Hello again! This chapter is much longer the the previous two but I hope you enjoy it. This is also the last chapter for this story. Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors.

Anything in Italics is a flashback

Disclaimer: I still don't own Legend of Korra

Toph walked out of Police Headquarters and began the tedious process of locating her youngest daughter. Wandering through the city she found herself in the shopping district of the city, figuring that Su may be checking out the most recent Republic City fashions. Walking around the stores, Toph noticed a semi-familiar heartbeat of someone she knew was dead. Confused by the feeling, Toph sought the person out. Walking through a few more stores Toph finally located the person.

"So you're the Avatar?" Toph asked the person in the wheelchair in front of her

Korra glanced up from the pile of shirts she was looking at and starred at the grey haired women talking to her, her hair was pulled up in a bun and she was wearing traditional Earth Kingdom green clothes; noting the women's faded green eyes and the similarities with Lin it clicked in Korra's mind as to who was talking to her.

Before she could reply Asami appeared next to her, "Hey, just leave her alone." Asami snapped, thinking that Toph was bothering Korra

"No Asami, it's all right." Came the strangly soft voice of Korra before Toph could snap back at Asami, "You're Toph aren't you?" Korra asked

"Of course." Toph said with a smirk, "I'm glad to see you're out and about kid."

"Asami dragged me out shopping with her." Korra replied

"Well that sounds awful boring; I've always hated shopping myself."

"I hate shopping too."

"Well then that settles it! You can help me find Su and we'll end up back at Air Temple Island." Toph added for Asami's sake as Korra smiled weakly up at Toph

"Korra are you sure?" Asami asked her ailing friend, eyeing Toph wearily

"Yes Asami I'm sure, Toph is Lin's mom after all, I'll be fine." Korra reassured her, "I'll just need you to push my wheelchair Toph, I'm still getting my strength back and it's turning into a long process." Korra explained to her new traveling company

"Not a problem kid." Toph reassured Korra as they set off down the street

"So why are you looking for Su?" Korra asked as they went past more shops

"What makes you think I'm going to tell you?" Toph questioned with a raised eyebrow

"We should talk about something, walking in silence is awkward." Korra reasoned

"That can be true, but I'm actually not sure yet what I'm going to talk to Su about." Toph reviled as they began to walk away from the shopping district and through the center of the city, "I knew what Lin needed to hear but I'm not sure really about Su, I've never been able to figure out what goes on in her head."

"Maybe she needs reassurance." Korra offered looking around at the people milling about in the park as they walked through

"If she does I don't know what kind, she's always been a spitfire and had shown no sign of slowing down when she was growing up, I had thought she was going to travel the world forever."

"It sounds like she was just looking for the right place to settle down."

"Yeah I suppose so; you know Katara said the same thing about you once."

"Really? You two have talked about me?" Korra asked surprised

"Yup, Sugar Queen wanted me to be your earthbending teacher when you were learning."

"Why didn't you?"

"Well besides the fact that the South Pole is a horrible place to learn earthbending, I told her that I'd had enough of crazy spirited kids sending boulders at my head." Toph laughed

"Who sent boulders at your head?"

"Both Lin and Su, it seemed to be an inevitable part of their training. It either happened when they first realized they could earthbend which was usually during a tantrum or when I'd try to split the two of them up when they were fighting."

"I can't deny that if you had been my teacher a rock or two may have been flung at you, I actually incased my first earthbending teacher in rock within the first five minutes."

"Oh I wish I could have been there to see the reaction."

"The members of the White Lotus and my parents were morbid and Katara was laughing, she kept saying 'I told you so.'"

"Haha, she knew that if I was your teacher I wouldn't have put up with that and sent you into the ground yourself."

"It all worked out in the end, maybe Su is back on the island."

"Must be because I haven't felt her anywhere and you haven't seen her."

The pair made their way over to the ferry to head over to Air Temple Island.

"Can Lin and Su avoid your seismic sense?" Korra asked curiously as they waited for the ferry

"Lin came close to learning how to avoid it completely, I have no idea if Su ever continued training in her seismic sense; both went through a phase where they didn't want me to know what they were up to and if you want something hard enough you find a way to do it and they did."

