In the process of being edited, let me know if I miss anything!

Slightly AU. Shiro is 18, Ichigo and gang are 19 yr old seniors

This fanfic takes place years after the manga ends. Sadly I own nothing :(

Any Constructive criticisms or tips would be highly appreciated

Ganta comes home from school on a gloomy Monday afternoon and goes to Shiro's room expecting to see her unconscious on the hospital bed like he has been since they escaped a few years back. Ganta feels panic rising as he rushes to the empty bed, He sees a folded note with his name on it.

"My Aceman,

Hi Ganta, it's me Shiro! Don't worry cuz I'm not here. I'm alright. But you should live for yourself and be happy. Maybe we'll see each other again soon

Love Shiro"

Ganta sniffles as he finishes the letter "shes gone...I need to find her before anything happens"

*with Shiro*

Shiro runs for what seems like forever but is actually only a few hours. She goes through a forest and ends up in a big town full of people. She wanders around in awe, staring at everything. She see a bus and hops on the back as it goes by. She climbs to the top and lays back, staring at the clouds. Within 20 minutes she falls asleep.

Shiro wakes up when the bus goes over a big bump. She looks around and notices that it's nighttime and the bus is pulling into a bus station. As it parks all the people leave the bus, she climbs down and makes sure no one sees her. As she walks into the station she bumps into a tall muscular man, the collision knocks her onto her bottom. She stares up at the man and giggles "oops! Sorry" said man nods "its okay" he then proceeds to offer her a hand to help her up. She happily takes his hand and smiles as she jumps up. "My names Shiro! What's yours? " He stares at the young woman and notices that she is wearing a pair of mens jeans and a sweater "Chad. Nice to meet you Shiro. "

"Chad? That's a nice name!" She giggles. "Where are we?" She tilts her head as she asks. "Karakura... are you lost? " Shiro put a finger on her lips as she pondered her answer "is it considered lost if you're going somewhere that's a surprise? " Chad stared at her, at a loss for words. "I'm not sure how to answer that one. " He responded. She giggled as if she won a game "Yay! I win! " she tapped her chin "do you know where I could stay? " Chad blinked, surprised at her childlike behavior. "You dont have a place to stay? " He asked. She shook her head. He stared at her

"I suppose you can stay with me."