Chapter 1-The Adventure Begins
Dear Diary,
It's the second day out on this sea voyage to meet with one of fathers business partners. We're on the Siren voyager. It's one of my father's boat. Oh how I wish I was able to stay home. Not that I get sick on sea trips but the fact that I have to stay in the hotel when we reach land unless I am accompanied by one of the servants and even then father refuses. I'm just lucky I'll be able to go out on the deck here on the ship but not for long. 'A lady must have perfect skin' or so father says. I just can't wait to watch the sea roll around us in all the glorious splendor that is the sea. I love the way the sea foams around the ship and pushes off to join with the rest of the sea. Well I will write more later. Hopefully there will be an adventure waiting for me this time unlike the last few times.
-June 26 X791
Lucy placed her pen down and smiled out the window of her cabin in the ship. She could see the clouds floating in the sky and white seagulls squawing through the air looking for food. "I want to see more," Lucy mumbled then said louder, "Virgo could you please pull out my old blue dress please? And I don't want all the petticoats just one or two will do. I want to feel the breeze not stand there imagining it."
"Yes princess." Virgo bowed and moved over to one of the trunks that were placed in the netting to keep them from moving with the sea. After rummaging through the trunk Virgo pulled out a slightly faded blue dress with white ruffles lining the semi-low neckline and two white stripes on the abdomen section, going from below the bosom area, to the skirt. The skirt hung down with a small white bottom ruffle lining. "Here, princess let me help you." As Lucy was standing there while Virgo was tying up her dress the ship rocked unexpectedly and Virgo fell into Lucy. "I'm sorry princess do you wish to punish me?"
Lucy smiled and helped herself and Virgo up. "Of course not Virgo it wasn't your fault and why do you always ask that?" All Virgo did was shrug before quickly finishing the laces. "Thank you Virgo, if you wish to stay in here and relax you may I'll be having Capricorn accompanying me." Virgo smiled brightly and nodded her head and left to go grab the goat-like man. A few minutes passed by and there came a knock on the door. Heading to the door Lucy grabbed her parasol just in case her father decided to join her up on the deck. "Thank you Capricorn for accompanying me up here I really dislike being in that cabin where I can't even view the sea or get the chance of seeing dolphins, do you think we will see some this time? We were only able to see them that one time but they were so wonderful." Lucy smiled a bittersweet smile, remembering the first and only time she saw dolphins live.
It was when Lucy was just 8 years old, and it was her first time on a boat. She was giggling happily holding onto her "Little Sister" as she gazed out onto the sea. The ship was recently anchored so that the Heartfilia family could move around on the top deck, per the Head of the Heartfilia family's orders. Her dad didn't want anything to happen to his precious wife and daughter. Jude smiled at his wife as she walked next to his little girl. Lucy turned to the sea when a movement caught her attention. It was movement in the vast open ocean, the first movement she saw since they arrived on the ship about a week before, so pulling her mother's hand toward the bulwarks to get a better view. She told her mother that she saw something when her mother asked what caught her eye so as she leaned down to look through the hole that was there her mother protectively held onto her daughter as they looked for what it was. After about a minute or so there about 30 feet from the ship was a pod of dolphins jumping out of the water and playing with each other. As Lucy's mother told her all that she knew about dolphins Lucy was being more enthralled in what the cute animals were doing as she noticed some were getting closer to the boat. Her mother told her that the dolphins were curious animals and loved playing around ships to see what was going on on the ship and were told be be good fortune to the ship and the people on it. She also said that when they directed their attention on one of the passengers, or shipmates that they will find love that surpasses any on the Earthland could ever imagine. Lucy giggled because she noticed her mother looked over at her father when she said this. Lucy looked back through the whole to notice about five dolphins were playing next to the ship, jumping out of the water, diving back in and then a few seconds later coming back up, one of the dolphins sprayed her a little when Lucy started talking to it. Her mother said that the dolphin liked her. Feeling really happy about this Lucy talked more to the dolphin about herself and her "little sister" until her mother told her it was time they went to the cabin so they could sail off again. Throughout that whole trip her friend and its pod didn't leave the ship's side and escorted them to the port before whistling and leaving to play more out in the deep ocean.
Since that day Lucy loved everything about dolphins.
~~End of Flashback~~
Capricorn smiled down at his mistress with the same sad but happy look on his face as well at the memory of Lucy's mother, his previous mistress. "Yes, Mistress Lucy-sama. I do believe we will see some if they wish to show. Even though I am more than sure they will appear some time during our trip on the sea." He bowed slightly towards Lucy when she looked toward him.
"Capricorn, you know you do not have to call me Mistress unless father is around and you know he isn't going to be anywhere near the deck unless we are docked at the port." Lucy smiled gently up at her butler, in her family she was allowed to have a butler but Virgo was her main Lady's maid. "I feel as if you are part of my family Capricorn so please while father isn't around you don't have to call me Mistress. I feel weird when you or anyone calls me that."
Chuckling Capricorn pats Lucys hand that is resting on his forearm. "But Virgo calls you princess, what is the difference between me and her?"
"No matter what I do she won't even say my name. At least with you you say my name. So that is why it is weirder." Lucy looked back out toward the sea as the sun started to lean toward the horizon.
"Ma'am, the supper is ready. Do you wish to dine with the crew, you're father or by yourself tonight?" A voice was heard behind Lucy. When she turned she saw it was the quartermaster, dressed in slightly off white loose cloth shirt with the front top opened a little that allowed to see some of his chest and black pants tucked neatly into his half-calf black leather boots.
"Thank you sir, I will go see if father wants any company and if not then I shall join the crew so there would be no inconvenience." The quartermaster nodded and left to inform the captain. "Come on, Capricorn lets go see if this will be one of the rare occasions father wants my company?" With that they both walked below decks and headed for her fathers room.
~Later that night~
Dear Diary,
Day two is over. Not surprising when father denied my company for dinner, even before we opened the door to his cabin he yells in his demanding voice that he wished to sup alone. I guess the quartermaster went to father before he came to me. Oh well, I heard some amazing stories while eating with the crew. I felt so at ease with them and them with I, so after supper was over and Cook went to the sink to rinse the dishes Geri started talking about the newest sea rumors. He said when he was walking around the port before we set had set sail that there was a band of pirate roaming around the seas now, they go after ships for the booty and cause a lot of damage to the ship. He said that it was said that the captain was so fearsome that the crew was scared to just leave the ship without permission. When I asked them if they knew if the pirates would be coming after us they assuredly said that they wouldnt but I'm not sure it was well known that father and I were sailing to Midi and everyone in Fiore knows the Heartfilia name. Capricorn and Virgo has tried to assure me as well so I am more at ease than I was before but still I am unsure. We are going around Caelum because the passageway between Caelum and Minstrel was blocked and straight into pirate territory. As worried as I am about our future adventure I can not ignore the feeling of excitement is blooming.
Good Night Diary
-June 26 X791