Korra starred off over the bay as the boarded the ferry thinking about the last bit of what Toph had said. The ferry moved across the bay to Air Temple Island where it arrived a few minutes later. Disembarking the two women made their way up towards the training area.

"Why are we walking to the training area?" Korra asked

"Because there are people over there, that's why." Toph explained

"I guess that makes sense."

"Of course it does and you were right, Su is here."

Arriving at the training ground Korra saw that it was just Opal, Bolin and Su present. Bolin was watching as Opal and Su seemed to be practicing some dance moves.

"By the way kid, I think we do still need an Avatar." Toph said suddenly

Korra glanced at her puzzled, "What makes you say that? I've heard so many people in the last year say we don't need the Avatar anymore."

"The world was without the Avatar for so long that I believe they have forgotten why we need the Avatar in the first place, to keep peace and to show everyone we are all the same and can live together as one. Aang was tasked with repairing the world from a war, which he was successful at; I think you now need to remind everyone that we're all the same and the Avatar should reflect that if there is no war or do that at the same time they try to find a resolution to problems."

Korra was surprised with how deep Toph's words were she'd always just heard stories about the women in front of her always joking about a situation. Before she could reply Su spotted them and came running over.

"Mom! What are you doing here?" Su asked once she was close enough, Opal and Bolin followed behind her

"I just chatted with Lin and I wanted to talk to you too, I got the impression at least at dinner last night that you wanted to talk to me."

"Actually I do, let's go find a place."

Opal and Bolin began to show off their new bending skills to Korra who was looking very impressed with her friends while Toph and Su began the trek to the more removed parts of the island.

"If I remember there should be a little cove over here." Su said as they walked down towards the beach

"Actually that was destroyed, why don't we just sit here in the shade of these trees." And without waiting for an answer from Su, Toph created an earth seat under a set of trees and sat, waiting for her youngest to do the same

"How does someone destroy a cove?"

"Simple, your airbender boyfriend breaks your heart and in your anger you cause a large rockslide which causes one side of the island to have a landscape change."

"Lin did it!?"

"No I did, of course it was Lin! Tenzin was lucky she didn't destroy more of the island. Now what was it you wanted to talk about?"

Su made her own earth seat and sat down with a sigh, "You never actually told me if you were mad at me that day I hurt Lin. Yes we've discussed your actions in sending me away and the way you raised us but I've always wondered if you were mad when you realized I had left scars on Lin's face."

"Have you discussed this with Lin?"

"Yes, just the other day. I told her that I hadn't realized the wound had scarred till I saw a picture of her a few years later. She said that she doesn't blame me anymore."

"Why do you think I'd be mad about the scars?"

"Because although Lin and I had fought numerous times before that we'd never actually injured each other."

Toph reclined back slightly in her chair and put her feet up on a slab of earth, she crossed her arms as she stared in the direction of her daughter. "I was mad, when the call came back to headquarters that Lin was injured I thought that something had gone terribly wrong in the chase of those robbers."

"What do you mean my daughter has been injured! She was responding to robbery." Toph shouted at the officer who had come into her office with the news

"I…we'll…a call came in from Lin that she's bringing back the three individuals involved in the robbery and that she was injured in the capture ma'am." Said the scared officer who was seriously wondering why he had to be the one to deliver the news

Toph stormed from her office, "Has she arrived back yet?" she asked at large to the room of officers, silently glad that her daughter's injury wasn't bad enough to keep her from driving back

The doors to the squad room suddenly slammed open as Lin stormed into the room and headed straight towards her mother. "Did you hear what happened?" Lin growled still angry from dealing with Su

Without answering Toph grabbed Lin's wrist and dragged Lin into her office for some privacy. Shutting the door behind her, Toph turned to face Lin and began to run her hands all over her daughter looking for the wound.

