Hey everyone! Sorry for this one taking so long to finish. Life got in my way and I was kind of unmotivated to do this chapter. Well anyway here it is chapter 5! Enjoy!
Chapter 5: Voltage Goes Clubbing
Disclaimer: I don't own a Pokemon or a Rosario + Vampire.
Class Room
It's another day at Yokai Academy, Denatsu and the girls are currently inside their classrooms. Denatsu was staring out the window imagining the next time he could battle. Moka was taking down some notes and Kurumu was gazing at Denatsu thinking about how dreamy he looked.
"Now then," Miss Nakaonome began catching the rooms attention. "Because our school is supposed to act similar to a human school it is mandatory for you all to join a club. Not only will this help you adapt better to human society, It will also help you deepen your taste for human arts and culture."
Denatsu sighed after hearing this. True, he didn't live in the human world where he would learn these things but humans lived in his world and after becoming an explorer and taking a mission that involved going to the human world he found out there weren't that many differences between the two cultures. Other than the fact some of the humans of his world could go 1 on 1 with pokemon.
"Um… Miss Nakonome?" One of the students raised his hand. "If we're doing this to blend in with humans wouldn't you already be failing?" The student asked as he pointed out her tail.
"Arw?" Ms. Nakonome blinked and looked back to see her cat tail sticking out. She turned back to the student, looking at him with her usual smile and walked up to him. Denatsu then noticed something that probably went unnoticed at first by the rest of the class. Miss Nakonome's fingernails started to glow white and lengthened a little.
'I feel sorry for him already.' Denatsu thought to himself knowing full well what was going to happen next.
"Slash." Ms. Nakonome whispered under her breath and with one swift move, she clawed the boy across the face.
"Gyaaa!" The student yelled out as he was rolling on the floor in pain, his face now covered in scratches.
Ms. Nekonome calmly walked back to her desk as if nothing had happened.
"May Arceus know no worse wrath than that of a woman scorned." Denatsu mumbled to himself. 'Still what a surprise to know that she's a pokemon too.'
Ms. Nekonome walked back to her desk as if nothing ever happened. "So anyway, all of the clubs will be running booths today. And don't be afraid to visit the Newspaper Club. I'm the advisor so don't be shy!"
Denatsu look at the woman as if she was nuts. 'No ones coming to your club after that little display.' he thought to himself.
"C'mon Denatsu!" Moka said with a bright smile as she took her friends arm. "Let's see what kinds of clubs there are!"
"Oh, right." Denatsu nodded.
Club Fair: Denatsu's Location
For the rest of the day classes were cancelled for the club fair. All of the clubs had set up booths to attract attention and get more people to join up. Denatsu looked around not all that interested in the clubs he saw. Chances were there weren't any clubs that were related to his interests which were adventures and battling. Not a very good chance that a school teaching how to be a normal human would have a club that would have anything to do with those kind of things.
"Hey Denatsu." Moka spoke up catching his attention. "Are there any clubs you're interested in?"
"Not really." Denatsu said scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "The things I enjoy most are adventures and battling. I doubt the school will have anything like that. So I'll just join up with whatever you and the other girls are going to join I guess."
"R-really?" Moka asked happily.
"Yeah." Denatsu responded with his usual bright smile. "I mean, what's the point of a club if you can't enjoy it with your friends."
Moka smiled happily. "Right, lets go!" She cheered as she pulled the boy around to the club booths.
One of the clubs they passed had a guy with his eyes practically bulging out of his skull and holding a camera. "Care to join the Photography Club?" the boy moaned out like a zombie. "We can take lots of pictures."
Denatsu narrowed his eyes at the boy, the way he said that didn't sound right to him but what the boy said next really put him off.
The boy aimed the camera at Moka with a perverted grin on his already creepy face. "Are nudes ok?"
Before anything else could be said Denatsu grabbed the camera the club member was holding and fried it with a bolt of electricity. "I believe that answers both your questions." Denatsu said with a growl as electricity sparked off his cheeks threateningly. The club member got the message easy enough and ran off before he became Denatsu's next target.
"Can't believe someone can just walk up to someone and say that without a second thought." Denatsu said to himself as he and Moka walked away.
Moka looked at Denatsu with a slight blush. The tone that he used when scaring away the perverted club member sounded protective. Moka smiled as she walked along next to him.
The next club they walked by was the Chemistry Club and this too wasn't the best choice. As Moka and Denatsu walked by the boys all ran up to Moka with various beakers of bubbling liquids.
