A not so peaceful Summer Break

Greetings! I notice that I forgot about the disclaimer last time so here it is.

Disclaimer: I do not own either anime/manga. They belong to their respective owners.

Now that that's out of the way, here is the first chapter. I hope you like it!

-Line Break- Airport in Tokyo-

"We're here!" Daisuke called excitedly looking around as they exited the airport.

"It's beautiful!" Emiko said matching her son's excitement and looking around as well.

"Indeed it is." Daiki agreed while Kosuke, a few feet away, was calling a taxi for all of them.

"Ok, the taxi should be here in about five minutes." Kosuke said as he walked back to where the rest of them were.

The taxi arrived exactly as said and brought them along with their stuff to the house they would be renting. Once they got there and looked the house over, they unpacked and had lunch. Now they were trying to decided what to do.

"Well I'm going to go visit the museum where the next target is!" Emiko said with a big smile and went to gather her things for the trip.

"I'll be looking further into it the artifact." Kosuke said exiting the room.

"I guess I'll help you." Daiki said following Kosuke.

Daisuke left all alone figured he go and explore a little bit and left the house with Wiz on his shoulder.

About an hour of simply walking around and looking, Daisuke came to a big park. He decided to sit on a bench and relaxed for a while and enjoy the nice weather. It wasn't that long before there was some screeching coming form the other side of the park.

Daisuke jumped to his feet in surprise. "What was that?" shocked evident in his voice as well as on his face.

"Only one way to find out" Dark said from within Daisuke's mind.

"Right!" Daisuke's face showed determination, the shock fading now. He started running in the direction from where the sound came from. He notice a lot of people running away from the area screaming and picked up his pace. When he got there he quickly hid behind a tree so he was out of sight of a monster that resembled a big mutated turtle.

"Dark, what is that?" Daisuke asked in a whisper as to not be heard by the creature. His shock came back twice as hard.

"I don't know, I never seen something like that before." Dark replied. He was just as surprise as Daisuke but was more confused when he saw someone floating in the air close to the creature.

"What should we do, Dark?" Daisuke asked also seeing the person who seemed to be telling the creature what to do.

Before Dark could answer him, they both notice five girls in weird costumes running up to the person and the creature.

"We'll stay hidden until we find out more, alright Dai?" Dark suggested. With Daisuke nodding to show he agreed.

From their position behind the tree they could hear what was be said and heard the pink girl shout "Kisshu! How dare you disrupt the peace here!"

The person they saw floating, who they guessed was Kisshu, replied "Well well, if it isn't the Mew Mews. Come to play with my chimera animal?"

"Yeah right, we came to stop you!" this time it was the yellow girl speaking.

"Oh well, not like there is much choice. Chimera animas, ATTACK!" Kisshu shouted while pointing at the girls.

From what Daisuke and Dark could gather from the brief conversation, the creature was called a chimera animas and the group of colourful girls was something called Mew Mews.

Not too long after the fight broke out it seemed like the girls were having trouble. All of their attacks seem to bounced right off the creature's shell and came right back at them.

"Dark, shouldn't we help them?" Daisuke asked.

"I don't know if we should be getting involved or not, but if a girl is in distress its my duty to save her." Dark stated. Daisuke sweat drop at Dark's motives but quickly transformed anyway.

Dark now in control, and with the help of Wiz as his wings, took to the sky. He circled the fight a couple of times to look for any weaknesses he could exploit. He noticed that whenever the purple mew would use her whip-like weapon to throw it off balance the person called Kisshu would intervene every time with his swords. So if he could distracted Kisshu he believed the girls could have a chance and that's exactly what he did. He threw a black feather in front of Kisshu in order to get his attention, which worked. Kisshu spun in the air to face him with a bit of shock on his face.

"Who are you?" he asked shock leaving his face and a question look replacing it instead.

Ignoring his question, Dark turned his head over to the Mews who looked up when they heard Kisshu asked his question. "Now is your chance." Dark said gesturing to the creature.

It took a moment but the girls came out of the shock state and quickly set to work on defeating the Chimera animas.

Kisshu about to turn towards them to stop them said "Oh no you don't!" but a black feather intercepted him and he turned back to a smirking Dark.

"I don't think so, pointy ear." Dark said still smirking.

"What!? Pointy ear!? How dare you!?" Kisshu said, looking ready to burst in anger, attacked Dark straight on. But Dark was faster and dodge all of his swings.

They both stop when they heard the screeching of the creature and both of them turned to see the last of the light of the girls' attacks fade. On the ground they saw the girls cheering and Dark turned back to Kisshu only to hear him say "This isn't over!" before disappearing.

When Dark looked back to the girls he notice a couple of boys running towards them with worried expressions. The blond one notice him and asked "Who is he?"

The pink girl was the one who respond. "We don't know, but he helped us out big time."

Dark flew closer to the ground and landed so that he was still far enough away that when he went to make his get away they wouldn't be able to stop him.

"So, anyone want to explain somethings? Like what that creature was along with who the pointy ear guy was, or better yet who you lovely girls are?" Dark said pulling out his playboy smile for the last question.

"Dark! Did you have to ask it like that?" Daisuke complained, blushing within his own mind.

A few girls blushed at the last part along with his playboy smile, but the man with the ponytail responded calmly with "Certainly, and perhaps you could answer our questions as well?"

"That would depend on your questions." Dark responded, his smile turning into his famous smirk.

"Who are you? And why did you help us out?" Blondie basically interrogated.

"Ah ah ah" Dark said waving a single finger. "I help you out, so you should answer my questions first." Dark said, smirk never leaving his face.

The blond boy was obviously getting frustrated, but the purple girl intervened and said "Fine, well answer your questions first."

It seemed that Blondie calmed down enough to answer so he took over the explanation. "The creature you saw was what's called a Chimera animas, which are created by the aliens, also known as Cyniclons, one of which you fought. These girls are Tokyo Mew Mew, they fight these aliens to protect the earth."

Dark took a moment to take all the information in. "Hey Dai, did you know anything about this?" he asked Daisuke in his head so the others wouldn't hear him.

"No, this is the first time I'm hearing about it" Daisuke responded just as confused by all of this.

"Now it's your turn. Who are you?" Blondie asked again.

"I suppose I should answer." Dark said as if he was thinking about it, which irradiated Blondie even more. "I guess I'll tell you. I'm Phantom thief Dark, pleasure to meet you. As for the reason I helped you, I suppose it was because I saw five pretty girls in distress. I couldn't just walk away without helping them now could I?" that famous smirk of his still playing on his face.

"Daaaaark! Why say it like that?" Daisuke complaining again from within his mind.

Most of the girls blushed once more when he explained his reason for coming to their rescue.

"Wait, Phantom thief?" the pink mew asked.

"I bet he's nothing more than a petty thief." the blue mew said in a snobby tone and turning her face away a little bit.

The green mew respond instead of Dark with "I don't think a petty thief would have wings like that." she said while pointing to Wiz in wing form, of course they wouldn't know that though.

"How does Pudding get wings like that?" the little yellow mew asked with little starts in her eyes.

Completely ignoring the odd question, Dark said "Correct miss green mew" which caused her to blush even more than before "If you don't believe who I say I am, then watch tonight's news at eight o'clock. Speaking of which I should be going, I need to prepare for tonight's heist." Dark saying the last couple of phrases more as if he was just realizing how late it's gotten.

Dark took to the air ignoring the calls for him to wait. "See you around" Dark said giving a small wave before he flew off.

-Line Break-

If there is any grammar mistakes, I apologize. I don't have much else to say, so like always;

Until next time!