team as he skated off to look for his comrades hoping that they're doing fine. He snuck a quick glance behind him only to see that the team did as he ordered them to do.

A little sigh of relief escaped his mouth but then he got his determination back on. He skated past a huge number of fights and brawls since he knew that the rebellion team had the potential to wipe out the nuisance. The big problem was, where is Scourge? What is that green devil up to now?

"Tch, Rose better be okay...I'm counting on you, Nicky," Shadow whispered out.

"Going somewhere?"

That voice.

Shadow skated to a stop and his face twisted into one of a killer. Scourge stepped out from the shadows with his usual snarky grin. Though, unlike their last 'meeting', something seemed rather off. A weird sort of power was being emitted from the green hedgehog which felt familiar to Shadow yet misty at the same time.

"I suppose you have brought your filthy emerald here now, they leave a disgusting aura." Scourge only sniggered and shrugged his shoulders at Shadow. He walked up towards the darker hedgehog so that they were face to face.
"Leaving that aside, I realised that we never had a duel heh! Think you can put up a fight with lil' old me?" It was bad enough that Shadow had to deal with two blue hedgehogs that annoys him most of the time, especially Nicky, but this guy?

Shadow has never felt ripping out someone's throat out as much as he did now. It's truly remarkable how that within a few sentences, Scourge can make you wanna beat the crap out of him. Despite those negative feelings, Shadow was wise enough not to underestimate the hedgehog. The duo began to circle each other like two lions, for a fight to the death perhaps?

"Are you su-uuuure that you can take on me? Huh? Come on Darkie speak up." Shadow ignored Scourge's taunts as he was not one to get riled up so easily. He was focusing on the more familiar energy that he was sensing from Scourge. According to Shadow, Scourge most likely has the rest of the SEGA world's chaos emeralds tucked under his quills somewhere. The trick was to somehow get them off of him.

Scourge is as fast as Nicky and Sonic and Scourge. This will be as tricky as fighting the blue hedgehogs...

A/N: Gomen! I've to cut this down really short cos Ihavelotsofhomework and stuff to do Dx SORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I know this ain't fair on you guys, ESPECIALLY YOU MY WIKKLE ALII-CHAN! (Though, I will make it up to you Homie, anyways, coughcough in a week or two) I will TRY and make the next chapter longer nyaa! I mean come on, THREE FLIPPING THOUSAND WORDS? I WAS AIMING FOR AT LEAST SEVEN THOUSAND DAMMIT! Comment? Follow? Fave?