"Please Moka drink this!" All the boys started shouting causing Moka to run into Denatsu's arms with a startled scream.
Since meeting Kurumu, Denatsu has had to keep an eye out for one in particular ingredient that she always seemed to put in her baking goods, love potions. Denatsu had a great nose so he easily smelled them and the more powerful the potion, the easier it was to detect. And right now Denatsu's nose was cringing at the sheer power of the stench that potion was giving off. Denatsu gave the club a cold hard glare that sent shivers down their spines.
"You have five seconds to get out of here before I turn you all into the electronics club instead of 'chemistry'." Denatsu growled as electricity started sparking off his cheeks and letting loose some killer intent. The group backed off as Denatsu and Moka walked away.
After those two clubs, they didn't have much success anywhere else. Most of the clubs they passed were just creepy or weirded them out. Other clubs wanted Moka to join but not Denatsu. This resulted in Moka turning them down.
After about an hour the two had yet to find a club they wanted and were now buying some drinks from the soda machine.
"I don't think any of these clubs are a good fit for me." Moka sighed as she took a drink from her can of tomato juice.
"I know," Denatsu nodded in agreement. "I mean seriously, an acupuncture club? That guy who was advertising was green and was stuck full of needles. I was about ready to call an ambulance for him."
Moka nodded. "And why do they have a mummy club? It was just weird."
"Exactly! " Denatsu agreed. "I mean seriously, don't they have any normal clubs at this school?"
"Well then how about joining the Swim Club?" A voice asked.
Moka and Denatsu turned to see a rather attractive aqua blue haired girl wearing a purple bikini, which really showed off her slender figure, and a sarong wrapped around her waist. Denatsu blushed a bit a her appearance.
"My name is Tamao Ichinose, captain of the Swimming Club." The girl said with a smile.
"The Swimming Club?" Denatsu repeated. 'Finally a club that isn't totally creepy.' He thought to himself.
"Yes, at the moment we only have female members and we are hoping to pull in a few boys." Tamao explained. "So are you interested?" She asked in a slightly seductive way.
Denatsu crossed his arms and thought for a moment. 'Swimming isn't the best thing in the world but it's the first normal looking club we have run across, plus Moka and the other girls might have fun.' He thought to himself. 'Maybe a quick test run wouldn't be so bad.' Denatsu uncrossed his arms and looked back at the girl. "I guess we can give it a try."
"Wonderful." Tamao said with a small smile. "Come right this way." She said as she lead Denatsu along.
Behind Denatsu, Moka had adopted an uneasy look but followed her friend.
Academy Swimming Pool
Denatsu was sitting at the edge of the pool with his legs dangling in the water. He was currently wearing nothing accept a pair of yellow swim trunks. Denatsu was very fit for someone his age. He was not overly bulky but one could easily see his muscles and he had a rather large faded scar along his stomach.
Denatsu was currently looking down at the water a bit displeased. "I really didn't think this all the way through." He mumbled to himself.
Denatsu looked around the pool and blushed a bit. Every cute girl there was wearing a bikini, not a single one of them were wearing a one piece swimsuit. 'Not bad view though.' Denatsu mentally slapped himself after thinking that. 'No, bad thoughts! Bad thoughts!' After a second or two a very detailed image of Moka in a bikini popped into his head. Denatsu's face turned beet red at the thought. 'Where is Moka anyway?' He internally asked trying to sound as innocent as he could in his own head.
Denatsu looked around and spotted Moka as far away from the water's edge as she could be and she was still in her uniform. A wave of disappointment washed over Denatsu when he saw her and after a second or two a wave of shame took it's place. 'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!' He mentally yelled. After that Denatsu calmed down and looked back towards Moka. 'But I wonder whats wrong.'
Denatsu got up and started walking toward Moka to see if she was alright but before he could get anywhere close to Moka he heard an all too familiar voice.
"Denatsu!" Kurumu yelled out cheerfully as she tackled the boy, catching him by surprise. "I'm so glad were in the same club!"
"Hay, Kuru-" Then Denatsu took notes of what she was wearing and blushed madly.
"Do you like it?" She asked with a smirk as she struck a sexy pose that made her breasts bounce. She was wearing a small yellow bikini that left very little to the imagination. Denatsu's only response was to nod transfixed by the suit. "Oh! I knew I picked the right color! Yellow must be your favorite."
'Well actually it's red but… Wait minute.'