"They just told me you were injured in the arrest, where are you hurt?" Toph replied as she continued her search, Lin grabbed her mom's hand and brought it up to her face. Toph could feel the blood that had dried along the two long, ridged cuts on her daughter's face

"How did this happen?" Toph asked as Lin found the first-aid kit and began to clean the wound, wincing as the alcohol pad touched her face

"One of robbers managed to cut my metal cable and it spun back and caught me on the face." Lin explained as she began to put a dressing over the wound

"What! How'd that even happen? Nothing is supposed to be able to brake those cables."

"I don't know maybe I just need some new ones."

"What aren't you telling me?" Toph questioned, feeling the slight change in Lin's heartbeat

"Someone else was in the car with the two robbers."


Before Lin could answer there was a knock on the door and Toph's second in command stick his head in the office, "Um Chief we have a slight problem with one of the people Officer BeiFong brought in."

"And what would that be?"

"One of them is Suyin."

"WHAT! Bring her up her immediately." Hearing the door shut Toph turned on Lin, "Don't even tell me that you arrested your sister!" She shouted

"Mom I had no choice!" Lin argued back

Before Toph could respond Su was brought in and she had both her daughters take a seat as she began to plan how to handle this problem.

"Wait a minute, Lin never told you that I had cut the cable?" Su asked surprised

"I figured it out after I personally interrogated those two boys. But Lin never actually told me and I never told her that I knew so to answer you original question, yes I was mad because I taught you two to never hurt each other and I felt that you betrayed my trust."

Su stared down at the ground but looked back at her mother when she began talking again, "That's really all you wanted to ask me?"

"Do you think I'm a good mother?"

"Ah the true question has appeared and my guess is your asking me this since your decision about sending Opal to the Northern Air Temple made you feel like you were going to lose her and now you don't want to leave her again."

"Are you sure you haven't learned how to read minds?"

"Yes I'm sure and to answer your actual question, you're the best mom you can be. It's not like you had the best role model anyways."

"There you two are!" Lin shouted as she came running up to Toph and Su. "Opal said you two had come walking this way a while ago and I was coming to telling you that it's time for dinner."

"Already? That's early." Su said surprised

"Apparently Katara is leaving tonight and Tenzin wanted her to eat dinner here before leaving." Lin explained

"Well then let's get going before Katara herself comes looking for us, I don't buy the nice old grandma routine she has going." Toph declared getting up and walking away causing her daughters to rush after her

Arriving back at the main part of the island Katara greeted them and gestured Lin and Su on a head of her.

As she watched the two girls head into the dining room she turned to Toph, "So you're family has returned to normal?" she asked her friend

"I think it's better than normal, both seemed to have gotten things off their chests and they're actually talking to each other." Toph said with a smile

"I'm glad, now let's go see what Pema made for dinner."

"Oh dear Pema made dinner? I hope she's a better cook then she used to be."

"I think she's improved, she realized that her cooking was the reason I wasn't coming to visit."

"Haha, at least Lin could cook, that boy made such a mistake when he broke her heart."

"Wait till you see the dessert, I think Pema is trying to make nice with you now too."

"It'll take more than my favorite desert to do that."

"It won't keep her from trying, trust me."

Walking into the dining room Toph figure now was a good time for her announcement, "Everyone! I'm going to stop traveling, so which of my daughters wants me to live with them." She shouted with a large smirk on her face

Lin smacked her face with her palm and Su clasped her hands in excitement smiling widely at her mother, "Well I can certainly tell who missed me more." Toph said with a chuckle picking at the Water Tribe cuisine in front of her, "Katara I thought those sea prunes were you're favorite, where are they?" Both women exchanged a private smirk when Toph's question caused Pema to run out of the room and back to the kitchen in search of sea prunes while Tenzin just glared at his mother and Toph as both women tried to contain their laughter.

"Things will definitely be interesting with mom around again." Su commented quietly to Lin, watching Pema come running back in with sea prunes that she had managed to find

"It most certainly will be and I think she may just drive Pema nuts." Lin added watching as her mother commented that sea prunes had actually been Sokka's favorite and Katara only really like them when she was pregnant. Now Kya and Bumi joined the Beifong sisters as they all tried to hide their laughter as Pema smacked her head against Tenzin's shoulder in defeat.

Thank you all for reading! Please feel free to leave a review!