The writer then proceeded to make Kurumu hug Denatsu's arm to her chest to distract him from the thought that was placed in his head. "I was hoping that you and I could have some alone time and teach me how to swim." She asked seductively.
"Uh, w-w-well I'm not the best swimmer." Denatsu stuttered out.
Kurumu blushed at the thought of what she was going to do next. She loosened the knot on the back which allowed the straps to come undone but she cupped her chest to keep the bikinis top on. Denatsu's face turned completely red as blood nearly gushed out of his nose as she cood out, "Or maybe if you like you could help me put some lotion on so I don't burnt."
Kurumu got knocked to the ground when a golden wash basin slammed her in the head before disappeared in a puff of smoke.
"Stay away from Denatsu you big breasted cow!" Yukari shouted as she approached wearing dark blue one piece swimsuit. "He doesn't need you shoving your breast in his face!"
"At least I have boobs!" Kurumu snapped back as she got up again. "Your flat as a washboard! Why should Denatsu even bother looking at you! You're just a little kid!"
Yukari smirked. "Well at least I won't have to worry about mine saging when I get older!"
Kurumu was seering in anger after that little comment. "Sag!? NOT LIKELY! Any way I doubt you get any bigger than a surfboard!" She shouted as she came at Yukari and the two girls put each other in headlocks.
"Take that back!"
"Make me!"
Denatsu sweat dropped as he looked at the two girls fighting. 'Why does every argument they have turn into breast size?' Normally Denatsu would try to stop the two from killing each other but he used this opportunity to slip away to see if Moka was all right.
"This spot taken?" Denatsu asked with a light smile as he approached the girl.
Moka looked up at Denatsu and blushed a bit at his appearance. "N- no. It's fine."
"S- so why aren't you swimming?" Moka asked as Denatsu took his seat and when she glanced at the pool nervously.
Denatsu leaned back in his chair and sighed. "Well, water and I don't exactly mix. It's not that I can't swim it's just that I run the risk of zapping the entire pool if I'm not careful. So you really can't have much fun swimming when you're concentrating on not shocking everybody."
"Oh, then why did you want to join?" Moka asked.
"It was the first club that we ran into that didn't seem completely weird or was just full of perverts that were mentally undressing you." Denatsu answered. "Plus, I thought you and the other girls would have fun but you don't seem to be having any fun here."
"Well," Moka turned back to the water. "Like you, vampires and water do not mix. Whenever we touch water it drains us of our strength and if we are exposed to a lot of it for too long it can kill us. But it's ok, you and the others can… "
Moka was cut off when Denatsu shot up out of his chair. "Then what are we doing here?!"
Moka looked up at the boy surprised by his sudden reaction. "W- what do mean?"
Denatsu calmed down after a second. "Moka, I joined this club so you and I could have fun together. Not for you to just sit here and possibly get yourself hurt." He finished.
Moka looked up at Denatsu. He had only joined this club because he wanted to have fun with her. Even though it was the swim club Moka was touched that Denatsu did this so that she would enjoy it.
"It's my fault for bring you here. I should have asked you what you wanted… I'm sorry." Denatsu gave Moka an apologetic bow. "I'll tell Tamao and the other girls that we're not going to join after all and we can just go find another club. That ok with you?"
"Denatsu…" Moka said gently and then she smiled up at him. "Yes, lets go." She said happily.
Denatsu smiled. "Right, I'll tell the others that were leaving."
Moka got out of her chair. "Right! Let's go find something we all can all enjoy." She said with a smile.
"Something the matter over here?" Asked a familiar voice. The two turned to see Tamao standing by the edge of the pool a few feet away.
Denatsu walked over to the club leader. "Sorry Tamao," Denatsu started. "but it looks like we won't be joining the Swim Club after all."
"Oh and why is that?" She asked with a frown.
"Well my friend really doesn't feel comfortable around water so we are going to look for something else." Denatsu explained.
"Are you sure?" She asked. "We really want you to stay."
Denatsu frowned. "Yes. I'm sure, so thank…"
Tamao cut Denatsu off. "I don't think you heard me. We really want you to stay." She said a bit more aggressively than before.
Denatsu narrowed his eyes at the girl, the tone of her voice made it sound more like a threat. But before Denatsu could say anything else Tamao grabbed him by the shoulders and jumped into the pool with him.
"Denatsu!" Moka shouted out in surprise. She was completely shocked at what Tamao had done. After a few seconds Denatsu broke the surface of the water coughing up water.
"Didn't see that coming." Denatsu coughed out. Shortly after Tamao emerged from the water and wrapped her arms around Denatsu from behind.
"You see Denatsu I have wanted to meet you for along time and I was so happy when you joined my little club."
"If you're trying to buy my affection you can forget it." Denatsu said firmly.
"Oh, I'm not after your affection," Tamao chuckled lightly. "I want your life force." She whispered darkly in his ear. Denatsu heard the moaning of pain coming from his left. He looked over to that direction and his eyes widened in horror at what he saw. A girl was biting down on the neck of one of the boys. She had fins on the side of her head and had webbed hands, but that was not what horrified Denatsu. He watched as the boy withered and aged rapidly. Denatsu looked around and noticed several other boys meet the same fate. When the other boys noticed this, they tried to escape. But some of them were caught and their youth drained from them.
"Don't think too badly of us." Tamao said as she still had a grip on Denatsu. He turned his head to see that Tamao had the same fish like features as the other girls in the water. "We mermaids lure men to the water to take their life force after all." Tamao stated as her orange fish tail surfaced the water.
Monster Encyclopedia: Mermaid
Mermaids are a terrifying sea based monster. It is said that their very presence fortunes calamity at sea. Tales of these inauspicious creatures are well known among sailors. In some legends they entice male sea goers with their alluring looks and drag them down boats and all to the depths of the ocean.
"I've had my eye on you since the opening ceremony." Tamao stated hungrily. "You have an oddly delicious smelling scent and wanted a taste."
Denatsu noted that the other mermaid had finished of the other boys in the water and were now all circling him like sharks.
"Hey, don't hog him all to yourself!" One of the other mermaids cried out.
"Come on Tamao. I want a taste."
"Hay! Don't you lay a finger on him!" Kurumu shouted after noticing what was happening, and took to her succubus form and jumped into the pool.
"Hold on Denatsu!" Yukari shouted as she pulled out her wand and followed Kurumu. Leaving Moka at edge of the pool, forced to only watch.
"Leave him alone!" Moka pleaded.
Tamao just looked at Moka and grinned evilly. She used her tail to make a large splash of water which collided with Moka. When it made contact she screamed out in pain as blue electricity started sparking off her body.
"Ha-ha-ha-ha! So the rumors were true Miss Akashiya is a vampire." Tamao laughed, as she still had a hold on Denatsu who could only look in horror as Moka fell to the ground spazzing out in pain. "Well I think it's time I had lunch." Tamao stated as her jaws suddenly got wider and was about to bite down on Denatsu's neck. And by the look of all the sharp teeth this was going to hurt a lot worse than Moka.
'Crap!' Denatsu thought to himself. 'I can't use my electricity wale Kurumu and Yukari are still in the water!'
"I don't think so!" Kurumu had flown in from behind and did a nosedive kick to Tamao's back. This gave Denatsu the chance to get free. He turned around to see Kurumu restrain Tamao. "Go, I've got hold of her."
Once Denatsu had gotten away from the mermaid he turned back to Kurumu and Yukari. "Kurumu! Yukari! Get out of the water! I can handle this!"
"What are you saying?!" Yukari shouted back as she knocked out one of the mermaids with a golden pan. "Fighting mermaids in the water alone is almost impossible!"
Denatsu just smirked. "Remember these lizard men that attacked you?" Yukari nodded. "Now, how did I finish of the last one?"
Kurumu and Yukari's eyes widened in realization. They were preventing Denatsu from fighting by being in the water. Kurumu shot back into the air and plucked Yukari out of the pool as she went and landed next Moka on the shore. Once Yukari and Kurumu were out of the water Denatsu sighed in relief.
"And what are you so happy about?" Tamao questioned. "If you hadn't noticed your still in the water with no way out and fighting a mermaid in its home territory is suicide." She chuckled as the other mermaids slowly started to circle towards him like sharks.
Denatsu just smirked. "I guess you're right, in a fight you should always make the field of battle work to your advantage. So for a pathetic minnow like you this is the best location for most opponents."
"Minnow?" A vain started to throb on Tamaos forehead as she took the insult personally. "You'll pay for that!" Tamao was just about to order all of the other mermaids to attack when she saw something that made her and all of the other mermaids freeze in fear.
Denatsu had allowed his electricity to start sparking off his cheeks as he just kept smirking at them all. "But what if your opponent can turn the field to their advantage?" Denatsu asked mockingly.
"E- electricity?!" Tamao panicked. "You control electricity?!"
"Yep!" Denatsu answered with an exaggerated upbeat attitude. "I really don't know why a water type would be attracted to some thing like me but I guess that's your mistake." With that Denatsu stretched out his arm and started to form a ball of electricity in his hand as he hummed a happy tune but to the mermaids they were thinking it was rather demented.
"W-w-wait!" One of the mermaids shouted. "Can't we talk about this?!"
Denatsu turned to the mermaid and gave her quizzed looked. "What's there to talk about? You attacked me and my friends and now I'm going to fry you like fish sticks. Not much to really say about it."
"W-w-well we could let you go and y-y-you don't have to shock us."
Denatsu looked at the mermaid with blank look. "But that wouldn't be any fun." He said with a dark chuckle. With that he let the sphere of electricity drop in to the water. Every mermaid screamed out in pain as there skeletons stated flashing like an old 90's cartoon and after a few moment they were out cold.
"Well that was easy enough." He chuckled as he made his way towards the edge of the pool.
"I have you now!" came a voice from above.
Denatsu looked up to see Tamao descending towards him from the air. Apparently she had managed to thrust herself out of the water to avoid the electricity without him noticing. Denatsu frowned as he looked up at the descending mermaid.
"You really are a dumb fish." Denatsu said as he cocked his fist back and coated it with electricity. "Thunderpunch."
Tamao quickly realized her mistake. "Nononono! WAIT!" Tamao shouted out as she descended toward the electric mouse.
"As a good friend of mine once said, Know your place!" Denatsu threw his fist forward slamming into the mermaid's face and sending her flying out of the pool. "And that's that." He said as he made his way to the edge of the pool.
"Denatsu your ok!" Moka said cheerfully. If it wasn't for him still being so wet she would have run up and hugged the electric mouse in joy.
Denatsu just smiled. "Did you really think a few fish would be the end of me?" He asked as he dried himself off with a towel.
"That was amazing!" Kurumu cheered.
"Thanks but let's go before something else happens."
"Agreed." Yukari cimed.
Needless to say, none of them joined the Swimming Club after what the other club members tried to pull. So after Denatsu, Kurumu, Yukari got there regular close back on they made tracks.
One Hour Later
Class Room
Unfortunately, pretty much all of the other clubs were filled and the few that weren't were just full of a bunch weirdo's and pervs or were clubs they just really didn't want to join. So at the moment the group was contemplating what to do in their classroom.
"I guess there are no clubs for us to join." Kurumu sighed.
"I guess not." Denatsu sighed in agreement as he leaned back in his seat in boredrom. 'And that whole thing wasn't much of a fight either.'
"So what do we do now?" Yukari asked.
"Oh, there you all are." Came a voice.
Denatsu and the rest to turned to see Ms. Nekonome walk into the classroom. "Have any of you decided on a club you're going to join?"
"No, all of the clubs here really weren't for us." Denatsu answered.
"Well then how about joining the newspaper club?" Miss Nekenome asked. "All most all of the members graduated last year so the club is basically empty. And no one joined this year."
'What did you think was going to happen? You clawed one of your student's in front of the entire class.' Denatsu thought to himself. "Well that doesn't sound too bad I guess." Denatsu turned to his friend. "What do you think Moka?"
"Sound like a great idea." Moka replied.
"Hey hold on a minute! I want to join to!" Kurumu cried out. "If Denatsu's join this club so am I. I am not about let you steal him away Moka!"
"I want join to!" Yukari added.
"Terrific!" Ms. Nekenome cheered. "I finally got some more people to join! Talk about finding fresh blood."
"Speaking of fresh blood." Moka mumbled to herself as she snuck up behind Denatsu.
Denatsu easily heard what Moka said and swiftly turned around. "N-now Moka let's talk about this."
"But that wouldn't be any fun." Moka said in the same tone he used on the mermaids and with that Moka lunged at him embedding her fangs in his neck.
Well that's finally finished. Again sorry this chapter took me so long. School has been a real pain so I didn't get many opportunities to work on this. What's more I was really unmotivated to do this chapter. I didn't really like this episode in the anime or manga but by the time I realized that I really didn't want to do this chapter I was already half way done.
So that aside, I would like to thank Remited for the big idea he gave me for my story. Check his stories out, I personally think they're really good and would recommend his story Riolu Uprising might enjoy them too. So any way please review, follow or fav. my story.